On 1 May 1989, the regiment was withdrawn from the Combat Arms Regimental System and reorganized under the United States Army Regimental System. The monument to the 137th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment is southeast of Gettysburg on Culp's Hill. The 137th shared in all the marches and battles of the Atlanta campaign, and then marched with Sherman to the sea." 11 items. Some of these surrendered as a result of our speaking to them across the enemy lines by means of a loudspeaker, encouraging them to give up the fight. 16 JULY 1944 On Sunday, 16 July 1944, the battle slowed down considerably. Infantry - Lineage and Honors | U.S. Army Center of Military History 106 pages. [9] They assumed occupation duties in Germany until returning to the US,[10] and were inactivated on 5 December 1945 at Camp Breckinridge. Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., printers, 1902. After a day at the marshaling areas the regiment sailed, part from Plymouth, and part from Falmouth, on 6-7 July 1944, and landed on French soil at Omaha Beach near Colleville-sur-Mere on 7-8-9 July 1944. The regiment soon arrived in England on 25 May 1944, and then into the frontline in Normandy on 8 July 1944. In the center is a gold bar or baton. 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. The 20th Kansas was slated to take part in the Fifth Philippine Expedition on 27 October 1898, and 2nd and 3rd Battalions arrived in Manila on 5 December, and the 1st Battalion arrived on 6 December. Lo, then notified the artillery who demolished the building. This collection contains abstracts compiled from original muster rolls for New York State infantry units involved in the Civil War. In the second letter, he states that he does not want to leave Savannah, a beautiful city, but that he has been ordered into South Carolina; he also notes that the weather is more like a northern spring that winter (the letter was written in January). The following is taken fromNew York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. [2] The SpanishAmerican War officially ended on 10 December, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. In the month following their arrival the regiment was engaged in the midnight battle at Wauhatchie, where it lost 15 killed and 75 wounded; and, a few weeks later, fought with Hooker at Lookout mountain in the famous 'battle above the clouds;' casualties in that battle, 6 killed and 32 wounded. To : The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C. Thru: Command Channels. Son of Elias H. McNiel & Julia A. [5] Troops were recruited from all over Kansas. Located at the Neville Public Museum of Brown County, Green Bay, WI. The entire battalion was then able to advance. The Civil War Battle Unit Details Return to Results UNION NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS 137th Regiment, New York Infantry Overview: Organized at Binghamton, N. Y., and mustered in September 25, 1862. T. Ryan who served in Company L of the 137th Infantry Regiment. The 2nd Battalion on the right, received heavy shell fire and made no marked advance. The alphabetical listings on these web pages includes the soldier's Last Name, They were in the thick of fighting until 9 November when they were relieved. The baton was awarded to the City of Varennes when a young Lieutenant captured Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette at Varennes when they were attempting to escape from Paris during the French Revolution. [3] The regiment returned to Fort Riley and was mustered out on 30 October. They advanced on, and were the first to enter, Caloocan on 10 February. Enemy fire continued from the church north of St. Gilles, and at 1045 elements of the 1st Battalion stormed that stronghold and took it and the surrounding buildings. U.S., Colored Troops Military Service Records, 1863-1865 - Ancestry The Alabama militia was called the Alabama Volunteer Guard. Contributing to the success of the regiment in its initial operation was the smooth handling of supplies of all classes. The Battalion was sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and then to the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California for pre-deployment training. West, Samuel. 