The analysis of information based on 92 GRI indicators raises serious questions concerning the hypothesis of measurability and comparability of sustainability performance, drawing attention to the main reasons that make it very difficult if not impossible to establish a credible and justifiable classification among organizations. This paper presents a, Water shortage is a serious issue threatening the sustainable development of agriculture in the North China Plain, with the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as its largest water-consuming crop. The formation of a basic indicator system, reflecting the compliance of its implementation process with the established requirements, norms, standards, and characterizing the project effectiveness for the parties is a critical issue. It also aims at increasing the attractiveness of this area, with positive influences not only on the local economy, but also in terms of quality of life and environment. Built environment efficiency (BEE = Q/L) is then calculated for the comprehensive assessment of each city. 5, 'Dynamic efficiency and sustainable development' in 'Environmental and Natural Resource Economics' Click the blue Online Resource button and find Chapter 5 within this ebook The global transition to sustainable food and agriculture will require major improvements in the efficiency of resource use, in environmental protection and in systems resilience. Sustainable development, although a widely used phrase and idea, has many different meanings and therefore provokes many different responses. aspects: environmental load (L) on the external environment and quality (Q), which represents the citizens' quality of life inside the city. agriculture. the difference between the price and the marginal cost of extraction. Dynamic eco-efficiency evaluation of the semiconductor industry: a sustainable development perspective. Download the Think Piece: EN | SP G20 countries represent a dynnamic group of leading economies with a diverse set of visions and approaches for sustainable development. This approach allows for the usage of systems theory methods that take into consideration the interaction of decisions made over time and space. The effects of tillage practices on the water consumption and water use efficiency (WUE) of wheat under high-yield conditions using supplemental irrigation based on testing soil moisture dynamic change, The possibility of measuring and comparing sustainability performance is generally taken for granted in management studies and practices based on the evaluation, selection and ranking of the supposedly best companies in the field. This briefing note was put online in September 2020 to coincide with the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly. An allocation of a depletable resources is said to be dynamically efficient if it maximizes the present value of net benefits derived from its use. higher discount rates tend to skew resource extraction toward the present because, they give the future less weight in balancing the relative value of present and future resource use, Dynamic efficiency: a simple two period model and implications, Dynamic efficiency: Intertemporal fairness, 1. enterprise”). Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income. L’objectif de cet article est d’examiner cette hypothèse de mesurabilité et de comparabilité des performances de développement durable à partir de l’étude systématique de 12 rapports d’entreprises minières utilisant le même guideline du Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Contribution & Value Added: The conceptual discussion indicates that the main features relevant to sustainable development appear in the concept and the measure of sustainable competitiveness. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. September 2020 will be the fifth anniversary of the launch of the SDGs We deliver on the environmental dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is reflected in obtaining quality products by complying with environmental requirements and high socioeconomic efficiency. No significant difference was found between the WUE of the flag leaf at the later filling stage in the SRS and RS treatments, but the flag leaf WUE at these stages were higher than those of other treatments. The biodiversity we see today is the result of 4.5 billion years of evolution and, increasingly, of human influence as well. They are also acknowledged by many authors and organizations. were examined in this study. considered. Thus, the 1-yr subsoiling tillage, plus 2 yr of strip rotary planting operation may be an efficient measure to increase wheat yield and WUE. use as a production factor is generally evaluated by the level of labour productivity. Research Design & Methods: Concepts related to sustainable development are reviewed and their relationships to Sustainable Competitiveness are. A high BEE value indicates that the city has excellent environmental efficiency. We define sustainability as dynamic efficiency plus intergenerational equity. China using the context-dependent data envelopment analysis (CD-DEA) and proposed benchmark-learning pathways. The potentials for saving lie less in the individual technologies applied and more in the interplay within and between the complex production systems. These indicators are linked to the strategic requirements for sustainable development as stated in the Bruntdland Commission. Efficiency of labour, Sustainability consists of economic, environmental, and societal aspects. The results indicate that the SD ability of China's major cities may be classified and ordered from low tiers to high tiers: high energy consumption and polluting industries—intensive industries—fixed asset investments and service industries— innovation, quality of life and societal services industries. The opportunities to improve efficiency and sustainability in your company, from office workplaces to light manufacturing operations, are vast. The problem highlighted by the authors is as follows: the interests imbalance arising during project implementation predetermines the need to form such a model of business processes that would comprehensively take into account the parties’ interests in the, Resource efficiency in companies targets economic and efficient use of materials and energy in production. As a decisive production factor, it is possible to consider labour which actives other production. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT . Analysis methods and approaches are necessary for this, such as for example the material and energy flow analysis. Lin F(1), Lin SW(2), Lu WM(3). per 1 CZK of labour costs, labour productivity decreases. sustainable development framework. that makes the business work and even more, it represents the background for a long term sustainable development. Therefore, the author uses methods of system and factor analysis, empirical, diagnostic, retrospective, predictive, stochastic, and other methods during the research. if we invest the scarcity rent of a depletable resource then the net benefits associated to the consumption of the resource will be not decreasing and so sustainable, keeping constant the value of the total capital, maintain the stock of the original (natural) assets constant, concentrates on the constancy of physical flows. The environmental performance evaluation on the effluent treatment procedure of the paper mill under study shows that this activity meets a relative degree of sustainability. Special attention is paid to the relevance and necessity of using information technologies to ensure sustainable development of enterprises in the Russian market. for natural resources. TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute: is a not-for-profit, policy research organization - working in the fields of energy, environment, and sustainable development Author information: (1)Department of Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology, No. The theoretization of the eco-efficiency concept was conducted by World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which in 1992 defined for the first time this term aiming to include the impact, the environmental costs and the negative externalities in the calculus of economic efficiency. This paper aims to examine the impact of knowledge management on modern industrial companies and tries emphasize that if the most valuable knowledge is captured, shared and reused, rather than always starting from scratches, time can be saved, efficiency created and costs of production will drop as quality improves. The paper presents an analysis methodology for the performances of Romanian agriculture compared to the agriculture of EU, by using the Sustainable Value method. Copyright 2012, Oxford University Press. This capability reflects the quality of a city's socio-economic development, and its efficiency of resource allocation and utilization. La possibilité de mesurer et de comparer les performances de développement durable est généralement prise pour acquise tant dans les recherches en gestion que dans les pratiques de classement ou de sélection des meilleures entreprises dans ce domaine. Knowledge management is practiced by more and more companies from different economic areas, the essential idea being that employees and the record of their work embody the knowledge, Implementing the principles of sustainable development in Romanian agriculture is a current goal meant to contribute to fundamental transformations of the rural space. Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform. At the same time, using indirect indicators available in open statistical data, it is possible to assess how effective the activities of enterprises are. It is concluded that extending the measurement from GCI to SGCI offers a potential for considering international competitiveness performance from the environmental and social sustainability perspectives. Cities that are prioritized by government policies and funding also have higher SD abilities than other cities. To help reverse this trend, in 2017 UNEP, Madagascar’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, and local partners launched a Global Environment Facility-funded project titled Conservation of key, threatened, endemic and economically valuable species. To express its level, various indicators are used. company reports using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. In Germany, the use of materials and energy currently accounts for about 46 % of the gross value of goods manufactured by companies. In the inter-temporal realm, we find that dynamic efficiency is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a notion of sustainability that has normative standing as a goal for public policy. Our system model includes indicators to ensure sustainable development, taking into account the existing restrictions, needs to ensure an adequate socio-economic development level, while meeting the need for high growth rates of production indicators. The article is devoted to the analysis of such concepts as “profitability” and “business activity”—the main criteria for evaluating the business performance. Dynamic management of systems development is a precondition for the realization of sustainable system development. Explore Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA) is an umbrella organisation comprising six member associations, honorary and associate members. Creating sustainable value is the main purpose of, Cities must improve their quality without an increase, or ideally with a decrease, in the amount of environmental load to become more sustainable. How we drive sustainable development The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a global, CEO-led organization of over 200 leading businesses working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world. The lowest ratio of irrigation consumption to total water consumption in the SRS treatment was 18.53 and 21.88% for the 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 growing seasons, respectively. Sustainable Event Planning Guide: Free Download. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. The conclusions of the analysis also show directions of action for the sustainable development of this sector of economy. Approaches towards the Efficient Use of Resources in the Industry. Sustainable development is interlaced with and contingent upon all these determinations, at once prescriptive and judgmental, which can be called the ethics of sustainable development. Start studying Dynamic efficiency and sustainable development. future generations should be left no worse than current generation. Sustainable by 2045: Three ways the mining industry can make it happen. Against this backdrop of heightened uncertainty, tourism's proven resiliency and dynamic nature can be harnessed to support and reinforce recovery. Using the indicator of value added per one worker, resp. Download Citation | On Aug 1, 2019, Tom Tietenberg and others published Dynamic Efficiency and Sustainable Development | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The sustainable food value chain concept recognizes that value chains are dynamic, market-driven systems in which vertical coordination governance) is the central dimension and for which value addition and sustainability are explicit, multidimensional performance measures, assessed at the aggregate level. These tasks can be solved by taking as a basis accurate and most realistic results of assessing the profitability and business activity of enterprises (these two terms in practice are combined by the concept of “efficiency of an industrial, The paper deals with the main implementation components of investment projects in the fuel and energy complex, including innovative ones. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review. Our systems analysts bring you the tools to affect meaningful change across the institution, making you the most sustainable business you can be. The results showed that in the SRS and RS treatments the total water and soil water consumptions were 11.81, 25.18% and 12.16, 14.75% higher than those in SR and R treatments, respectively. would lead to inefficiency due to the additional cost resulting from the increased scarcity imposed on the future. semi-quantitative method allowing evaluation of the environmental aspect to sustainable development, with an application on the environmental performance of the effluent treatment procedure of a paper mill. As a whole, cities along the coast have a higher ability for SD than inland cities, and southern cities also rate higher than northern cities. This aspect determines goals, objectives and a compositional platform of this contribution. Special events present unique challenges in terms of solid waste and resource consumption. The knowledge management in the modern industrial company, Sustainable value analysis for romanian agriculture, Nationwide Assessment of City Performance Based on Environmental Efficiency, Labour productivity as a factor of sustainable economic development of the CR agriculture, A Comprehensive Evaluation of Sustainable Development Ability and Pathway for Major Cities in China, From the Concept to the Measurement of Sustainable Competitiveness: Social and Environmental Aspects, In book: Natural Resource Economics: The Essentials (pp.107-122). The contribution issues from solving of the institutional research intention CEZ: J03/98: 411100013 “Efficient integration of Czech agrarian sector into the frame of European structures – presumption of sustainable development”. It is known from various sources that the average potential for savings here is 10–15 %. The assessment results are visually displayed on the map by using a geographic information system so that citizens, local government officers, and all other stakeholders can easily understand the actual status of their city in comparison with other cities in the country. To that effect, they have identified sustainable development indicators. On the one hand, this aims to contribute towards sustainable development and, on the other hand, efficient use of resources can save costs and improve the competitiveness of a company. The dynamically efficient allocation of this resource, the present value of the marginal net benefit from the last unit in Period 1 equals the present value of the marginal net benefit in Period 2, the present value of these forgone opportunities at the margin, Failure to take the higher scarcity value of a resource into account in the present. They play a key role in introducing and promoting new technologies, facilitating international trade … Therefore dynamic efficiency is concerned with the optimal rate of innovation and investment to improve production processes which help to reduce the long-run average cost curves. Unlike previous studies that are based on provincial regions and focus on economic and/or environmental evaluations, we have evaluated the comprehensive SD ability of 34 major cities in, Objective: This article offers an extensive review of Sustainable Competitiveness as an integrating concept bridging current understandings around sustainable development and encompassing the aspects of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Implications & Recommendations: The approach enables disaggregation between three separate elements which have an impact on sustainable competitiveness, namely Basic Conditions, Efficiency Enhancers and Innovation Conditions. To date, however, very little work has focused on industrial activities. ... We define sustainability as dynamic efficiency plus intergenerational equity. This aspect is becoming all the more important in the light of current developments in world market prices, Since the beginning of the 1990s, many researchers and several organizations concerned with development- and environment-related issues have devised methods to evaluate sustainable development at national and international scales. We recommend that cities with lower abilities (i.e., cities in the second, third, and fourth tiers) should adopt the following points in their developmental pathways (in this order): the control of energy consumption and environmental pollution, industry upgrading and redevelopment of the city, and the development of an environment that encourages innovation and provides ample employment. My focus is on the role that natural capital plays in supporting human welfare, the extent to which there are substitutes for it in this role, and how this is reflected in sustainability measures. IBM and the environment - IBM is committed to environmental leadership in all of its business activities, from its operations to the design of its products and use of its technology. Findings: The Sustainability Adjusted Global Competitiveness Index (SGCI), which comprehensively measures cross-country sustainable competitiveness, is identified as a credible synthetic metric for measuring separate aspects of sustainable development across a range of countries. The application of the measure to a time-series of data would permit an analysis of the relationships between economic, social and environmental aspects (separately) with measured sustainable competitiveness. Global System for Sustainable Development. In order to monitor city's progress towards sustainable development goals, a Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) tool, named CASBEE-City has been developed. L’analyse des informations relatives aux 92 indicateurs du GRI utilisés remet en cause l’hypothèse de comparabilité des performances de développement durable en mettant en lumière les principales raisons qui rendent pratiquement impossible l’établissement d’un classement crédible et justifiable entre les entreprises. Interested in research on Sustainable Development? Dynamic efficiency may also involve implementing better working practices and better management of human … Eight environmental indicators for sustainable development are considered for evaluation. Further, we argue that it is not unreasonable for economists to focus on the efficiency element, leaving equity considerations to the political process. In an efficient market, the marginal user cost for each period is. The growth factor is there the decreasing number of workers. In modern conditions, Russian business began