DUNDON MacDONALD WRIGHT, 2 Entries. LEETE FULTON SPENCER LOCKLIN HODGES SPEARS GROW SIMPSON SPEARS BARBER TALBOT HARDY O'NEIL/O'NEILL, 3 entries. PUTNAM, Three Entries.. KELLY,Two Entries. FISHBECK ZIMMER CLARK(E),7 Entries. VROOMAN McCARTER BALLARD DAVENPORT GRANGER Get a free Guestbook DOMINICK SUMNER GOUTREMOUT MOYER McGOVERN MARSDEN QUINN SHARP WING BARRETT WRIGHT, 2 Entries. FILLMORE FITCH PIERCE McCARTER DUNN HOSKINS PARSONS JOCELYN DODGE HERKIMER STEWART VAN NAMEE WING NOLAN PARTRIDGE WIGHT SUMNER DOMSER HUGHES BICKFORD H PATTEN GRANGER LADD JUDSON,Two entries. THACHER PEARSON/PERSONS,2 entries. LYMAN, 2 Entries. LYON, 2 Entries. WERREN GARLOCK SHELDON.Two entries. SISSON USHER SAFFORD USHER MILLS AMES S let's use this BLOG! HENDERSON WALLIS WERREN SIMPSON McCULLOUGH SUNDERHAFT TRENHAM BICKFORD USHER WALKER, 2 Entries. HALE, 2 Entries. GUESTBOOK BLOG MILLER, 2 Entries. FLINT RANSOM MOOERS McCORMICK INMAN STEVENS OLNEY HARRISON HIGBY LANPHER WHITTON WILBUR U & V DOUGLASS U & V THOMAS DUNDON OTIS KIRBY Hopefully THIS guestbook will work! DAY, 3 Entries. CRANE IRVING SANTRY LAKE WEAVER CARNEY KIDDER CHICKERING SISSON HUTCHINS PEEBLES,2 Entries. HEFFERNAN WERT CROWLEY LEWIS, 3 Entries. JENNE I & J WRIGHT, 2 Entries. GIFFIN SANTRY HONSINGER MERRIMAN STRATTON MANLEY BURDICK, 2 entries. PEIRSON LYON, 2 Entries. THE GUESTBOOK I had has not worked in a couple months, so.... THISSELL HOYT WALTON HARDING WILLIAMS, 5 Entries. DELMAGE VORCE HAWKINS BROWN, 5 Entries. VAN NAMEE MAYNARD STEVENS GORDON PLATT KNOWLES CUBLEY EGLETON WICKER HARRISON LOVELESS/LOVELACE STEVENS EVANS, 2 Entries. ROBINSON, 2 Entries. STEVENS FISHER SLOSSON DUNHAM SNELL,Two Entries. HAWKINS WOOLWORTH MOUTHROP GATES H WILBUR CORNWELL, via Lansing. HERKIMER WATERS, 2 Entries. JACOBS HINMAN DOUGLASS JOY WESTBROOK Hopefully THIS guestbook will work! HUGHES DIAMOND DAY, 3 Entries. HARRINGTON GEBBIE JACKSON VILAS WEIR FREEMAN PEARSON/PERSONS,2 entries. PFISTER SLATER McKEE,2 Entries. LONAS LANTRY JENNE LOCKLIN DODGE ROSS, 2 Entries. THISSELL LOW GREGG HENRY WHEELER,4 Entries. HOAR(D) HAMILTON PARDEE HARTER HART FULTON REED, 3 Entries. RYEL WILCOX,3 Entries. THOMAS PAWLING PUTNAM, Three Entries.. COLLINSON SISSON PEEBLES,2 Entries. MALCOLM MEAD WIGHT WIGGINS ZIMMER POMEROY DELMAGE LEONARD McGILLIS SOMERS/SUMMERS O'BRIEN, 5 Entries. STILES SANFORD CAVANAGH WHITTON SALMON MEAD McLELLAN REYNOLDS PEABODY WRIGHT, 2 Entries. The hours of operation are each Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. Till 4:00 p.m, and the 1st ROSS, 2 Entries. WHIPPLE JAMES,2 Entries. SAFFORD HEATH, 2 Entries. COX McKEE,2 Entries. I & J SUNDERHAFT The New York State Archives is part of the Office of Cultural Education, an office of the New York State Education Department. HANBIDGE WATERS, 2 Entries. LYON, 2 Entries. STONE STILLWELL/STILWELL [ Read / Sign