6 enemy prisoners were taken. C Company (mechanized infantry): Wichita. After being held up in the early part of the day, the 2nd Battalion broke through for a gain of 500 years. Casualties in the regiment totaled 127. - Silver Star Medal; SWA - Seriously Wounded in Action; WIA - Wounded in Action. Located at the Georgia Historical Society. Between 8 and 27 June of that year, it also provided riot control during labor troubles at copper mines in Baxter Springs. After being pinned down by deadly machine gun fire for over two hours, Lieutenant Simpson saw his opportunity when an artillery barrage forced the German machine gunner to take cover for a brief instant. These two members of Company A observed a disabled tank in an area in which they knew an artillery barrage was due to fall. Albany: J. The Germans, in their rapid withdrawal, left behind great quantities of weapons, ammunition and assorted materiel. Letters sent to Jennings' sister regarding his experiences of military life. At 1500 10 July 1944, the Division order was issued, and at 1700 Colonel Grant Layng issued to the 137th Infantry Officers Field Order No. This Regiment is a composite organization made np largely out of two . Colonel Alexander, 1st Battalion Commander, was wounded and Lt Colonel Stowers assumed command of the battalion. Army. front., plates, ports., maps (part fold.) On this day also the Corps Commander issued a commendation for the fine showing of the 35th Division in their part of the operation. In December, 1864, a company of recruits, mustered in for one year, joined the regiment at Savannah, Ga., and became Company L. Tune 8, 1865, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the I02d Infantry. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Fennell, Charles C.The attack and defense of Culp's Hill : Greene's Brigade at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. (Letters, Jan 6 & Dec 28, 1863, presumably from Burtis J. Bayless). D Company was formed in 1922, entirely from American Indian personnel at Haskell Indian College in Topeka. The 137th force had encountered a fortified church on Highway 3, north of St. Gilles, and for most of the morning were pinned down by heavy machine gun, mortar and artillery fire. The units operated the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the Army's main battle tank, the M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams.[12]. Fifth Maine Battery. for Smithtown, 1890. Heavy fighting in Luxembourg and Belgium saw the 137th suffer heavy casualties, but they beat back the enemy wherever they met them. Cousin, Abram. The Division objective at this time was the high ground east and north of Torigni sur Vire. 27 JULY 1944 On 27 July the 1st Battalion was attached to the 134th Infantry, and that regiment attacked at 1000. It was part of the Kansas Army National Guard and has served with distinction in the Philippine Insurrection, World War I, and World War II. Throughout the day the regiment was subjected to heavy machine gun and mortar fire from well dug-in positions, and from 88mm and 150mm artillery fire from the rear. Colonel Wilson, commander of the supporting 219th Field Artillery Battalion, and Captain Kerr, artillery liaison officer, were killed, and the first platoon of Company G suffered heavy casualties. The 2nd Battalion on their left, was held up by a machine gun strong point near la Capelle until 1435. The gallant defense of Culp's hill by Greene's brigade, and the terrible execution inflicted by its musketry on the assaulting column of the enemy, form one of the most noteworthy incidents of the war. Staff Sergeant Walter J. It brought 456 men to the field. D-Day and Battle of Normandy media library: archives photos and videos, Souvenir shop featuring t-shirts, caps, mugs, models or posters inspired by D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, D-Day Overlord - Marc Laurenceau 2003-2023. Forty-seven prisoners were taken during the day. Jennings, Hudson. With the tempo of the battle decreasing, acts of heroism and miraculous achievements by individuals and units of the 137th Infantry began to come to light. 137th New York Infantry Regiment - Wikipedia In 1954, the 137th Infantry Regiment was part of the 35th Infantry Division. Visibility was poor, and aerial support was called off, but the artillery support remained excellent. ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS. DUC/PUC (Army) 18-21 nov 44 (3rd Bn, 137th inf cit WD GO 11 1946), DUC/PUC (Army) 10 dec 44 (F Co, 137th inf cite WD GO 20 1946), 23 December 1940 inducted into federal service at Wichita Kansas assigned to the 35th Division and moved to Camp Joseph T. Robinson Arkansas 7 January 1941, Transferred to Fort Ord California 23 December 1941 and to the Presidio of San Francisco California 14 Jan 1942, Sent to Long Beach California 23 April 1942 and to Camp San Luis Obispo California 2 February 1943, Relocated to Camp Rucker Alabama 31 March 1943 and to the Tennessee Manoeuvre area 17 November 1943, Arrived at Camp Butner North Carolina 21 January 1944 and staged at Camp Kilmer