Well Ive known about them for months and theyve had no qualms being affectionate in front of me. Deborah chimed in. Dont do that. Dont embarrass the poor girl, Teddy Bear.. Well shes traded up. Rebecca smirked and Teds eyebrows raised, amused. Oh my god, this is the best christmas tree ever! Henry exclaimed, dropping down on his knees before the large tree in Rebeccas living room, his eyes scanning over the stickers on each of the presents. What about Elton John? Five year old Jones declared it the best Christmas ever as he dropped down into his seat between his Grandmother and Catherine, and seven year old Jefferson disputed his claim with the one christmas they went to Disneyland. When Ted stopped spinning and turned towards the doors, Rebecca noticed a stately looking woman in a soft grey trench coat with round, tortoiseshell glasses, grey hair and impeccable red lipstick for a woman who had just gotten off a ten hour flight. Absently and without really thinking about it, his hand found the small of her back, habitually drawing little circles on her spine with his fingertip. Ms Welton! Henry exclaimed excitedly, bouncing on the spot and Rebecca blinked, surprised at being remembered. It was bad enough they were playing West Ham on boxing day, she didnt need to be reminded of lonely Christmases with Rupert shagging her first thing in the morning, offering her a Tiffany bracelet under their manicured christmas tree then disappearing to smoke cigars with his buddies the rest of the afternoon, or so shed thought. Two weeks after revealing that Ted Lasso 's title character suffered an unspeaking tragedy during his formative years, the Emmy-winning comedy series painted a brutal picture of that fateful day . Roy just groaned again before heading back into his office. Oh, is this it? Catherine questioned, as Rebecca pulled into the driveway. Can you think of some way I could tetris my whole family into that place?. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). There was a plate of breakfast sausages still steaming, bacon rashers, a stack of pancakes so high she thought it might topple. Once in the car and on their way, they listened to Ted and Henry sitting in the back playing eye-spy and Rebecca was grateful to be driving, to have something to do with her hands and her eyes in the hope she could ignore any awkwardness between her and Catherine. She cleared her throat. Oh, I know the Beatles. She responded, nonchalantly, grinning from ear to ear when all of their little faces lit up to rival the christmas tree behind them. Ted looked over his shoulder, his smile spreading wide as he noticed Rebecca halfway down the stairs, her bare, red-painted toes just a little lower than his eye-line. Ted? Rebecca questioned, standing up and moving around to meet him on the other side of the desk. Its funny really. He scrubbed at the back of his neck with an open palm. NEXT: The 10 Best Ted Lasso Episodes, According to IMDb Here are some of our favorites, as the show ends its second. She glanced down at the curly little head on her chest. Rebecca noticed that Catherine didnt shorten his name, and it amused her just a little, hearing him groan a touch whenever she said it. So love with your eyes Love with your mind Love with you Dare I stay forever Do it for yourself Do it for the girl Do it for you Dare I stay forever And I've known pious women Who have led such secret lives Shameless in the dark So shameful in the light And you may not be pious And I may not be saved But we could live quite happily Season three will probably build out on this storyline, along with the aftereffects of Teds divorce and Richmonds championship loss. Im not the talker. She winked, rocking back, pressing her hips down, feeling the hard length of him pressing up into her core. Wed better come up with some ideas to keep you two awake until a reasonable hour. Jeff Tweedy. Well, theyre a lot like me, actually., Ted, youre none of those things. She squeezed his hand, reaching out to press her palm to his cheek. She offered him a withering glare with a touch of amusement as she swatted at his shoulder. The sun was going down outside with the sheer curtains in the living room softening the golden glow that spread across the green as a light dusting of snow had started falling on the yard. Rebecca couldnt fight the blush that enveloped her from her cheeks to her chest. Sir Paul McCartney knows my name? The wonder in his eyes made her smile. Rebecca stood up from the couch with a smile and turned towards her desk. Rebecca opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, glancing at Ted. Their eyes met, and Ted noticed how hers, pretty and green, were absent that touch of a sparkle he loved because the sun was going down and she was facing away from the windows. And he asked me to wish you a very Happy Christmas, as well.. Sa good story. He nodded, popping the end of an open candy cane in his mouth. She untangled her coat from the tree and stepped out of the office, gesturing for him to follow. I dont know why we worried about the cousins coming., This isnt my place, Mom, Ted commented, hopping out of the car and giving Henrys hand a tug to help him down. All of Richmond? She smirked and Rebecca faltered, frowning, a little confused for a moment. He came to me thinking he had to murder you for touchin her and I had to tell him or youd have been sportin a black eye., Ted cleared his throat awkwardly. I mean, not well, but weve been to a few galas - we had a long chat about your Dad last time we saw each other, actually. I know what you meant, Ted. Of course she did, because she got him. Rebecca woke to the sound of Jingle Bell Rock blaring through her downstairs speakers. Sorry, He breathed out. What, you wanted to see if itd stick, or something? Artie questioned, fighting Hayes back from his own glass of eggnog. It worried him just a little, considering how shed reacted just a week before the