The above link is from their more recent concert while the link below is from their concert at LA which was a while back. Is this somehow funny to you? It is, so because you speak English take your time to read the actual analysis instead of writing a baseless comment that targets things that aren’t related to the analysis and asking for it to be deleted. When it comes to the flexibility of his voice, Jungkook actually possesses the correct muscle memory and rhythmic bounce to clearly sing through different notes in simple trills, as long as they’re short and simple, as heard in “I Need a Girl.” Unfortunately, he tends to add overly complicated runs to many of his vocal performances, which lack precision and accuracy overall. @Tim Đặng don’t mean to be rude to you or anything but ” there’s more than a lot of tenors in the industry right now that can support G4″ if we count the non-idols we will have less than 50 which is considered quite a limited number if we look at all those groups active and debuting groups ones , in fact in all the recent debuting idols no one support that high ( you’re welcome to prove me wrong ofc ) the last new gen tenor who supported that high is seungkwan and NCT taeil (eventually doyoung ) and they debuted in 2015/2016 .It even rare to hear in recent groups a tenor who can support to begin with let alone supporting a G4. i’m just gonna do nct’s main vocalists and not lead and subvocalists because then there’s just wayyyyy too many members. That’s how I see it. What speculation without any evidences? I didn’t attack you, I didn’t attack Jungkook, so there’s no need to attack me. Don’t worry I have read your blog (of course not all, I only care about some singers ), as I said, I’ve seen the replies on this page, I already don’t want to put forward the new evidence to prove jungkook’s voice better or he didn’t have those problems.I don’t think jungkook is weaker than V,and it also does not need to get your approval. However that would be necessary if he were to take a different road musically and change his singing genre and style drastically. Do you think Jungkook was giving him proper advice? Who has Better Falsetto between Jungkook and Baekhyun? Like Taehyung saying he is the best vocalist in South Korea or Jimin using him as a role model in singing. I was wondering if you can be able to do an updated version of JK and V’s vocal analysis – I would love to see how much they improved from before to now. ( Log Out /  Plus, with enough training and practice, anyone can support G4; in fact, there’s more than a lot of tenors in the industry right now that can support G4. In true countertenor fashion, the true girth of Jimin's voice starts around an E4 and peaks around a C #5 in chest/mixed chest range. Oh and I know that you’ve said that taehyung couldnt be main vocal because of the type of song they go with, but if they had to go for another kind of sound? If Jungkook had shown better technique than V, I’d have pointed that out in the analysis. His Bb4s sound tight, but what about the other notes in the chorus? He doesn’t have the ability to use head voice – a sign that his higher register has not developed a lot. I don’t like fandoms. His falsetto register is, relatively speaking, his most developed register. It happened on almost all his G4s and one or two F4s. But your own inability to separate people from their singing and your inability to see this as it is, an objective look into vocal technique, makes it so that you can’t actually learn from it. Do not blame fanwars on me or us. To me it’s sloppy but the notes are right, he’s hitting them that quickly but not at the center of pitch and so he’s sliding and it’s a bit messy. It should be in their vocal range videos but I feel like they’ve all mixed C5 before at least. I don’t know if it’s executed properly (esp. His falsetto is where he seems most comfortable, as he tends to switch to falsetto very early on in his range. He just has not even sound through it and not too loud and that is a really hard thing to do but he does it so well. I’m honestly surprised at how high Jungkook can reach in his upper register, for most males can sing as high as a G5 or G#5, which is his highest note in “Oh happy day”. A note that in a man’s voice is high, for a woman is not that high at all. So informative :two_hearts: This is a Community where everyone can express their love for the Kpop group BTS. Taste is different from skill. It’s still in his upper register, but I’d call it more of a nasal head voice. Hello Ahmin! Honestly I wasn’t going to respond because I haven’t been responding to video questions for a while now but this is something I wanted to know too. I don’t know if I meant to address a specific time stamp but since there is one, I probably meant to right? What can you tell me about the high notes that Jungkook do in “On” ? If you come claiming stuff but your points are vague and general, it feels more like an argument of he said she said then actual vocal analyzing. Thank you for reading and all! he has the enough volume to you can hear it very clear, also, for effortlesly i dont mean supported, but he keeps almost the same strain for all him unsopported range from D4, he is straining a lot but he softens it very well, and he is relaxed, and yes there are baritones that can support very high like Hwanhee, but he was plus 30 in that video, i dont know how it was he supported range in his middle 20s, but surely he has improved a lot since then, thats what people do, V isn’t like an incredible singer, but he still can improves a lot, so let’s wait for it, also, never said that last part, is a very good phrased G4, that’s all, as you know people are different, Jk has been a very quiet and smooth singer, he never needed to develop a higher range so he never did, as others that did that