New Jersey 3 May 44 until departed New York P/E 12 May 1944, Arrived England 25 May 1944 and landed in France 8 July 1944 (attached to 4th Armoured Div 20-24 August 1944), Entered Germany 18 November 1944 and crossed into Belgium 27 December 1944, Returned to France 18 January 1945 and re-entered Germany 5 February 1945, Crossed into Holland 23 February 1945 and returned to Germany 26 February 1945 (attached 30th Infantry Division 14 April 1945 only). No large gains were made by any battalion during the day. Col. Ireland succumbed to disease at Atlanta, and Col. Van Voorhes succeeded to the command. Another Montana officer, 1st Lieutenant Sidney K. Strong of St. Ignatius, the Executive Officer of Company A, assumed command of a provisional platoon on 13 July and carried out an attack upon a position where all previous attacks had failed. 137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas) Organized 17 May 1879 from existing companies in the Kansas Volunteer Militia as the 1st Infantry Regiment (Kansas Volunteer Militia redesignated 7. On 20 July, Company C put on a successful raid of its own against the enemy. On this day our losses were 9 killed, 11 wounded and 1 missing. The 137th Infantry left its England stations at Bodmin and Newquay on 4 July 1944. This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 10:06. That night, at 2000, Colonel Harold R. Emery reported and assumed command. The 37th was broken up on 11 June 1918, when Division HQ, HQ Troop, the 134th Machine Gun Battalion and 137th Infantry Brigade began a move to the Port of Embarkation at Hoboken, New Jersey. On 24 April, the 20th Kansas was involved in the advance against Calumpit, and in the next month, against San Thomas. Lt. Garthwaite and Lt. Kennedy were killed. Col. Greene's speech before the McClellan Club of Ward eleven, Boston, October 28, 1864. John W. Leedy, the governor of Kansas, issued a call for volunteers to fight in the SpanishAmerican War on 26 April 1898, as soon as war was declared. 25 September found the 137th Infantry in position facing Vauquois Hill, an impregnable natural fortress the Germans had held over four years. To: The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C. of the enrollment; 4 officers and 167 men died of disease, accidents, and all other causes, a total of 294. The Sergeant then blasted out the remaining nests and his platoon was able to advance. Working on the front lines, and not waiting for the enemy fire to cease before going to the soldiers assistance, these men are subjected to every hazard of the Infantryman. Heavy enemy mortar and artillery fire continued, and snipers were active. The Germans launched Operation Lttich, a counterattack against Mortain, to contain the Allied breakout from Normandy, and they met heavy opposition from the American forces. On the 21st, 2 German soldiers swam the river to give themselves up, and on the 22nd another prisoner was taken. CLICK HERE to download a copy of the 137th Infantry "137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas) Lineage and Honors", "A History of the 137th Infantry: An All-Kansas National Guard Regiment:: 35th and 89th Division World War I Unit Histories", "Combat History of the 137th Infantry Regiment WWII", "Kansas Adjutant General's Department 2137th Combined Arms Battalion", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=137th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)&oldid=1138303167, Infantry regiments of the United States Army National Guard, Infantry regiments of the United States Army, Military units and formations established in 1879, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 00:00. In the first letter, Scofield describes his march from Atlanta to Savannah and remarks on the kindness of the residents of Savannah. Tank support was of considerable help in our advance, and artillery support, though not as heavy as the first week, remained good. 44-50. Forwarded in compliance with provisions of paragraph 1, letter Headquarters FUSA, 13 July 1944, 319.1/401 (C), subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. On 12 July, after his Platoon Leader had been killed, Sergeant Gonzales took command of the platoon, which had been under heavy mortar and machine gun fire. Aside from artillery and mortar fire the 137th Infantry encountered no enemy action from 20 to 23 July. Welman, Lysander. Although continued German fire prevented his evacuation from that area until the following day, Lieutenant Guinessy was still alive when finally evacuated. 