my guestbook ] HALE, 2 Entries. COOK, 2 Entries. PHILLIPS, 2 Entries. ROSEGRANT IRVING NASH.2 Entries. PORTER NOLAN K BENTLEY ROBINSON, 2 Entries. MALCOLM RANDLES ROSS, 2 Entries. MYERS, 2 Entries. LING HAWTHORNE PERKINS THACHER LITTLE INMAN NASH.2 Entries. LOW HUGHES TAMBLIN RANDLES RICE, 3 entries. WILLIAMS, 5 Entries. HITCHCOCK IVES, 2 Entries. BABCOCK STILLWELL/STILWELL WHITE.2 Entries. NORTHERN NEW YORK HARTWELL, 2 Entries. DOMSER STEENBURG PACKARD SHELDON.Two entries. NORTHAM RYON RUGG Members get first priority when asking for assistance in writing. BENTLEY FITZPATRICK MARKHAM LEE, 3 Entries. DUNN MEAD MILLS USHER WOOLWORTH KELLOGG,Three entries. EASTON TULLER McCORMICK The Western New York Library Resources Council is partnering with the New York Library Association (NYLA), offering all library workers throughout New York to participate in a 6-part series, Advocacy Fundamentals - A Virtual Series. WHITTON ROGERS PEEBLES,2 Entries. HUBBARD WYETH MERRIMAN IRVING MOON WEBER MURRAY, 2 Entries. DART LADD RACQUETTE RIVER, going into POTSDAM, ST. LAWRENCE, NY, 1916 SLATER STILLWELL/STILWELL RYON HUNT SPENCER WITHERSTINE WOOD MUNN BEDELL HERKIMER BOWEN FITCH KNOWLES GOUTREMOUT HUBBELL McCANN STODDARD, 2 Entries. TALBOT Please let us know in the Guestook. WILCOX,3 Entries. MASON BRANCH TEDMAN HOUSE GUESTBOOK BLOG LITTLE SHARP BRUSH POMEROY HUBBARD STRATTON PARDEE ATWATER STODDARD, 2 Entries. WOODRUFF POMEROY CHANEY/CHENEY WHITTON MARKHAM O & P let's use this BLOG! WALTON let's use this BLOG! McCANN HAGAR CRANE2, 2 Entries. SYLVESTER RYON PLATT WIGHT STEARNS.3 entries. HAWTHORNE DOTY WESTBROOK ROBINSON, 2 Entries. GRAVES, 2 Entries. THISSELL PALMER.4 entries. CROSBY TATE MAC ARTNEY MERRITT THACHER HEPBURN PARMELEE GUESTBOOK BLOG WALLIS NORTHAM LANSING WHITAKER PERKINS WHITE.2 Entries. NEWLAND WATERS, 2 Entries. MOON let's use this BLOG! VAN AUKEN MERRITT NELLIS TEN BROECK DONALDSON SCOTT TAYLOR, 2 Entries. STRONG, 3 Entries. PEEBLES,2 Entries. MAYER T BARRETT WING ROHR FAIRBANK[S] MAHONEY STRATTON WOODBERRY/WOODBURY POTTER MORGAN, 3 Entries. MASON PETREE WOODRUFF MILLER, 2 Entries. PARDEE STEENBURG ZIMMER OLNEY VROOMAN L SEYMOUR Y & Z LINCOLN FITZPATRICK WHITAKER AUSTIN SALMON MOORE,3 entries. KOSTER BAKER, 3 Entries. McCARTER WERT USHER WELLER WILLSON L WALKER, 2 Entries. NEWELL BEACH GROW QUINN PARKER.2 entries. NORTHERN NEW YORK Genealogical and family history of northern New York: a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation. MAYER FERRELL NELLIS SEARL BOWEN CRICHTON HAWKINS U & V STRONG, 3 Entries. HARTWELL, 2 Entries. HOWARD HALL, 2 Entries. CLEVELAND 2 Entries. LAWRENCE, 3 Entries. DART SMALL For instance: LYON, 2 Entries. SMALL WOODBERRY/WOODBURY GREEN PASENGER MASON HERKIMER TULLER WHITTON HULETT O & P ROGERS TAYLOR, 2 Entries. SOMERS/SUMMERS WICKER AGER MARSDEN McCULLOCK PARKER.2 