first, even before getting a proper tone, as you say that you can’t hear any improvement i guess you dont know how was Jk strugglin a C5 just 4 months back, he is now in a good way of improvement, and i hope he keeps that way, and the others start improving their OWN abilities. I apologize if I seem too aggressive but I’ve become tired over the years of dealing with these things as if it were my fault. It’s not a huge difference, it’s less airy, it’s projecting a bit more and it carries more brightness. I hope one day he realises how amazing and talented he really is. Can you explain what it means to be “supported”? We should always a to be better and better. You could sing with a shallow quality where you’re not tense, but the vocal cords are not used properly. What did you wanna train them for exactly? What’s funny? For the future of his career as a vocalist, Jungkook would need to undergo training for basic singing technique in order to improve his singing. I don’t believe anybody should ever put themselves down and feel they’re not enough, but instead they should feel as though they could always get even better. A tenor like Jungkook could sing a song perhaps like let’s say Fools by Troye Sivan. I listened to the studio version, then the other two. A lot of this comment is “Jungkook has better aspects while singing and dancing at the same compared to the other BTS members” but this analysis isn’t “is Jungkook better than the rest of BTS” but instead it’s a breakdown of how he uses his voice which you did not address at all. You come in here not arguing anything related to vocal technique and you directed your frustrations at me, that should say something. Strengths: •Most relaxed singing technique out of all tenors in BTS •tends to favor falsetto over mixed voice, minimizing vocal strain •his lower range maintains sufficient connection down to Eb3 The lower part of his chest voice is often neglected and not truly showcased through BTS’ music. In the lastet Japanese album Face Yourself , in Don’t leave me song, I can actually hear his breathiness so much at one point and it actually messes up with the beat. I’m sorry you have to re-answer questions, I know that must be very tiring. Then don’t come here assuming you know me when you don’t. To say it’s better or not is a bit hard, because it lacks support either way. If we did delete these analyses, the fanwars won’t stop. Jimin sang Suga's rap line during the encore and proved his vocal range. Sense of pitch has improved since debut 7. I don’t either because that’s not important and is not the point of the analysis. I would like to address one last thing about this. Since he usually sings with a softer and mellower tone, he allows his voice to blend more easily with others in harmonies, as heard in “Some” as well as in “You’re My.”, kitsunemale from YouTube and AhMin33 from Twitter! I fairly analyze every vocalist in this blog, I go through videos and videos. So I can’t say they’re wrong or right because they don’t really say anything. I wish he’d see it as “I can always become better and better” as opposed to “Im not good enough” because that kind of mentality is dangerous and can be damaging to one’s mental health. Sometimes he pushed them out on the aye vowels, and at other times they felt like high larynxes. Below Eb3, his voice lacks clarity in tone and becomes quieter. This can be heard with the B2’s in “Paper Hearts“, “Fools” and G2’s in “나그대에게 모두 드리리.”. Thus Jungkook is unable to explore a wide part of his range when singing BTS’ music. Since September to October isn’t a huge gap in time, I’m not sure we’re going to find much of a difference but let me first take a listen! Why is it necessary for me to say that? Are those “grittier techniques” (if they mean what I think they mean) even good for their throats? Could you please fix that? Debunking K-pop Vocal Myths #16: Are BTS’ Jimin and UP10TION’s Sunyoul countertenors? The group debuted as mostly a hip-hop based group where most of the focus of their music is on rapping as opposed to singing. Breathiness in singing is perfectly fine if it can be turned on and off at will, however for him it’s become such a habit that he has yet to develop many areas of his voice. I’m quite satisfied with your review and actually quite agree with you. According to some observers, Jungkook is considered to have quite heavy vocals. Putting down other vocalists was never my intention and is not something I enjoy doing. 1 note per millisecond. However due to his inability to grasp breath support properly, even when singing in his head voice, he is unable to maintain a neutral larynx and properly supported tone production. Makes me wonder if he read this analysis ^^. :copyright: To the rightful owners. And now, moving on to where he has the most control and ease: Head voice/Falsetto. Sorry if my english doesn’t make sense…. Some of the comments down below are borderline rude and I don’t agree with them, but I still understood the videos’ points. I’m not sure I fully understand what breath support is. @ julianah819 I wouldn’t be so quick w my judgement tbh. It’s not. 1. jungkook - im not even being biased i mean hes not the main vocalist for nothing. Ok i can’t answer directly but well, your point of view is very interesting, but it seems like you think that is normal to support G4 and mix +D5 for mens, for your information, it isn’t, the fact that, according to you there are 120 tenors that can mix a F5 in the industry doesn’t change anything, is still impressive, and it is true that there many can do it but i’m sure that you can’t even name more than 20, obviously his larynx was high, i mean, he is singing an octave higher that him supported range, and, since when you need to be loud to get well a note? BTS won the Daesang at the 2020 TMA's, which they won 3 years in a row. Also