137th Infantry Regiment 138th Infantry Regiment 129th Machine Gun Battalion 70th Brigade Infantry 139th Infantry Regiment 140th Infantry Regiment 130th Machine Gun Battalion 60th Brigade Field Artillery 128th Field Artillery Regiment 129th Field Artillery Regiment 130th Field Artillery Regiment 110th Trench Mortar Battery Engineer Troops 110th Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Eggleston, Amb. The 3rd Battalion was held up by machine gun, mortar and artillery fire north of les Fontaines, about 1500 yards south of Conde sur Vire, at 0930, but had pushed on to the bridge 500 yards south of les Fontaines by noon. It left on the 27th, 1,007 strong, for Harper's Ferry, and was there assigned to the 3d brigade, 2nd (Geary's) division,the "White Star" division12th corps, to which it was attached throughout the whole period of its active service. Company C encountered an enemy patrol, which was driven off, in the first actual contact with the enemy. The Department of Defense, Office of Heraldry later passed a rule that there could be no changes made to insignia after World War II. and 2nd Battalions moved into positions to relieve elements of the 119th Infantry (30th Division) even before the regiment cleared the debarkation point in its entirety. The order called for an attack at 0600 the following morning, 11 July 1944, on German positions from the La Vira river near St. Gilles, extending southwest through la Pte Ferme toward le Carillon. With the attack scarcely begun, Colonel Layng was wounded in the face and leg by machine gun fire at 0715. Lo, Company K pushed forward to the road at 0910, but was held up there by machine gun fire. Spreadsheet. "137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers." The casualties suffered by a typical American infantry regiment serving in World War II were horrendous. Private Robert G. Reason and Pfc Robert Waugh were wounded at the same time. A Paper Prepared and Read before theMassachusetts Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, (MOLLUS) February 10, 1891. The loudspeaker method of contacting the enemy troops was again used, and 25 prisoners were taken. The 137th New York Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The first enemy prisoners captured indicated that the Division was facing elements of the 897th, 898th and 899th Infantry regiments, and composing the Kampt Gruppe Kentner (combat team commanded by Colonel General Kentner). Compared to this, our own morale remained excellent. The total number of killed and wounded was 490. At the bottom are crossed, golden bolos representing service of the 20th Kansas in The Philippine War. Light artillery fire on our positions was reported. Feel free to view examples of morning reports and rosters below. Some of the prisoners reported that many German soldiers wanted to surrender, but were being closely watched by officers and non-commissioned officers. 137th Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia 20-23 JULY 1944 On 20 July the 1st and 3rd Battalions strengthened their positions north of the river, with the 2nd Battalion in a reserve status. It represents the baton of a marshal of France. Infantry Unit Rosters and Unit Photos - WorldWarTwoVeterans.com Its regimental motto is Cargoneek Guyoxim, which is Chippewa Indian for "Always Ready." The 147th Infantry Regiment . The 137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas) [1] was an infantry regiment of the United States Army. Callendar based on the book "35th Infantry Division Roster POE to POE". [2] On 31 March, the regiment entered Malolos, the capital of the First Philippine Republic. Company C encountered some machine gun fire, and called for Tank Destroyers to take out blockhouses, which they spotted. The 3rd Battalion, on the right, had established contact with forces on the strongly held road junction of Highways 2 and 3. Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs; About Us; 137th Infantry Regiment, 137th Infantry Regiment, Back to the 35th Infantry Division. The 2nd Battalion was in reserve. The weather remained cloudy, with intermittent showers. [2] On 16 May, the regiment left for Camp Merritt, California, and due to disease, the regiment was forced to relocate to Camp Merriam, just north of the Presidio of San Francisco on 5 August. 