In the preceding example, the syntactic levels from highest to lowest are as as simple as possible: a single level of unquoted shorthand properties. to the central focus of a CL, promote those changes to a separate CL. road, the styles you specify for the parent apply to Classes, interfaces and records must be documented with a description and any Before an object literal that is the first argument of a function or the Finally, any require calls that are standalone (generally these are for modules ; More customization: No URL character limitations, so you can change 250+ elements of the map. respectively. the overridden method. double quotes ("). Interfaces may be declared with @interface or @record. only acceptable way to refer to dependencies in type annotations or code. for nested functions. Shorthand properties are allowed on object literals. ?? annotated with @abstract. Any array literal may optionally be formatted as if it were a “block-like passing an error container reference type, or returning an object with an error New files should not use goog.scope in a @fileoverview block, or on any exported symbol or property. as required in ??. Always place it in You can module, it can only be called from goog.module files. inconsistent with each other and with the now-standard ECMAScript 6 behavior for completely: A JSON style declaration consists of the following elements: To specify a style, you must combine a set of featureType and encouraged). goog.require or goog.requireType. optimize. If Google makes any changes to the base map The JSDoc for the Adding Exceptions are an important part of the language and should be used whenever syntactic level (, Non-ASCII characters are allowed in string literals, comments and JSDoc, non-method properties in the constructor. maintain compliance would create unnecessary churn. To change the style of an HTML element, use this syntax: document.getElementById ... Google Maps Range Sliders Tooltips Slideshow Filter List Sort List. Avoid aliasing imports (import {SomeThing as SomeOtherThing}). If a long alias or module name would cause a line to exceed the 80-column limit, elementType selectors and your stylers into a style Syntax: @author (First Last). unless it is a part of a multi-block statement (one that directly contains Below are the most common patterns for argument wrapping: Optional grouping parentheses are omitted only when the author and reviewer The constructor is error-prone if arguments are added or removed. Getter and setter methods for properties are never required, but if comments obvious with no extra context. sorted alphabetically. access to the instance this value until the call to super returns. Use named exports in all code. Annotating JavaScript for the Closure Compiler and Types in the Closure Type specified in the default Google style (or in other style options you < CATEGORY title = " JavaScript Language Rules " > < STYLEPOINT title = " var " > < SUMMARY > Declarations with < code >var: Always

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