to require a significant acceleration of processes of developing and making flexible management decisions. Member states come from all continents, produce 85 per cent of global economic output, have two-thirds of the global population, and are undertaking 75 per cent of international trade. … The sustainable development capability of coal cities, that is, the problem of efficiency in economics has been considered with regard to the quality and efficiency of production in the development of coal cities. the present value of the marginal user cost, the additional value created by scarcity, is graphically represented by, the vertical distance between the quantity axis and the intersection of the two present-value curves. The SRS and RS treatments exhibited the highest grain yield (9573.76 and 9507.49 kg ha−1 for 3-yr average) with no significant difference between the two treatments, followed by P, R and SR treatments. As China progresses towards the sustainable cities, focus should be placed on the development of a knowledge-intensive economy, balanced development, and pollution prevention. Sustainable Development Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), also known as Goal 9 or SDG 9, is one of the 17 interconnected goals of the 2030 Agenda adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, a shared vision among 193 member nations to end poverty and achieve sustainable development world-wide by the year 2030. For example, investment in new machines and technology may enable an increase in labour productivity. Inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income. This assessment and the visualization of the results are expected to support the realization of future sustainable cities. With handy checklists, terminology clarifications, But the SRS treatment had the highest WUE. That is why one key challenge facing the industry is to ascertain the hidden costs that are in fact linked with inefficiencies in a company. However, the highest percentage of water consumption was found in the SRS treatment from anthesis to maturity. Given the sector's capacity to create jobs and increase inclusiveness, UNWTO calls for a transversal, cross-sector approach to boost sustainable development all over the world. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. All rights reserved. The material costs alone can be reduced by 2–3 % through efficient management. I review the concept of sustainability and the various approaches to quantifying it. This experiment was conducted from 2007 to 2010, with five tillage practice treatments, namely, strip rotary tillage (SR), strip rotary tillage after subsoiling (SRS), rotary tillage (R), rotary tillage after subsoiling (RS), and plowing tillage (P). This study finds that GDP is no longer an issue that restricts the SD ability of China's major cities, as compared to other factors. Market factor lowers labour productivity on both input and output sides. Biological diversity—or biodiversity—is the variety of life on Earth and the natural patterns it forms. This paper argues for a systemic-relational (SR) approach to environmental ethics, in order to enable water resource management (WRM) to be effective and fair. the sum of marginal extraction cost and marginal user cost. The key principles informing the SR approach are spelled out, and its potential relevance to WRM is illustrated, using the key values operating within the WRM sector in South Africa as a case study. Our new Sustainable Event Planning Guide is designed to help you through the process of planning events with important sustainability considerations in mind. The purpose of this article is to question this basic assumption by analyzing the comparability of sustainability performance through a systematic review of 12 mining, Over the past decades, the emergence of knowledge based economies emphasized the need for a proper and efficient management system for intangible assets, as they often represent a company's true competitive advantage. it creates sources for sustainable economic development. The concept of Sustainable Competitiveness is related to a set of effective metrics. Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. All cities in Japan are assessed from the following two, A basic presumption of sustainable economic development of every branch is an efficient use of production factors. The system statistical information about enterprises’ activities results in the Russian Federation is quite limited (closed commercial information). To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness.2 The present Survey focuses on three of these cross-sectoral issues with immediate implications for realizing sustainable development, namely: (a) sustainable cities, (b) food and nutrition security and (c) energy transformation. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. ch. An SR approach holds that value with regard to the social-ecological system (SES) is to be primarily located, not at the level of its constituent components, but at the level of the SES as an integrated unit. The scientific novelty consists of the following points important from the sustainable economic development: (1) on the basis of the process approach to management, a universal basic model with the indicators system, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the project effectiveness in the fuel and energy complex implementation, has been formed; (2) a criteria composition to be monitored and analysed during the projects implementation; (3) a scheme for the reverse impact of the high-tech projects implementation on workers, population living standards and socio-economic development was built. This evaluation allows the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the effluent treatment with respect to sustainable development. This will require WRM to develop and internalise an ethically grounded approach. SDG 7 Policy Briefs 2018. Extensions to SGCI are also proposed. On February 29, more than 150 leaders from the minerals industry—from governments, civil society and the private sector—came together to find solutions for sustainable development at the Sustainability Forum. In broad terms, the concept of sustainable development is an attempt to combine growing concerns about a range … In such a way, labour creates sources for reproduction and improvement of other production factors; i.e. Future generations cannot negotiate with current generations. Using the indicator of gross agricultural production per one worker, labour productivity grows, even with the decrease of production. The analysis reveals the weak performance of Romanian agriculture regarding the use of available resources, particularly agricultural areas, and labour force. 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