30th anniversary, 1863-1893, souvenir of the reunion, July 1st to 3rd, 1893, of Greene's Brigade : 3rd Brigade, 2nd Div., 12th Corps, the 60th, 78th, 102nd, 137th, and 149th N.Y. Vols. The 3rd Battalion moved 500 yards before being held up by machine gun fire. Bayless family. Originally transcribed by Bruce Bayless in 1970-71 However, the 134th Infantry, which had started the week as Corps reserve, had relieved elements of the 29th Division and of the 320th Infantry in the only major shift of units. The casualties were particularly costly in that Capt Orren L. Biesterfeld, 1st Lt. Ralph H. Johnson and 1st Lt. John T. Graham Jr. were killed. All elements were encountering heavy minefields and 88mm fire. The diary resumes on 26 June 1864 as Willson's regiment prepared to move on Confederate positions guarding the approaches to Atlanta through their subsequent capture of the city. Golf Co 106th Forward Support Company: Manhattan. Letter written at camp near Aquia Creek, Virginia that contains news about Company I in the aftermath of the battle at Chancellorsville, Virginia. 1 folder. Recruited in the . Located at the Smithtown Historical Society, Smithtown, NY. Located at Duke University. A folder of laid-in material from the second diary consists of numerous receipts for the shipment of bodies home from the front, regimental record notes, and an original hand signed battle report by Col. Abel Goddard, 60th New York Infantry, for his regiment's part in the battle of Resaca, Ga., on 15 May 1864. 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division - nautilusva.com No men were killed on this day, but 5 men were wounded. "35thInfantryDivision-memory.com" 2010-2023 The contents of this site and the images belong to their respective owners. [1] The regiment was headquartered at Horton. An additional 11 enlisted men died of wounds received in battle. 137th Infantry Regiment - August 1944 After Action Reports 35th (US) Infantry Division - Battle of Normandy Headquarters 137th Infantry Regiment APO #35, New York 31 August 1944 Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. FORT RILEY, Kan. - The Kansas Army National Guard's 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment, "First Kansas," redesignated as the 1st Battalion, 635th Armor Regiment during a virtual ceremony Oct. 17. 106th Field Artillery Regiment, (155mm Tk Drawn) New York National Guard. 137th Infantry Regiment :: New York State Military Museum and Veterans On Tuesday, 2nd Lt. Eugene A. Kay of 2504 East 28th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, was shot down near Rampan, and wounds suffered by 2nd Lt. John Matraszek of 3013 Richmond Street, Philadelphia proved fatal. The Crest and motto were approved December 8, 1930. 137th Infantry Regiment | Lineage and Honors | U.S. Army Center of Papers, 1860-1864. Westminster, Md. Additional recruits came from Topeka and Cottonwood Falls. Eight of the enemy were killed, twelve taken prisoner, and a large amount of enemy materiel captured. 12 JULY 1944 The regiment again attacked at 0800 on 12 July 1944, with 2nd and 3rd Battalions in the leading echelon. He also discussed the fate of fellow soldier, William E. Hopkins, who was captured in action at Chancellorsville. of Infantry. Willson's terse entries describe his final days at Canton, N.Y., recuperating from a wound he received at Chancellorsville up to his reunion with the 60th New York Infantry in northern Virginia on 11 July 1863. Frederick Phisterer. The regiment continued on through the Allied breakout and pushed east to the city of Orlans and then onto Nancy which they captured after heavy resistance. Doughboy Center: 147th Infantry, 37th Division, AEF - WORLDWAR1.com The 30th Division remained on the right. The 2nd Infantry Division was now on the left of the 35th, with the 29th Division as Corps reserve. The regimental I & R Platoon had been given its first full mission on this operation, and first encountered enemy machine gun fire south of Conde sur Vire. Letter, 1863 May 23. 8 items. On the left of the 35th Division was the 29th Division. During the night of 11 July 1944, the 1st and 2nd Battalions were in position for the attack, with Company G in reserve. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 1,095 men on its roster for this unit. 53rd Regiment Infantry. Many of the wounded had returned to duty, and these and new replacements totaled 826. The unit arrived in Djibouti, Africa in May 2010 under United States Africa Command tasked with providing force protection to Camp Lemonnier and Combined Joint Task Force-Africa. [1] They subsequently set sail for Europe, entering the frontline on 18 June 1918. 