English, R. G. 1998. Three new species of the genera Eriophyes and Phytopus in Egypt (Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae). Willard, T. R. and D. G. Shilling. Campbell (1985) agrees with Clayton (1972, 1981), placing Imperata Cirillo in the subtribe Saccharinae Griseb. 1951. Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Bureau of Plant Industry, Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to visualize the surface morphology of the cogon grass fibre. Rhizomes can grow from 1.5 to 3 meters per year. Gabel, M. L. 1982. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. In laboratory studies, only 1% of the total eggs produced survived to adulthood (approximately 50% of the larvae that entered the plant) (Mangoendihardjo, 1980). Problems with cogon grass often have arisen on lands cleared of natural forest, which are then quickly colonized by cogon grass before cultivation, during plantation establishment and growth, or soon after the abandonment of land used for short-duration shifting agriculture (Brook, 1989). Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Holm, L. G., D. L. Plucknett, J. V. Pancho, and J. P. Herberger. A.in the cover B.in the food label C.name of t mikecapino2006 mikecapino2006 1 week ago Science Junior High School +5 pts. Imperata cylindrica is the most morphologically variable species in … The effects of gap size and disturbance type on invasion of wet pine savanna by cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae). (Eulophidae) (Mangoendihardjo, 1980). Gaffney, J. F. and D. G. Shilling. Bryson, C. T. 1999. …, my bodyVitamin CORANGE JUICE1Answers may vary.SALTWARM WATERSALTSALT SOLUTIONNAnswers may vary.COLD WATERALCOHOLALCOHOLSOLUTION, punnet square is used to visualize the phenotype and genotype of an offpring, when you are buying youre food product,where should you look in order tobe sure if the product is good? This field guide describes and illustrates these characteristics and compares them to other grass species common found in similar habitats. The World’s Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology. A new species of the genus Heterodera from China (Nematoda: Tylenchida: Heteroderidae). I want to use Chou,Matches:1897,WinRate:89.5%. 1995. …, on the space provided.1. http://nt.ars-grin.gov/SBML. Outside the genus Imperata, the species most closely related to I. cylindrica that are native to the eastern United States are five species in the genus Erianthus (Hitchcock and Chase, 1951; Clayton, 1972; Campbell, 1985). Pp. Alang-alang Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Brooklyn, New York. 1998. 1980. Imperata cylindrica var. The potential of O. javanica as a biological control agent in Indonesia was determined to be limited due to the presence and impact of natural enemies (Mangoendihardjo, 1975). Cogon grass is considered to be one of the top 10 worst weeds in the world and has extensively invaded north and central Florida disturbed areas and pinelands. Other genera in Saccharinae include Erianthus Michx. Infestation of this perennial grass spreads by way of wind-blown seed, as well as a massive underground rhizome system. In: Van Driesche, R., et al., 2002, Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States, USDA Forest Service Publication FHTET-2002-04, 413 p. Cogon grass, Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., has been ranked as one of the ten worst weeds of the world (Holm et al., 1977) (Fig. Waterhouse, D. F. 1999. Grass pollen is the major cause of pollinosis in many parts of the world. …, odification from common ancestors to produce the organismal diversity, Activity 1. Promising species include the fungi Colletotrichum caudatum (Sacc.) The end product of the light reaction is water,5. U.S. 1970. Department of Weed Control and Pesticide Ecology, Slagelse, Denmark. Sicogon Island Island in Carles, Philippines. Caunter, I. G. 1996. They are decocted and used to treat urinary tract infections, fevers, thirst etc. 7 In the Philippines, grasses were also reported to be the most predominant pollen grains in the atmosphere with perennial pollination. in cogon grass is the highest, the value is still at the low end of the range (0 – 20%) in non-wood characterization study by Rowell et al. Hall, D. W. 1998. Outside the United States, 66 pathogens (primarily fungi), 42 insects, two nematodes, and one mite have been found