wedding, sobbing in her mothers arms in her childhood kitchen as he looked around the doorframe - knowing if she was aware he was there, shed hide the tears away. Bill Lawrence. Do you have the same aversion to tea as your son, Catherine?, Oh no, Id love a cup of tea, thank you., And for you, Henry? Rebecca addressed the little boy who had bounded through the kitchen, hopped up on one of the stools and was currently spinning on the spot. How about a game! Henry declared and Ted pointed at him, eyes alight like it was the best idea hed ever heard. Inside the little box, covered by the little plush dinosaur, was a small grainy photograph and a positive pregnancy test. And shes just one Lasso, the best one, honestly, except for Henry. After cropping up in the last few episodes of season two, it looks like Anthony Head will be making regular appearances in the new season as wonder kid Nate begins his work for West Ham United. Algebra wasnt really his thing. Notes: His Aunt Ruth commented she looked like a very tall Marilyn Monroe and his Uncle Bert questioned what on earth she saw in their Theodore, but by the time Rebecca was shaking hands with little Hayes, her posture was more relaxed. 21 of the Best Inspirational Quotes from 'Ted Lasso' - Peoplemag She was so nervous she felt like she might throw up. My Uncle Bert can burp the alphabet. Rebecca glanced over her shoulder with a disbelieving frown as she continued on her path. Ted studied her face. Rebecca stayed where she was, almost frozen, just watching. Now, please tell me theres a burner free, we need to get this wine heated up.. The smell of spices and pine and sugar cookies filtered through the halls and the living room was covered in pieces of shredded wrapping paper and ribbons. He did so, torturously slowly and she narrowed her eyes at him over her shoulder when his fingers followed the line of her spine as he pulled the zipper down. Theyd run out of mulled wine and moved on to straight red, with Deborah popping back and forth from Rebeccas wine cellar more often than was probably appropriate. She continued discussing what she had been when hed burst in, something about a spread-sheet and the fifth tab and a budget discrepancy they needed to clear up. Fuck knows. Actually, I dont really know why I didnt put it together before. She grinned, meeting Rebeccas eye as they stopped in the doorway to one of the guest rooms. She spun on her heel, pulling the door open again to be startled by Roy, Keeley and little Phoebe standing on her front step wearing matching pink tinsel bows. Ill do this. Ted smiled, resting his hand over hers on the handle of the kettle. There was a little line between her brows, her lips pressed a touch tighter together and though she seemed calm, her shoulders were pulled just a little closer to her neck. And you, dear. The older woman grinned, impressing them all when she ducked down at the knees and dipped under the rail, popping up next to Rebecca. Have you ever had a dog, Rebecca?. No one would be comfortable, wed be right on top of each other. Always a pleasure, Rebecca. He smirked, glancing over her shoulder. Its getting late, we can finish up this discussion tomorrow.. Yep, Mae knows. Plus, He pointed at Ted. Copyright 2023 I could just strangle him with my shoelaces., Keeley chuckled. I dont want Rupert to see.. Ted maintained a near-perfect calm until he hung up the phone. Thats a hell of a pickle.. She turned down a mimosa with a nervous smile, shaking her head when Jessie offered her tea or coffee instead and Ted smirked - her brain was probably still on London time - as he accepted a beer from his Uncle Bert and let out an oof when Henry suddenly came careening into his legs. Fine, but youre the one who has to be fucking quiet. He watched her kick off her heels in the doorway to the closet, holding the frame of one of the cabinets to keep her steady before padding through the large room with bare feet as she tugged at the zipper down the side of her dress. She could hear the rumble in the stands as she made her way through the lower floor of the club, listening to the rattling walls like thunder rolling in - boots stomping in the stands. He was suddenly petrified she was going to revert back to the idea of putting a cork in their relationship for a whole two weeks and he had to be honest, even if it was just to himself, the idea made him queasy. so love with your eyes, love with your mind - Chapter 1 - writtenndust I can do this, if you would prefer., Its your house, Rebecca, Im sure mom would love the tour.. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Perhaps shed been a little too quick to assume thered be no probing. Oh yeah, He hopped up and followed along behind her, unbuckling his belt and kicking off his own shoes close to hers. This story . I have seven bedrooms.. Ted Lasso Soundtrack - Complete Song List | Tunefind He grinned down at Rebecca who was now slouching down in her chair in an effort to lay Hayes out more horizontally, without jostling her too much. He pressed his fingers to his brow, still doing his best to work the math out in his head and failing. But before she could contribute, Henry chimed in. Its a whole Christmas, with Lassos times ten, Rebecca. He frowned, following her out and watching her pull the door closed. Listen to tracks from the Apple TV+ Original Series, featuring Marcus Mumford, Lizzo, David Bowie, Vampire Weekend, and more, on this exclusive playlist. Like shed left something important behind. ho! My mom really likes you. He commented, watching her with a smile as she glanced over her shoulder, shimmying out of her dress. Okay. She breathed out quietly, a little nervous, adjusting her skirt as she turned around on the spot. Bert suddenly guffawed, his laugh shaking his whole body in a sound reminiscent of Santa Claus iconic ho! What? He questioned and she turned to him quickly, blinking. She dropped her arms back down and stared, just