137th PA Regiment Organization, Service & Battles Organization Organized at Harrisburg August 25, 1862, and ordered to Washington, D.C. Regiment database in Excel file format. [Trenton, NJ : Xlibris Corp.], 2004, 343 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. [1] The regiment was assigned to the 35th Infantry Division, just as it had been during World War I, and was sent to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, near Little Rock, Arkansas. rank, Army Serial Number, and medals and awards earned by the soldier. [1] After receiving enemy bombing during the night, the regiment attacked in column of battalions at 0618, with the 3rd Battalion leading and the 1st following at 300 yards. The Division consisted of the 69th and 70th Infantry Brigades, composed of the 137th, 138th Infantry, with the 129th Machine Gun Battalion; and the 139th and 140th Infantry, and the 130th Machine Gun Battalion; all of the 60th Field Artillery Brigade, which was composed of the 128th, 129th and 130th Field Artillery. The 1st Battalion remained in Division reserve. Fennell, Charles C.Battle for the barb :the attack and defense of Culp's Hill on July 2, 1863. German prisoners also reported their morale as very low, due to continued artillery pounding and their own lack of supplies and replacements. A short history and illustrated roster of the 112th infantry, army of HISTORY OF THE 112th INFANTRY This book contains the photographs of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Infantry. Infantry - 137th-138th Infantry - 140th-156th Infantry - Garrison Guards Camp Carrington Iowa Artillery - Light Artillery Cavalry - 1st-9th Infantry - 2d-4th Infantry - 6th-34th Infantry - 34th and 38th Infantry - 35th-40th Infantry - 45th Kansas Artillery - Light Artillery Artillery - Blair's Battery Cavalry - 2d Cavalry - 5th-7th Cavalry - 9th Textual Records: Regimental, battalion, company, and detachment records, including letters sent and received, correspondence, issuances, rosters, casualty and descriptive lists, descriptive books, and histories, of the 11th Infantry Regiment, 1861-69; 12th Infantry Regiment, 1861-1912; 13th Infantry Regiment, 1861- 1915; 14th Infantry Regiment, However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. The 2nd Battalion operating in the vicinity of le Carrillon, advanced 600 yards at one point. For almost an hour he directed the fire, until the enemy emplacements were neutralized. : War of the Rebellion. General accounts of Deputy Quartermaster Frederick Foering and paymaster accounts of various companies, brigades, and regiments. 54th Regiment Infantry (3 months) 54th Regiment Infantry (1 year) 55th Regiment Infantry. On the 16th, 5 men were killed, 23 wounded and 2 missing in action. Battle Unit Details - The Civil War (U.S. National Park Service) The 137th continued to advance through the heavy fighting, alongside the 134th Infantry Regiment, and pushed the enemy back, south and east from Saint-L. 137th New York Infantry Regiment - The Civil War in the East The 3rd Battalion pushed on to Highway 3 southwest of St. Gilles, where they were held up by machine gun fire, mines and booby traps. The 137th fought here from 713 August, and they suffered 23 killed, 140 wounded, and 40 missing in action. In memoriam :George Sears Greene, brevet major-general, United States volunteers, 1801-1899. The 2nd Division on the left of the 35th Division, and the 30th Division on the right, continued the attack as the V Corps drove south and east from St. The regiment maintained contact with the retreating enemy, and prepared to resume the attack at 0530 the following morning, August 1. Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections. Thru: Command Channels. A History of the 137th Infantry: An All-Kansas National Guard Regiment: Collection Name: World War I Unit Histories: Subject.LCSH: World War, 1914-1918 -- Regimental histories; United States. B. Lyon Company, 1912. -- Age, 24 years. Research a World War I Veteran (WWI WW1) - Golden Arrow Research It includes personnel lists for the following; 35th Division Commanding Officers; 134th, 137th, and 320th Infantry Regiments; 60th Engineer Combat Battalion; 127th, 216th, and 219th Field Artillery Battalions; 35th Infantry Division Headquarters Company; 35th Recconnaissance Troop; and the 35th Quartermaster Company. Company A - Many men were recruited in Wayne County - See Roster, Company B - Many men were recruited in Crawford County - See Roster, Company C - Many men were recruited in Clinton County - See Roster, Company D - Many men were recruited in Butler County - See Roster, Company E - Many men were recruited in Clinton County - See Roster, Company F - Many men were recruited in Butler County - See Roster, Company G - Many men were recruited in Butler County - See Roster, Company H - Many men were recruited in Clinton County - See Roster, Company I - Many men were recruited in Bradford County - See Roster, Company K - Many men were recruited in Schuylkill County - See Roster. In the early morning, both the 1st and 2nd Battalions received enemy mortar fire.

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