on I. cylindrica. However, field surveys in Java from 1973 to 1976 identified 15 species of insects associated with I. cylindrica (Mangoendihardjo, 1980). In the United States, cogon grass occurs in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas (Fig. Fact Sheet. Because the two fungi currently being investigated in the United States as potential bioherbicides (i.e., B. sacchari and D. gigantea) are not specific to I. cylindrica, host range testing of the bioherbicidal mixtures are planned (R. Charudattan, pers. Agrost. Biology and Ecology of Key Natural Enemies. Weed Science 22: 177-179. Cogon Grass As an Alternative Fibre for Pulp and Paper-Based Industry: On Chemical and Surface Morphological Properties. The initial tillage should begin in the spring (March through May) with an implement that inverts the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. However, preliminary, limited surveys of I. brevifolia in 2000 failed to identify any potentially useful natural enemies. Biological Control of Weeds: A World Catalogue of Agents and Their Target Weeds, 4th ed. and Cyperus rotundus L. II: effect of shade. Hitchcock and Chase (1951) consider Miscanthus Andersson, Saccharum, Erianthus, and Microstegium Nees closely related to Imperata. Write your answer in your notebook.VIRII RIRV = I x RI) =VRRYPIVOT 4A CALAI32, theory that can explain the occurrence of the earthquake , with the use of the picture below, explain how population of organism have changed and continue to change over time showing patterns of descent with m Other complicating factors include existence of closely related grasses of economic or ecologic value (Holm et al., 1977) and potential conflict of interest with groups that value cogon grass (Evans, 1991). (1999) have conducted greenhouse and miniplot trials with isolates of Bipolaris sacchari (E. Butler) Shoemaker and Drechslera gigantea (Heald and F. A. Wolf) Kaz. Internal Report, CIBC Sabah Substation, Tuaran, Malaysia. 1997. Notes on the tribe Andropogoneae (Gramineae). The subfamilies and tribes of the Gramineae (Poaceae) in the southeastern United States. Factors limiting the distribution of Cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica, and Torpedograss, Panicum repens. Temperature factors limiting the spread of Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) and Torpedograss (Panicum repens). Grace. Patterson, D. T. and C. G. McWhorter. Cogon grass reproduces asexually by rhizomes and sexually by seeds (Hubbard et al., 1944). 2000a. (1985) placed Imperata in the Saccharum Group, including Saccharum L., Imperata, and Eulaliopsis Honda. Perform additional tillage with a disk harrow or other appropriate implement every 6 to 8 … http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/fact/mivi1.htm, (accessed September 25, 2000). Cogon grass produces as many as 3,000 seeds per plant (Holm et al., 1977). Miscellaneous Publication No. Hitchcock, A. S., and A. In addition to being highly competitive, the rhizomes of cogon grass may physically injure other plants and appear to be allelopathic in certain situations (Brook, 1989; Bryson and Carter, 1993). A. S. A. Kadir, Lim Guan Soon, K. G. Singh, Jan Ah Moy, and G. Varghese (eds.). Technical Report No. Currently the most effective management strategies in the United States have involved integrating mechanical (e.g., discing, mowing), cultural (e.g., burning), chemical (e.g., herbicide applications of glyphosate and imazapyr), and revegetation methods (Shilling and Gaffney, 1995; Dozier et al., 1998). Culms are mostly erect and unbranched, with reduced blades and open sheaths (Holm et al., 1977; Bryson and Carter, 1993). 1976. Impacts on non-target species from herbicide application are often severe, creating disturbances that allow for the re-invasion by cogon grass or secondary invasion by other weedy species (Gaffney and Shilling, 1996). The alang-alang gall midge, O. javanica, (Fig. Chase). Vegetative reproduction from rhizomes is a significant factor in human spread of the species because these are often found in dirt moved as fill (Ayeni and Duke, 1985; Willard, 1988; Shilling et al., 1997). (ed.). for use as a forage grass and for soil erosion control. INTRODUCTION. Locations of potential interest would include Southeast Asia, from which the common form major is believed to have come; East Africa, believed to be the center of origin; and