We turn our gaze to you and to the sustenance you give us through work. I prophesy that I will get to my promised inheritance, in the name of Jesus. I declare a prayer for strength at work. Proverbs 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. Every habitation of humiliation and demotion, fashioned against me, be battered, shattered and swallowed up by the power of God. God, I pray for love. Whatever the enemy is planning against me in this organisation, Holy Ghost fire, destroy them, in the name of Jesus. 50. I dress in this armor, living and praying in the Spirit without ever losing heart and interceding on behalf of all the staff in my workplace. Keep me from envy, greed, laziness, resentment, hatred, lies, betrayal, curses, threats, and theft. 2. When we pray for our enemies at work, we are asking God to bless them. In Your holy name. I want nothing to do with this soulless approach to work, and I ask that You not allow me to be sucked into it. We ask first that You would saturate our lives with the Holy Spirit's power and might . I know that You watch over me every moment of every day and that nothing can harm me as long as I remain root d in Your Word. I am a child of destiny. Amen. Every power gathered to disgrace me in my workplace, I grind you into powder and scatter you into the desert, in Jesus name. Prayer Points Against Anti Progress - Prayer With Bible Verses With you, Jesus, we are safe. Usually opposition at workplace reveals the high degree of hatred. Father, destroy every plan and purpose of the enemy against my life and destiny with a mighty destruction until they are utterly destroyed, in Jesus' mighty name. 40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Enemy At Work : 1. You should reject. I know that You are my shield and my defender, and I trust in Your strength to keep me safe. Let God break the backbone of all my enemies gathered against me, in the name of Jesus. However, the kind of people you work with in that orgnaization will either determine your progress, promotion or even demotion. Oh Lord, anoint me to recover the wasted years in every area of my life, in Jesus name. Lord God, you hear our prayers for protection and hear our words as . I feel so insignificant and burned out. PS 126:1. I pray for the release from all my enemies at work. I receive power to get wealth. If you have an enemy at work, this is a prayer guide for protection against enemies at work. Let all the powers of my adversaries be rendered impotent in the name of Jesus. So you are welcome as you join us today and pray with us, the God that answers prayers will meet you at the point of your needs in Jesus name. Father, as I step out to my workplace today, I want to live in the shadow of your wing. Let all my prayers in this programme arrest divine attention, in the name of Jesus. Also Related: Why Should We Pray to God Every Day. O Lord, I give you thanks for giving me a place to work, in the name of Jesus. 44. Amen. When others conspire against us or murmur against us, keep us at peace. Lord, guard my heart and mind against discouragement and despair. I Bless those who curse me and pray that they receive Your Best. Lord please clearly expose my enemies' bias, lies and true motives to management. This is not always easy, but it is what God calls us to do. I ask that you open their eyes and help them to see what a terrible thing they are doing. Wherever I have erred against you, Oh Lord, forgive me and hear my supplication in the name of Jesus. 17. All my trials, become gateways to my promotions, in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, following Your example and command, we pray for our enemies today. I pray for your protection from all evil, especially at work. 7 Most Dangerous Midnight Prayers Points Against Enemies. Proverbs 16:7: When a mans ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. This verse reminds us that when we are living in a way that pleases God, even our enemies will be at peace with us. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. Thanks very much for these prayers. Please join me to pray against all forms of oppression and set ups at my workplace. I pray now for Your protection against the plans of my enemy at work which is such a difficult task. O Lord, my God, I pray for the souls of my enemies at work. I know that you are always with me, and I thank you for that. God pls by ur grace let me and my family and love ones swiwamm in peace Joy prosperity success good health and all good things that from heavenly father.Amen. You are our Lord and our employer. Lord, amid such a hostile place, I ask that You watch over me. Thou power of liberty and dignity, manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus. Amen. You anger of God, write the obituary of all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus. Father, go ahead of my enemies and frustrate there plans against me in Jesus name. The 7 Most Dangerous Midnight Prayers And 7 Days Midnight Prayer Points Lord, listen to my prayer. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . Every evil water, washing away my breakthroughs, dry up, in Jesus name. 2. Lord God, I pray for Your protection as I begin this day. SHORT PRAYER FOR PROTECTION Against Evil, Harm, Enemies - Prayer Journal People have us in their sights. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. * overcoming is special 1 John 5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 7 Divine Prayers for Protection from my Enemies at Work Prayer Points Against Enemy At Work - Bible and Prayers Lord, your word says the eyes of the Lord is always upon the righteous, and his ears are always attentive to their prayers . I thank You for Your many blessings and for Your protection. Thank You, Lord, that because of Your great love we are now reconciled to You. The reminder us that sin always brings destruction and death, that sin always against God, and that it is often the innocent who suffer because of sin. Let your presence overshadow me all the days of my life in the name of Jesus. Fill me with your love, so that I may overflow with love for others. Heavenly Father, Strengthen me in the power of your power, O God. Prayer against faulty Foundation. Lord, hear my prayer against their wicked plans and cancel their plans against me. 8 Final words. 