for a moment, at his lonely pillow. He was suddenly petrified she was going to revert back to the idea of putting a cork in their relationship for a whole two weeks and he had to be honest, even if it was just to himself, the idea made him queasy. Rebecca always looks amazing, Ma. Ted grinned, patting Rebeccas hip as he passed her and rounded the kitchen counter to reach into one of the cabinets. Ted scuffed his Nikes across the carpet a couple of times as Higgins gathered up his iPad, stuffed his papers back into a manila folder and shuffled his different coloured pens into a bundle in his fist, along with his phone; balancing it all precariously as he bid them a goodnight. She cleared her throat. Rebecca made an mhm sound, as she flicked her indicator and took a left turn. The ring that Keeley helped him choose for Rebecca had a stone perfect in cut, colour and clarity and was fit in a stunning, yet modest setting, ideal for a woman who didnt expect the world, but deserved it. Whats wrong, sweetheart? Rebecca questioned, crouching down to Phoebes height, wrapping her arm around her little shoulders in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. Ill do this. Ted smiled, resting his hand over hers on the handle of the kettle. Well its better than other smells. Ted winked, before closing the door behind him. Its funny really. He scrubbed at the back of his neck with an open palm. Especially Hayes.. Oh? Her expression was still impressively impassive. She smiled awkwardly, wrapping her arms a little tighter around Hayes and practically hiding her face in her hair as Jessie raised an eyebrow, knowing there was clearly something there between Rebecca and Keeley that they werent sharing. You really should keep that shit to yourself, mate. Oh, they wont arrive until the morning, they couldnt get on the same flight as us. She took a sip of her tea. He didnt want her to get him wrong, the worry wasnt exactly over who was coming. Where others paced as panic set in, more often than not, Ted stood stock still. Do you have any board games, Rebecca?. Happy Christmas, Ms Welton. Phoebe grinned up at her broadly and Rebecca couldnt help the smile in return. So basically everyone.. I need you to take a deep breath and tell me what the hell is going on., He did as instructed, breathing in deeply with his eyes set on hers before letting the breath out between them with a little nod, calming himself to explain. 46 Ted Lasso Quotes - Funniest Ted Lasso Quotes - Country Living It took a moment for it to register with her, what Roy meant, until it did and her smile spread wider and she felt a warmth in her belly at what Ted was trying to do. It was similar to the look she had whenever Hayes had reached for her, when her little arms had wrapped around her neck and held on tight. She found herself smiling as she watched Ted dip down to embrace her, before shifting around and taking over the cart laden with their luggage, making their way towards where she stood. Its certainly lovely, and so big! And theyre still warm! She reached out to smooth his hair, trailing her fingertips and long nails down his temples, across his brow, over the tip of his nose, until she reached his lips. No, no negatives on the baby front. I always thought you had a little something on the side, just didnt realise it was one of my players - but then you always were a bit randy, needed the stamina of a man young enough to be your son to keep up?. She caught sight of Rupert and Nate across the other side, Nates features pulled into a thick frown whilst Ruperts eyes were set on her, looking positively murderous. I love you too, Ted. This version of Ted Lasso makes for not just a better man, but a better show. By the time they awoke the next day, it was Christmas Eve and everyone was there. She asked about the club and the team, and what it was like working with Theodore. I think youve been Lassoed. He commented quietly, smiling at her as she glanced over. Im not the talker. She winked, rocking back, pressing her hips down, feeling the hard length of him pressing up into her core. Hes just as kind as Santa though, arent you, Bert?. There was a clinking of china as plates were picked up, the rattle of cutlery and a few disagreements on who grabbed the tongs first as Ted stepped up to Rebeccas side. For fucks sake, Rupert, shes three years old, Idve had to have been pregnant when we were married and we all know you never allowed that to happen.. "One more person says something that me and Beard don't understand, I'm gonna have one of my son . Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed. The Lumineers. We Need to Talk About Nate in 'Ted Lasso' Season 2 Finale - Vulture 1. Theres no jet-lag allowed at Christmas.. Not exactly new. Ted muttered and Rebecca blanched, worried how his mother would take the news theyd been together for nearly six months and he hadnt told her about them. I do not want your entire family looking at me weird in the morning.. Ooh, this ones for me! He shouted, reaching for it, but Catherine stalled him with a firm uh uh uh! and Henry slinked back, chastised. Itll be fine. Based on the trailer, Nate is enjoying his negative turn, even if it makes him lonely. Roy grunted in response and Ted beamed up at him. Oh.. My ah, He swallowed, licking his lips. When Ted stopped spinning and turned towards the doors, Rebecca noticed a stately looking woman in a soft grey trench coat with round, tortoiseshell glasses, grey hair and impeccable red lipstick for a woman who had just gotten off a ten hour flight. It was then she had a truly ridiculous, reckless idea. She was waiting on him. No, He shook his head. Ted shook his head, cutting her off with a stern expression. Perhaps shed been a little too quick to assume thered be no probing. She pressed her eyes closed, gripping the railing. Is it safe to assume youre Theodores new girlfriend?.

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