the Mediterranean, where the plant is not a serious weed problem. This study adds observational detail to growth of cogon grass rhizomes and provides for a mechanism by which cogon grass is able to perforate other species of plants. BIOTROP SEAMO Regional Center for Tropical Biology, Bogor, Indonesia. A third species, Imperata brevifolia Vasey, occurs in the western United States (Gabel, 1982). state -2 nation -government -so University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Caunter, I. G. and S. H. Wong. Haley, S. 2000. Mangoendihardjo (1980) found O. javanica in West and Central Java, but not East Java, suggesting it may be adapted to areas of higher humidity. Biology, ecology, and management of cogongrass Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Division of Plant Industry. Moosavi-nia and Dore (1979) found that increasing shade levels of more than 50% reduces shoot dry weight and both rhizome length and dry weight; causing an increase in the shoot/rhizome ratio. The response of Imperata cylindrica to chemical control followed by revegetation with desirable species, pp. CABI Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Weed Science Society of Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia. Restoration and Management Notes 13(2): 227. Evans (1987, 1991) suggested that some of the known pathogens of cogon grass should be considered for introduction to the United States as classical biological control agents. Resultant infestation of I. cylindrica by the gall midge varies from 0 to 18% (Mangoendihardjo, 1975). The grass blades tend to be yellow to . ... Organism i: Imperata cylindrica (Cogon grass) ... P84210 Primary (citable) accession number: P84210 Final Report to D. G. Shilling, University of Florida, Jay, Florida, and J. Meeker, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. ), and in Tyler County, Texas (USGS, 1999). Final Report. Development of Biological Control for Noxious Plant Species – Progress Report: May 15 to Nov. 14, 1997. 1812) occurred in 1792 and 1812, respectively. Interestingly, the smut S. schweinfurthiana is common in the Mediterranean region where I. cylindrica is not a serious problem (Evans, 1991). King, S. E. and J. biology, ecology and control in Florida –1994. This has resulted in a general absence of attempted, and thus of successful, biological control projects against grasses (Waterhouse, 1999). Flowering typically occurs in spring or after disturbance of the sward (mowing, etc.). Biological invasions: stemming the tide in Florida. 1975. BIOTROP Bulletin No. In Soewardi, B. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 66: 123-199. [ Contents ] They are Erianthus strictus Baldwin (narrow plumegrass), Erianthus contortus Baldwin ex Elliot (bent-awn plumegrass), Erianthus alopecuroides (L.) Elliot (silver plumegrass), Erianthus coarctatus Fernald, and Erianthus giganteus (Walt.) The flowers are used in the treatment of haemorrhages, wounds etc. Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) is an invasive, non-native grass which occurs in Florida and several other southeastern states.A pest in 73 countries, and considered to be one of the "Top 10 Worst Weeds in the World", cogon grass affects pine productivity and survival, wildlife habitat, recreation, native plants, fire behavior, site management costs and more. It gives are estimated to be infested in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi (Dickens, 1974; Schmitz and Brown, 1994). Mangoendihardjo, S. 1975. From 1994 to 1997, field surveys looking for diseased cogon grass or related grasses in Florida collected 70 fungal isolates. 53-54. …, lresistance; current and resistance. Infestation by O. javanica also may vector various pathogens. Apart from the United States, field surveys for pathogens of I. cylindica have been made only in Malaysia (Caunter, 1996). Rhizomes are very resistant to heat and breakage, and may penetrate soil up to 1.2 m deep, but generally occur in the top 0.15 m in heavy clay soils, and 0.4 m of sandy soils (Holm et al., 1977; Bryson and Carter, 1993). PLANTS Database. in Java, pp. Apopka, Florida, USA. TSS-94-100. Sajise, P. E. and J. S. Lales. Moosavi-nia, H. and J. Dore. Survey of insects found on common weeds in Giza region. Cogon grass is also Willard, T. R. 1988. Cogon grass may be allelopathic since it produces a phenolic compound (Sajise and Lales, 1975) that, together with competition, may inhibit growth and survival of other plants (Sajise and Lales, 1975; Eussen, 1979; Willard and Shilling, 1990). 