1 Thessalonians 4:11, And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;. Every power of darkness against me and my family, I bind you in Jesus' name. Every habitation of humiliation and demotion, fashioned against me, be battered, shattered and swallowed up by the power of God. 5. In Your compassionate name, I pray. All negative words that have been spoken against me by evil gossipers, be reversed by fire, in the name of Jesus. I also ask that You will surround me with more godly workers to help partner together in bringing Your kingdom in businesses. You are our strength and defender. So today, I lift up my voice in worship as I pray for Your divine protection and salvation in every situation. 7. Oh Lord, activate Your high calling in my life, in the name of Jesus. Prayer for a Toxic Workplace Sovereign Lord, as much as it hurts me to say it, I dread going into work each day. However, the great thing about this opposition strengthens the children of God. Whether its through prayer or thanksgiving, Ill put my faith in You to defend me from those who wish to do me harm. Let your favor protect us. Please please pray for us that they will not get anything they want. I decree by the blood of Jesus, I reject evil report concerning my job, in the name of Jesus. 3. In Jesus name, Amen. I dont think I am making any difference or helping anyone. 40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Enemy At Work - omhbg.com There is a purpose for why You still want me to work here, so I ask that You give me peace of mind to accept this and make the best of it. In Jesus name I ask and pray. 2. Prayer Points. I pray that You would help me to see my enemies as You see them (even if it is a difficult relationship), and to love them as You love me. You shall not steal from me, in Jesus name. I know that they are out to destroy me, but I trust in You. Protect our exit and our entrance from this moment and forever. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Sometimes its hard to even like people, let alone love them. 4 Powerful Prayers Against Witchcraft - Crosswalk.com I come to you today asking for your protection from my enemies, especially the enemies at work. Here was the battle prayer I gave her to war against this adverse situation at her husband's place of work. Grant me victory over my enemies at work so that I can live freely and boldly in Your presence. For far too long, I have been consumed with anger and hatred towards my enemies, wishing ill upon them and wishing that they would suffer as I have suffered. But you call us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. O God, hide me from those (name them) planning to conspire against me and my position, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray. Help me to walk with grace and humility, not out of pride, but in legitimate concern for their salvation. Until then, we remain in your presence aligned with your purposes, and we designate you as our protector and supreme commander. 25 Powerful Prayers for Protection Against Evil - ConnectUS I am blessed by prayers made by the man of God pastor Ekechuku chinedum. The capitalist society in which we live today requires us to have a job to support ourselves and maintain our families. 15. We pray for strength in the face of adversity, and we ask that You would give us Your peace. Amen. Prayer To Cancel Evil Plan Of The Enemy | Prayers Against Evil Plans An enemy at work is an enemy fighting someone for one reason or another at the place of work.. 35 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST ENEMIES OF PROGRESS. Along the way, remind me to always be kind and accepting of those around me, no matter how much we may disagree. Take these prayers. Thank You that You are slow to anger and abounding in mercy. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for being with me always and granting me victory even in the hardest of trials. You are my strength and my shield. Every sorcerer in my place of work/business/studies, I turn the battle against you, in Jesus name. Please stop the enemy at work from hurting my life. I bind the work of the enemy in my life in Jesus name. May my enemies at work shatter like glass before the might of Your awesome power, and may I find complete peace within your loving grace. On Friday March 11/2022 he has a powerful evil attorney and they want the injunction dropped as well trying to destroy our younger children in the process. Amen. Dear Lord Jesus, I want to follow You all the days of my life. Dear Lord, as I face my enemies at work today, I lift up my heart to You in praise and thanksgiving. May your angels of protection be always present fighting against the dark evil, those forces that we cannot see in our work-place. Please save me from my enemies and their evil ways. Prayer for protection against enemies at work. I do Spiritual Environmental Cleaningusing the 7 prayer points on a daily basis, especially at the Gate of Midnight. Thou King of glory, arise, visit me and turn around my captivity in the name of Jesus. Enemies are real, they are demonic agents whose primary mission is to resist you and bring you down in life. Sanctify us through your truth. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. O most glorious Archangel, prince, and leader of the heavenly armies, guardian, and defender of souls, guardian of the Church, victor, terror and terror of rebellious infernal spirits. Physical assaults, threats, and intimidation are severe forms of harassment and bullying at workplace. Help me learn to see my enemies not as enemies but as people just like myself people who need your light in their lives as much as I do. I lift my hands to the sky and implore You, O Lord; I put my hope in You because You are a God who is constant and just.

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