You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. Whips are really weak compared to other martial weapons and I'm trying to balance things out a bit using the ideas and mechanics behind of the "Revenant Blade" and the "Polearm Master" feats. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? You gain the following benefits: Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you score a critical hit with a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, if the target is a Large-sized creature or smaller, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Spell Sniper Feat Guide 5e: 29 Spells You Can Supercharge of movement while imposing therestrained condition on an enemy that they could still hit with a one-handed weapon. Whip Mastery Feat : r/UnearthedArcana - reddit Dont miss the latest epic adventure by Hipsters & Dragons! I may combine this with Halfling Paladin riding a war dog (love the idea of a tiny dude on a dog with a lance). You gain proficiency in the whip. The grapple is uncontested, meaning that the whip user simply needs to beat the target's AC. Whip Ranger build? - Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ok, yeah I think your version is pretty good and seems more realistic too. Mostly I wanted to reflect the versatility of swords in combat they dont hit as hard as a top heavy axe or mace, but they are faster to swing, easier to parry and counter with, and they are sharp all over. Illusion cantrip. You also cannot attack a creature that is grappling you when you weild a polearm with the Heavy, Reach and Two-handed properties against creatures within 5ft of you. Compendium. I took inspiration from theOld School version of the Abyssal Whip for this interpretation. With that being said, lets make a feat to give a whip wieldersome tools to provide this type of crowd control using a whip. I still don't think it would be on the power level of GWM or polearm master, but it would be viable by default and good with the feat instead of bad without and only viable with the feat. If you enjoyed what you read be sure to check out my ongoing review for all of the official D&D 5e books! as theres nothing in RAW to stop players taking two short rests in a row (no doubt this is what led to those weird healing rules, I dont like much!). Short Blades Master: It makes a dagger specialist a lot more viable. You may want to discuss in greater detail that the ASI does not really synergize well with what the player wants to do. I rarely see them used which is a shame for a weapon with so much flavor. Dont be giving me none of your house rules. Ive combined the two into one feat, but not wanting to throw Defensive Duellist on the scrap heap, Ive brewed in an integration of DD that really gets this feat combo purring with more frequent ripostes. You know who doesnt have proficiency with whips? Design Notes: Obviously this is a doubled up version of Martial Adept, with the justification that its limited to only two weapons and you cant choose every single maneuver available (plus Martial Adept is not that good, so we can afford to take a liberty here!). Hilariously though, youd be better off wielding a dagger since it has a 20 ft. thrown range compared to the whips 10 ft. reach. Be a Bugbear for even more fun with reach (though doesn't apply to AoOs, sadly). Stacking hexblade (cha to damage), thirsty blade (+cha with your hex weapon), oathbreaker paladin's aura of hatred (+cha to weapon), and dueling fighting style (+2 to damage)can make any weapon pretty fierce +17 flat damage is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you start eldritch or divine smiting on top of that. The whip wouldnt replace a dagger for rogues either. So I didnt quite get around to sickle, trident and war pick, nor blow gun, darts, net or sling, but between the martial feats in the Players Handbook and these, I think 95% of peoples weapon fantasies should be covered by now! Feats. Whips are practically made for rogues. STR-based Bear Totem with Sentinel, presumably? Also available on Fantasy Grounds. A tentacle of semi-solid shadow lashes out at a target within range. A +1 modifier seems fair considering how many people or monsters youre able to charm with a fully-chargedSuccubis Toy. A die is expended when you use it. Instead, we could create a proper niche for the weapon so that martial classes, in general, might consider it. dnd 5e - Is this homebrew Whip Specialist Fighting Style balanced Yet, so many rogues already use bows or crossbows which gives them even more distance between the enemy compared to a whip. I had considered that, but with Whips being a finesse weapon, it seemed like enough of a bonus to be worthwhile. But they're good for DEX Paladins since they're melee weapons (so you can still smite with them, without being right next to someone), or for Rangers for stacking Hunter's Mark and subclass damage dice (maybe with the Dual Wielder feat). Design Notes: For ages Ive been debating how to get across (what I see as) the flails main advantage, the ability to strike over or around a shield. You were a real god of the schoolyard if you had one of these babies back in Middle School. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? You've practiced casting spells amid combat, learning techniques that grant you the following advantages: You have an edge on Constitution saving throws that you make to keep your concentration on a spell once you take damage. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Polearm Master, both pre and post errata, includes the quarterstaff which can be wielded one handed. This is a heavy chain sort of likeVampire Killer, but it has a bit more weight to it. While you are wielding a whip, other creatures within your whip reach provoke an opportunity attack from you when they stand up from prone while within reach of your weapon. +17 flat damage is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you start eldritch or divine smiting on top of that. One of the finest adventures on the Guild!. But I think DMs can make a call about whether this extended range would include those extras. Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. ), @NautArch That's correct. Didn't think of Hunters Mark, I'll look into that as well. Design Notes: When trying to build an Indiana Jones character for a Tomb of Annihilation campaign, I realised IJ was a rogue and rogues dont have proficiency in whips, hence I had to build that into the feat. Tags: Damage Control Combat Basic Rules No, it was for Nicholas Cage. We'll break down the rules interactions for this potent feat, and why it's the favourite pic Shop the Dungeon Dudes store. - ranged "grapple" and then attack? Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table if you are going to be using . Components: V, S, M (area of dim light or darkness). Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel: Review & Ratings! As-is a whip is basically just a dagger that deals slashing damage and has a 10 ft. reach. Spear Master if you check my design notes here, youll see Ive covered this point. You may use a bonus action to wrap your whip around a beam, branch or similar object within range and swing up to 10 feet. If we give rogues proficiency with whips the weapon now has a niche. (i.e. A Gladiator feat that combines trident and net would be really cool! Benefit: You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking with a whip. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Feat: Dual Wielder And proceeding to wield the whip in one hand and in the other a dagger for throwing (I can draw + chuck + draw + chuck in one turn thanks to DW feat), offhand attacks in melee, and proccing spells like Hail of Thorns, Conjure Barrage, and Lightning Arrow. But since the whip is pretty weak on its own, Id say it is balanced. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). Oh I just had a great idea. I am newbie to DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, And learning as many stuff i can learn about this sensation. Monk Weapons 5e: A Comprehensive Guide - Maybe I'm missing something, but it felt redundant. Would you use them in your game? Its a shame that theyre so mechanically lacking in D&D 5e. I built it this way, so you dont have to take DD at all, or at least you dont have to take it first. Sure its a one-handed reach weapon, but quite frankly the benefits of the whip dont outweigh the benefits of most of the other weapons you could pick from as a martial front-line character. Flail Master hmmm, yes now Im tempted to make it once per Attack action too. The failure of my new weapon properties to excite the D&D masses left with me a problem, as I still want my weapon choice to mean something it drives me a little crazy that wielding a mace in Dungeons & Dragons is almost identical to wielding a quarterstaff, shortsword, scimitar or spear. Thorn Whip 5E is a cantrip, so it can be cast at first level by a spellcaster that has access to Druid spells. ;). Snap up this epic adventure on the DMs Guild for just $10. Giving rogues the ability to use whips gives the weapon a niche without changing anything mechanically. -Push/Pull/Bind: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or is moved 5/bound until player releases or Dex Vs Dex contest succeeds . This is the main reason why I created the feat. It just doesn't ring true to me. Anyhow, if you like 75% of what Im doing here (Im not expecting us to agree on everything! But I thought it would be easier to just give the option to use Acrobatics. But certainly there are some good ideas in the mix, so go read. It's completely fine and opens up a nich. Shadow Whip - 5th Edition SRD War caster 5e feat cantrip dnd | Combining Warlock features & Whip However, whips are not poorly-balanced. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The main problem with whips (beyond the low damage die) is that they don't get to benefit from the Polearm Master feat like other reach weapons, which then chains into the Sentinel feat combo. That goes double for any new whips since Im sure I missed out on creating a few iconic ones. Those medieval headsmen chose axes for a reason, right? I think it depends whether "optimizing a whip" means taking the whip as a given and trying to build the most effective character within that set of constraints, or whether it means "finding a niche where using a whip is better than other available weapon choices". You must use the new roll, even if it is a 1 or a 2. So, the crowd control portion of Whip Master is inferior to the crowd control portion of Sentinel. Weapons - DND 5th Edition - Wikidot Rogues and Monks both can use bows. Same goes for Great Weapon Master. Today. The aura extends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. I may well come and finish the job over time. bugbear Gloom Stalker ranger with duelist as the weapon style. Castlevania's Simon Belmont is an iconic protagonist who can be turned into a versatile slayer of the undead using Dungeons & Dragons' rules. Youre probably right about darts and slings and blow gun maybe relies more on a Poison Kit proficiency anyway. I love all the weapons in the book, but honestly, I cant get enough of the weapons generator. Range: 30 feet. Want a Rogue with a pirate theme that has a bird on the shoulder? It's the only 1 handed reach weapon so it can be used with a shield, which others can't - useful for front line non-tank. Trip Attack 3. More than just a combat-focused adventure, Dragonbowl is a Bacchanalian-style festival with its own economy and ecology.. Taking a look at the whips mechanics we can clearly see that theres a niche carved out for the whip. Hopefully these feats can prove the elegant solution that achieves my goal (and those who share my passion for weapons!) I think Id edit Polearm Master so that (at least) the extra attack requires wielding the weapon two-handed, and have Spear Master require wielding handed. Feats 5e This online application will allow you to list and filter all the DnD 5e Feats with severals options. People start with the viewpoint that the official rules are the word of God, and anything you do to try to fix/improve them is tantamount to heresy to the extent that sometimes impressive feats of mental agility are performed to defend their flaws and foibles (D&D shouldnt try to be realistic, its perfectly balanced, its not balanced, but its better that way whatever serves the argument basically. @jgn A campaign where one of my players wants to use a whip all the time. This feat seems to be generally on par with one of the other big melee, crowd control feats: Sentinel. The druid's other cantrip with ranged damage capability, Produce Flame, does 1d8 damage (and increasing according to the same level progression as Thorn Whip) at the same range. Id lump the war pick in with the warhammer historically most warhammers comnbined a flat bludgeoning face and a vicious spike. Spear Master: Im not sure this is necessary as Polearm Master has been erratad to include the spear. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. My first idea was to use this: "Similarly, when your half-orc barbarian uses a display of raw strength to intimidate an enemy, your DM might ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (your choice). I'm going to make thisway harderthan itneeds to be. Sword Master: Id have it make all swords (short, long, great) finesse weapons for the character, making all swords not just the rapier, good primary weapons for Dexterity based martial classes. They can use this action to Dash, Attack (one weapon attack only), Hide, and Disengage. Sword Master I did actually think of making a longsword only feat that offered it the finesse quality. in the Players Handbook, as an optional way of making your weapon choice mean something? Is this homebrew Whip Specialist Fighting Style balanced? You gain one superiority dice, which is a d6. ThinkDM has a great article ongrapplingin 5th edition and how the base grappling feat is weak, so with that in mind, I wanted to make sure that the whips grapple wouldnt have the same fate. When you have advantage on a melee attack roll, and you hit, you can reroll 1s and 2s on your damage dice. *Plus Blinding Attack and Disabling Attack from this list. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a rapier or scimitar: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Tripping Attack, Brace (UA)*. When you score a critical hit with a morningstar, you roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the damage. Search by name on the left, click feat name to display on the right. Each foot you swing costs one foot of movement. Anyway, I'm already working on a new version that doesn't use the word "shove" and instead works with the idea of a Special Attack, just like the text about "Shoving a Creature" and "Grappling" do . A class without access to other reach weapons now has one that they can rely upon. ), Id LOVE for you to become a subscriber (see sidebar) or to stay in touch via Facebook or even share this blog with some of your D&D-loving friends it would motivate me to keep investing time in this little blog, and give you guys a bit of extra D&D reading once or twice a month. While I primarily had rogues in mind for the feat, a monk can replace the daggers paltry d4 with their Martial Arts die bringing this back to a ninja-style shuriken master! The problem? Let me know your thoughts in the comments are two superiority dice per rest any more powerful than Polearm Master feat? I actually like it. A feat makes it a) optional, b) an investment and c) makes a characterbetter at something theyre already doing. In fact, its probably one of the cooler uses of a whip. The final ability you get is very situational, though could potentially be cool. Btw, did you mean to post the comment here, on my dedicated PAM article? Better than absorbing damage is preventing it all together. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Sentinel gives the following as one of its three bonuses: When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creatures speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. When you use the Attack action to attack with a one-handed weapon, and you are holding nothing in your other hand, you may use a bonus action to either make an additional melee weapon attack, or to make an attack with your free hand (either unarmed strike or grapple attack). (My rent-paying projects all involve tourism so Ive basically been unemployed since March. Once the creature has been grabbed, you can move in a direction opposite it and drag it with you at half your speed unless it is two or more sizes smaller. But thats less fun! Thrown Weapon Master - ThinkDM If you are already proficient with a whip you gain a +2 bonus to your attack rolls with a whip. A succubus is a creature that can deal some damage, but use its demonic powers to infatuate a target to the point of incapacitation. Feats are little add ons that add curated complexity to a narrow niche within the game, and we can usually trust the player with the feat to deal with them, meaning the rules burden for the rest of the gaming table is very light indeed. And halving damage is something we should be used to with Dexterity saving throws etc.. What I like about it is that clerics often fight with blunt weapons and this pairs well with the war clerics Divine Strike ability, or even the paladins Divine Smite (my intention is that damage dice from divine powers would do full damage. Both weapons keep their identity and usefulness in a rogues arsenal. Will my Beast Barbarian/Soulknife Rogue be viable in a 1-20 campaign? They can still be good for DEX Fighters, though, and you can use them with the Defensive Duelist feat, as well as Elven Accuracy. I feel like a good quick balance to the whip would to make it 2d4, makes it a lot more viable and wanted given that the min damage is 2. On a successful check, the creature cannot move away from you. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with whips. But thats all I can say for now. Menu. Use the D&D 5e whip feat created by Dungeon Solvers to give characters the ability to trip and grapple their opponents using a whip! The "+1" is just a joke with the fact that there are a lot of whip homebrew feat out there. Thorn Whip 5E - Cantrip - A Complete Spell Guide - Dnding If so, it seems pretty solid. You don't actually state this, but are they not under the Grappled condition because they can choose move closer to you? I mean, its canon, I couldnt resist. They are a finesse weapon withreach. Im considering ruling that the spear is a always a reach weapon (without requiring a feat) as this reflects real world usage both single and dual handed. You gain 1 superiority die (1d6) to perform these maneuvers, which you regain at the end of a short or long rest. Something must be done to right this wrong, and Im just the person to do it. Flail Master: I like the disregard shield bonus once per round mechanic. Design Notes: Critics will say the miss by 1 is fiddly, but when youre that close to hitting you always do the maths, so you know. Thanks everyone. I'm already working on a new version very similar to the one you suggested! -Damage: 1D4, Roll of 19 or above (Apply Damage to any action): Not bad. And sometime in 2020 Im going to be publishing a sequel to Dragon Heist that I think is going to blow your mind! Not super important because you can have the attack cantrips from Warlock, but not something to ignore. First of all, whips arent light weapons. My first attempt at this feat offered a +2 bonus to attack, but really, when playing a knife thrower, the fantasy is all about making as many attacks as possible like this guy.

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