1983. Cogongrass is an aggressive invasive grass that threatens production forestry and the integrity of Southeastern ecosystems through competitive displacement of native species and altered nitrogen cycles and fire regimes. Chen, P., J. Zheng, and D. Peng. 1 It has become established in the southeastern United States within the last fifty years, with Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida having extensive acreage of roadway and pasture infested with cogongrass. Ammar, E. D., A. K. M. El-Nahal, and M. M. El-Bolok. 1978. Regeneration from rhizome segments as small as 2 mm has been observed. To satisfy our thirst.4. A. Lewis, and W. L. Currey. [ Previous ] Outside of the United States, cogon grass has been reported as a problem in more than 35 annual and perennial crops, including rubber, coconut, oil palm, coffee, date, tea, citrus, forests, field crops (rice), and row crops (corn) (Holm et al., 1977; Brook, 1989; Waterhouse, 1999). Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’ is very cold tolerant (Shilling et al., 1997), and has persisted in Michigan for several years in an ornamental garden (C. Bryson, pers. (Holm et al., 1977; Willard, 1988). 323-337. Gabel (1982) identified 29 synonyms for I. cylindrica. Mangoendihardjo, S. and M. Soerjani. Additionally, within the United States, 24 fungi, 51 insects, six nematodes, four mites, and a parasitic plant have been found on I. cylindrica, primarily by Minno and Minno (1999, 2000). What type of organism is the grass? Of the arthropods recorded on cogon grass worldwide, only one is repeatedly reported to be host specific to I. cylindrica – the gall midge Orseolia javanica Kieffer and van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan (syn. Shilling, D. G., T. A. Beckwick, J. F. Gaffney, S. K. McDonald, C. A. ], with adjuvants. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. In Proceedings Cogongrass Workshop. Weed Technology 4: 658-660. In addition, cogon grass can significantly alter the structure and function of invaded communities (Holm et al., 1977; Lippincott, 1997). (Center et al., 1995). Natural enemies of cogongrass in the southeastern United States. (1976), and Ammar et al. 981-986. Camus. Cogon grass is a C 4 grass found mainly in tropical and subtropical areas with 75 to 500 cm of annual rainfall (Bryson, 1999). Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Report to D. G. Shilling, Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida. Weekly USGS science for the week of May 31, 1999. http://in.water.usgs.gov/, (accessed December 27, 1999). Wildland Weeds 1(3): 14-15. Bracharia plantaginea, Imperata cylindrica, and Panicum maximum; Three grasses (Poaceae) new to Louisiana, and a range extension for Rottboellia cochinchinensis. Tawfik, M. F. S., K. T. Awadullah, and F. F. Shalaby. The fungus, C. caudatum proved to be host specific to I. cylindrica in limited host range tests in Malaysia (Caunter and Wong, 1988), which led to an examination of its potential as a bioherbicide in Malaysia (Caunter, 1996). Or confusing Taxonomy or insufficient information ( 2nd ed U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Department! On the growth of cogongrass ( Imperata cylindrica ) seeds less than 20 % of emergent seedlings to... Accessed September 25, 2000 ) insect enemy of I. cylindrica by the Platygaster... Andropogoneae, in the genus Imperata belongs to the tribe Andropogoneae, in subtribe... And control of Imperata worldwide, two occur in circular patches thirst etc. ) comparatively native. Sino papalag the grass blades tend to be highly host specific and may more! Cylindica have been estimated to occur worldwide ( Holm et al., 1944 ) public Lands detection …. Spring or after disturbance of the various introductions of I. cylindrica in Florida sandhill Sinica 21 1... Sp., and Taxonomy as 3,000 seeds per Plant ( Holm et al., 1977 ) periodically surveyed cylindrica... New species of the most morphologically variable species in the United States soil erosion control, paper,. Of page Research Newsletter 11 ( 5 ): 1279-1286 printing Office, Washington, D.C. Holm, L.,! These, six ( three Bipolaris spp., a Drechslera sp., and J. P. Herberger and rotundus. 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