would love to hear your thoughts on Euphoria – In this case, when people say Jungkook is a versatile singer, they would most likely mean that he can sing in many different styles and genres of music. Since you don’t really seem to know us, then I might have to give context to a few things. But i found similar video so you may want to replace the link. What emotions? I agree with you on how these so-called narratives about BTS vocal line right now don’t make any sense (no hate to them whatsoever as I think the hate on their vocals is exaggerated at this point), but I think out of all BTS vocal line, Jungkook is probably the only one who has made some sort of improvement IMO even if it’s not that significant at all (V slightly regressed IMO (which is a shame because he has my most favorite voice in the group) and Jimin and Jin stayed the same more or less despite common fandom belief on how they improved, but Jimin iirc is now taking vocal lessons so let’s see how it goes). “Sorry my English is not very good but plz understand.” I will not delete an objective analysis about vocal technique because people don’t bother reading and understanding its content. In what way? @Helena 50 is already quite a lot isn’t it ^^ I was trying to prove my point that with enough training, everyone can be a good singer. The same concept applies within genders. What do you think about Jungkook’s vocal there? 2) Is the margin between Taehyung and Jungkook really that important? They’re great and amazing, I am a trained vocalist.” Like, you don’t need to say that you’re a trained vocalist, no need for a disclaimer. So I do understand, what I don’t understand is how you can write a comment like this and yet not read the analysis properly. Can you trust me?” part in “Hold me tight “ is an F4, same goes for the last note in the bridge in “Sofa”, and also the last note at the end of “If you” cover. The group debuted as mostly a hip-hop based group where most of the focus of their music is on rapping as opposed to singing. Should taehyung take the chorus? Mixed register: His mixed voice is mostly on the head-dominant side, as he sings with a soft approach most of the time. Aside from that, is there any support? Similar to the rappers, BTS’ … So don’t shift the blame on us, instead take a good look at yourself. He switches between pitches and tones flawlessly. What’s subjective? Also, there’s a new vocal range video about his singing voice. I’m a bit disappointed to read that Jungkook is that weak in terms of vocal technique. I have no idea why, but that entire piece of dialogue has really stuck with me like a good piece of advice and a reminder of what not to do when working with my clients (I’m not even a vocal trainer) and people. ㅠㅜ. You know what I mean? 정구기 전못진 라이브 체고된다 So here I am, I remembered to leave this comment so that I could respond to it later! The point of that comparison was to illustrate the injustice people who directly compare a baritone and a tenor singing the same song in the same key are making. I'm back with third post of the vocal appreciation series (that tends to be on the analytical side, but that's okay), it's the third tenor: Jeon Jungkook. It’s not a big enough difference for it to matter to me personally. Can you say you’ve done that for 100+ vocalists? I think that’s one of the rare time that he sing that high Sounding really good is a very vague thing to say. Great the breakdown of the vocl ranges, This is such a great read, I always learn something new. When comparing him to the other two tenors of BTS, Jin and Jimin, Jungkook is the most relaxed out of the three. I’ll still remember the time when that one critic commented on his voice and said that his voice is like a sound source that you can hear and appreciate with your earphones and how he is able to convey emotion really well and when i say really well, I mean really well. 2. And I know the admins have a policy on non-kpop vocalists, in the faqs page. He is one of the four members of the main vocal line, three tenors and one baritone. And Ahmin if you read this i want to ask your opinion on the progress of BTS, Jk and V hitting those A4 so “effortlesly”(, but especially Jk, now he has a great sense of support in his high range, i wouldn’t say that he can support F4 now, but I heard some on the album very well done, especially in her solo ( , and that G4 in ON was really well phrased (, for me is a big improvement, what you think? He’s so underrated and most fans don’t do him justice. It’s a bit better placed. It goes on roughly till 06:04 so it’d be great if you could check it out. Troye Sivan is a baritone, so that’s a fairly comfortable range for him. Jungkook’s been doing this one thing (around 0:13 & 0:35 i believe) at their concerts recently which i feel sounds different from the way he used to sing this certain part before. Thus instead of taking the time to practice vocal runs slowly first and then speeding them up to the correct speed, his runs often sound like they’re mostly improvised and thus not carefully thought-through. But I have to agree on your point that the standard of vocalists in KPop is falling noticeably – not many of the main vocalists out there, both male and female, can be lead vocalists in groups of earlier generations. Point of the four of them or Jin is better than all of vocal! Him aware of his stylistic choices come Jungkook sounds really good actually intention... Video of their songs are mostly rapped verses with hook choruses sung by the members. He sometime tends to lack control at some places raises and his vocal runs that! My fault people aren ’ t really like to address me K-Pop vocal Myths bts jungkook vocal range 16 are... Vocal instructor and someone who only wishes to educate and share my passion vocal... 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