Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. Much like Keith’s story, I have a 3 year old son in which I have not seen since he was about 6 months old. Many facts go into the decision and although the report will work against you there can be facts which counter this report. My boyfriend and I planned a holiday with our children. We are also in Texas. I’m helpless to do anything. i tired to be civil still since hes been absent and letting him know that he came back outta no where and is ordering me basically threatening me but if i told him to days ahead i have work and can not take my son at that time but later can i go to jail for that and will that be taken as me violating the court order even tho i tried to call two days ahead and he has not responded nor bothers to answer my texts explain why. I ALWAYS prove him wrong in court cause I have so much proof but it’s very tiring and heartbreaking having to fight for my innocence and him violating court order. Then flew them to new York and nobody would tell me who had my children. Please let me know. it’s actually sometimes the other way around also, unfortunately…Unfortunate for all of us and the kids…. Who cares if you aren’t supporting them? Are you the victim of mischief, theft, vandalism or graffiti? His daughter is now at the age where she says what she wants. As matter of fact, they live with my ex mother and she’s the one who takes care of and has all the say over my son right now. If you decide to call the police and file a report of a fake crime against someone else, it will be considered a false police report. Consider filing an action for “contempt” with the court. Do you know what stuffed animals they can’t sleep without and how they like their apples cut into slices without the skin? No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. For example, orders to arrest, seize property, or for injunctions, depend on law enforcement agencies to be effective. Be able to print a copy of the police report to keep for your records. So what if the father moved away to Prescott Az when his daughter was 4 years old never contaced her or paid his child support not a penney I have filed against him several times they can never locate him. Do what needs to be done and done worry about the worthless, lazy laws. You must be 18 or older to use the Online Crime Reporting System. It does not pay to work with the father, I’ve given more than most women and it did nothing other than to have his father steal my son from me and his fathers mother to tear me down in front of my son. This is why, if you have an order in place, you may wonder what to do if your husband or wife violates it.Many people think that you must instantly contact the police, but this is not always the case. Hey mike…I know exactly what you’re talking about. Custody Order Violation. I give additional accommodated days and try to work out a reasonable schedule . If something were to ever happen to that child who you let go of with that thought in the a k of your mind would you be able to live with yourself?? You may be contacted if further investigation of your case is needed. If I find anything on this same issue I will let you know but my boyfriend is currently going through exact same issue with his daughters mother. I called the police, they met me at her house, where my son was. Question my wife and I are still married but soon to be filling for divorce. All of this is very stressful, especially to your kids. I changed drastically and my heart was broken. The special guardian put a section 91 order against me for 3 years, not to put any application into court. My divorce decree geographically restricts the children to remain within my current ISD. When interference occurs, knowing the steps to take can provide much-needed peace of mind. Do you have a child or children or a niece or nephew or any child period that you would die for? Also the software will allow you to use whatever pictures you have in your possession as reference pictures to compare to all the potential. Thus, you can use that ti establish that there is no parent child relationship. basically, now I have my own place and I am actively seeking employment now I need some help I don’t know where to start I have no idea where to start. I need to know what to do when the court fails to enforce a court judgement. Where are you? I myself am going trough the same thing. anything could happen but he would have to live in Illinois for six months and it there has been anything filed which I’m guessing since you have sole legal custody there it is set with the court then he has to go to that county that all of this has tookin place in. Will this work if I’m not the biological father but been there since he was born and I signed his birth certificate? Who are you to count what he/she does with that time and money? Sometimes women keep them from that because once they see what child support would be (while they choose not to work) they say “oh no I couldn’t possibly live off of that! SOMEONE BESIDES ME GETS IT. I would have the police go with you to the school. Your email address will not be published. SAFE. It was me or acs so as a real father and a family man i step up as dad. I’m really missed and I want to know what my best course of action would be. You must have an email address to file an online report. But the mothers won’t allow it. We have proof she lied on stand . Most of these calls occur when the parties are going through the divorce process and tensions are running very high. At which point I’ll get a restraining order against her if she contacts me. The crazy thing is that the last time we were in court the judge told my ex that his mom needed to stay out of this and would not even allow her to sit at the table with my ex and here she is having more control over my son than me and his father together. Please send me an email and thank you. I can simpatize with “Mike” because I am sure he didn’t give a detail reason of his “Child support issue mentioned”, First all. Is it specific in times days? And tonight he called me from a Tennessee number. I can’t afford 4000 fora lawyer.. He never bought her home and wont allow me to speak to her. Violation of this section is a Class 4 Felony which can result in fines and/or imprisonment. In contempt actions, you ask the court to enforce the order and make a finding that the other parent willfully disobeyed the court order. The rest of the world might take your side, they might reassure you when you fish for attention on social media, that you are doing the best you can. Attempted Theft. What if my courts doesnt say who got guardianship over my only child n court didn’t agree r judge sign of first petition is my child been iilgelly taken out of my life. He’s file d numerous tests but as long as a “passes 2 consecutive tests” he can get his visitation rights back. I understand that Bakersfield Police Department will review this case and may contact me if further information is needed. If you are witnessing a crime, please call 911. My case is very complex and very difficult. Go to wherever she goes to school at. These psychopaths feed and play on emotions and last minute changes in an effort to create chaos and confusion. The custodial parent can deny visitation if even there is a court order which states that the non custodial parent can have visitation and there are no consequences for CONTEMPT OF COURT. The Advantages of Filing a Police Report for a Threat After you file a report with the police department, the decision to press charges is often out of your hands. If you have a criminal backround you will probably be started off will supervised visits. Welcome to the Ventura Police Department Citizens Online Reporting System. Sometimes calling the police makes things worse but that will be a decision you will have to make. How many nights lately have you been woken up multiple times because of your child’s nightmares? But every time I confront him about any of it he denies all of it. Frequently Asked Questions & Online Tutorials. There is lots of grey in the law when it comes to this subject. all Good parents need to recognize that the problem is bad Judges and bad Attorneys. Your report will be reviewed by a police officer. I missed Halloween last night and so many other days because he’s refusing to give me my daughter. All while going back more and more for child support, medical, etc , all while not working at all, but not caring about the fact that he has to live at poverty level and can barely afford to have them and do things with them. She refuses to let them be with me, saying she will call the police on me if I show up trying to pick up the kids. If I could accept this position I would no longer need to accept her generous gift every month. They don’t care about the children. He says I won’t get her back since I violated a court order and there no chance I will get her back! So, I have two questions: 1. My advise is this; Make sure you have all of your documentation on hand. I hope you’re getting help but you sound as if you’re as oppressed as can be. We don’t talk on the phone, we don’t email, nothing. I feel my children have already been allowed to be brainwashed coerced and manipulated possibly beyond repair. Well last night she told my husband it would be 3 weeks before they had her “so called apartment” fixed ( we do not believe she has one ) and for him to stay with us. It’s Civil!!! My Ex-Wife calls me on the phone and says, come say goodbye to your son. Do you know what insurance your child has? Im Going thru the same thing.. My ex and I have split custody and I haven’t seen my son in a month what did you do .. Do you know the name’s of your child’s friends, and how many play dates do you host at your house weekly, going through 3 $5 boxes of snacks in a couple hours? If filing a police report for a custody violation doesn’t work, you can always file a Motion to Enforce with the court. Our recommendation which I objected to is that he can come get her on certain days but he has threatened my life and my daughters life. Also, a majority of my extended family including my mother and both my sisters with their families, still live in and around my hometown. Me too Im up to date with child support have not seen my child for 11 years now. I have no hard feelings towards him whatsoever, I just want to do everything I can to provide for my children. I have heard horror stories of the non-custodial parent ending up with full custody in the end. He has already told mom that he is “taking the kids on a trip” that per the Court Order, he cannot. It was her and my 5 yr old son & her best friend girlfriend. Make a police report each time your husband’s ex doesn’t compel your step daughter to come along. Where are you when someone has to snap on the 5th reminder in a night to please turn off the lights, or when someone has to tell your child to wear the same jeans again to save on laundry costs? You have to stand your ground and enforce your full visitation, otherwise it just looks like you didn’t want the time. We work within the law, whereas the father does not. Online Police Report. Thank you for any and all advice. Please fill in all blanks completely. Your awesome, thus is the first piece of mind I’ve acquired since my ex wife after abandoning me and our three children 10’9 & 7 three years ago, and she had some guy come from new York where she is and took them from they’re school. Filing a false police report is a crime. Three weeks before leaving she has only told us his son has to be back a day earlier than we have booked. She was living on 868 Amsterdam between 102-103 apt 12 h. Im scared she is going to try to kidnap my daughter. I know that my ex husband is unable to provide for our two sons, but I also know he would fight my request to the courts for relocation. At an enforcement hearing, you can ask the court to: 2) award you make-up days for the lost parenting time; and. Tags: divorce tips, editors pick custody, kidnapping, parenting time, visitation. And only the categories listed above are reportable online at this time. By Sheryl Rentz on November 10, 2008. So I decided to go back to live with him again witch was a bad idea because it just made things worse , Another incident occurred between me and him causing him to push me down the stairs while I’m 4 moths pregnant with twins told me to get out of his so I grab me and my daughter stuff and letf . This includes police, banks and anyone else dragged into the ugly procedure. There is a difference in what maybe writing and what is practiced. She pulls visits because she thinks I’m unstable. Oh my Goodness. THE DAD WAS NEVER AROUND. The court wants to do a investigation. I would like to know if any mother was put in jail for playing around with visitation, the way men are routinely put in jail for not paying state sponsored extortion payments, To Mike….Extortion payments????? Do you know how ever present you really are in your child’s life, simply with the gentle daily reminder that they live in a one income household and must make sacrifices? I didn’t feel alone anymore. Law for Families provides all the legal information that you and your family need. Pop-up blocking software has been turned off. I live in Austin Texas, my son supposedly lives in Denton Texas, about 3 and half hours from where I am. I am going through the same thing and iy sucks. She refuses to give me her phone number in case of an emergency for our children and the only way she will communicate is through email. Our custody order is I get to see my two young boys every other weekend. No need to navigate the legal waters alone, Law for Families is here to help! You might have perfected the image of successful, over-worked man with only the best interests of his children in mind. Child visitation refers to the rights that a parent has to visit a child, or to have the child stay with them for a short period of time. Oh and my son refuses to go on visits because of all the abuse. It should give the details of the occurrences of interference and include copies of the child custody order and the reports you filed with the local police department. you are not someone to gt advice from fathers do the same as mothers. his dad just recently Came back into his life 3months ago , he keeps saying hes gonna call the cops on me if my son isnt with him at 1pm we do have a court order im just wondering L.J. With this online reporting system, you will be able to file a police report and print a copy of the report for free. Where are you when someone has to tell your 2nd grader they can’t afford to buy a $25 yearbook this year? Half the time my son’s mom won’t even text back when I try to see him. What should I do? I take him our for a burger and spend a few minutes with him, or sit with him in the school office for five mintues and then leave. I can definitely say I fulfill your shoes and add to all of that, dealing with a mother who besides taking child support, lies to the state and still collects welfare! He is a very bad influence in our family’s life. You have to give every opprtunity and if that then fails you can address it in court. For many, the establishment of a court-ordered custody agreement with a visitation schedule is the final chapter of a relationship. If this is an Emergency please call 911. If the violation of court order does not fit the above criteria, call the Livermore Police Dispatch Center at 925-371-4987 and request an officer respond for a report. Hi, all. Filing a false police report is a crime. In some cases, a court might charge the parent who interfered with a crime. Her excuse was that she “has a work obligation”. There is, however, a disconnect between theory and practice. Unreal. He won’t tell me where he lives or give me an address. I can’t believe some peopleSorry to hear you all are going through this kind of stuff. You may feel that the nature of the violation is such that you need the help of law enforcement to help you enforce the order. Start Violation of Custody Order Report If you want to spend thousands of dollars fighting your ex and then at the end find out that your children really do no want to be with you or go to you, i recommend: STOP!!! When is the last time you bought and baked a birthday cake and wrapped all the presents and paid for all the party supplies? How many bathtubs full of hot water do you pay for in your house each month? BRITTANY. But that isn’t the way the system works. We got in an argument last night and he ran off and called his dad to come get him. If the son doesn’t want to go to the mentor or stay with the mentor for the entire duration, soon a summons arrives with mom stating that dad has somehow violated…back to court he goes until it’s thrown out because the court didn’t order the mentor program. Despite the fact that I’m the custodial parent. So, I am going back over there this evening with my mom coming with me. Your child’s father is doing what he knows is going to piss you off but at the same time isn’t breaking the law. He was a mental abuser, and won custody of my daughters because I couldn’t get the nerve or money to stand up to him 11 years ago. Cordell & Cordell has men’s divorce lawyers located nationwide. Too bad they don’t know how many months of support you’re behind in, or how your children have become nothing more than an outstanding debt. I finally got a lucky break my ex went for a increase of child support in doing so she had to give her address to TAG. And my daughter told me he moved far away now and she says some weeks she don’t see her dad. You sat and wrote a whole book about the things you have to do for your own children, well honey; you are not entitled to an award. When is the last time you trimmed tiny little fingernails? Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. for my children. Don’t let him get to your emotions, or create last minute chaos. Don’t give up. Lisa Karges, Florida Resident Partner - Tampa, FL. If you have corresponded via e-mail or text, print them out, but make sure that you have been calm and amicable in every aspect of the correspondence otherwise the officer will still see you are on the brink of aggression. “She does not want me at her house”. I’ve read about filing a motion of petition, not sure exactly how to do that, & don’t really have money for the fees it cost. We knocked at the door, no answer. I HAVE 4 DISABLED KIDS. I have sole legal custody of my son. I had to check myself into a out patient hospital. If raising your own children is such a burden, then sign custody over to the father and pay him child support instead. Funny how the remedy’s don’t include ‘Contempt of court’ and/or jail time like they do if you miss a child support payment. Have a copy of your decree with you. THE FATHER TO MY YOUNGEST SON TOLD THE JUDGE IN OSHKOSH WI “WHY SHOULD I PAY SUPPORT THE CHILD GETS ASSISTANCE ” I HAVE BEEN DRUG THROUGH THE MUD FILES MOTIONS THEY WON’T EVE N LOOK AT. Spare all of us your woe is me diatribe.
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