entries. SPRAGUE,2 entries. NOLAN VORCE MOSS/MORSE O & P McINTYRE,2 entries. SLOCUM MEAD BILL RootsWeb is funded and supported by Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. LAWRENCE, 3 Entries. WHITTON MacDONALD DUDLEY PATTEN PARTRIDGE MILLS SPRAGUE,2 entries. HAMMOND SAFFORD EAGER MURPHY, 3 Entries. VAN AERNAM To report technical problems with this web site, please contact the New York State Archives at archinfo@nysed.gov SLATER PERT HEPBURN TRENHAM McKEE,2 Entries. TIMMERMAN TEN BROECK S PAWLING SUMNER Have these webpages helped you? HILTS RILEY POMEROY TEDMAN BOWRON BARTLETT KINGSBURY HOYT BOHALL PHILLIPS, 2 Entries. LANPHER LEWIS, 3 Entries. VAN AUKEN MURPHY, 3 Entries. GRAVES, 2 Entries. ROOSEVELT let's use this BLOG! NOBLE MERRIAM SISSON STRONG, 3 Entries. STEVENS TURNER HARRIS TAMBLIN McCORMICK PRAIRIE LOCKE,Two entries. CHICKERING HERRIMAN PATTEN CROWLEY WIGHT LYON, 2 Entries. SHARP McKEE,2 Entries. IRVING WELLER HOUGH MALCOLM FERRELL BRADFORD OLNEY NOLAN S ARNOLD SYLVESTER ROHR NELLIS CARTTER MORGAN, 3 Entries. PHILLIPS, 2 Entries. SEALY let's use this BLOG! LAWRENCE, 3 Entries. WATERS, 2 Entries. CRICHTON McCULLOCK WRIGHT, 2 Entries. SEYMOUR MOOERS LANTRY TERRY TALBOT WHITE.2 Entries. STANDISH SCHANTZ SLOSSON BRANCH PARMELEE It has grown from a site on one of the "free" web hosts in 1998 to what it is today. PALMER.4 entries. REA WEST, 2 Entries. SANTRY DICKINSON WHEELER,4 Entries. HITCHCOCK H SLOSSON PRAIRIE PARTRIDGE ZIMMER HARTWELL, 2 Entries. WOOD ROGERS WIGGINS PROCTOR.Two entries. Hopefully THIS guestbook will work! WEAVER YOUNG, 2 Entries. HOSKINS HALE, 2 Entries. RACQUETTE RIVER, going into POTSDAM, ST. LAWRENCE, NY, 1916 QUINN ABELL PIERCE STEVENS SEALY HAWTHORNE Jane's Site with over 2000 free databases! WARE WHITAKER COATS ELLSWORTH WALKER, 2 Entries. TAMBLIN HUTCHINGS BENTON, 2 Entries. MEIN Get a free Guestbook SUMNER PALMER.4 entries. CUBLEY WYETH GROW McKEE,2 Entries. PALMER.4 entries. HUNTINGTON TIMMERMAN HARRINGTON GUESTBOOK BLOG HIRSCHEY ROSEGRANT HARRISON MAYER USHER GENAWAY BOTSFORD LOOMIS RUGG REED, 3 Entries. LOW SLOSSON STODDARD, 2 Entries. STEVENS PEEBLES,2 Entries. POMEROY WELLER FERRELL HORTON LOGAN SANFORD WALTON TAYLOR, 2 Entries. WEBER QUINN L NASH.2 Entries. JAMES,2 Entries. Get a free Guestbook MAHONEY PIERCE SPEARS WELLER GILMORE/GILMOUR DONALDSON TAMBLIN let's use this BLOG! MYERS, 2 Entries. Q & R KELLOGG,Three entries. HOUSE THE GUESTBOOK I had has not worked in a couple months, so.... McCULLOCK McCARTHY, 3 Entries. MOONEY BRANCH LOW JACQUES PACKARD HEFFERNAN SOMERS/SUMMERS HONSINGER SHELDON.Two entries. MOORE,3 entries. LANTRY SANFORD TEDMAN Y & Z MAC ARTNEY BEMAN HUBBELL [ Read / Sign my guestbook ] LEETE PEIRSON HAMILTON EGERT McGILLIS WATERS, 2 Entries. FELL FLOWER DeVINNE SMALL RILEY HILTS McEWEN STEENBURG OTIS BARTLETT SISSON HERKIMER DOMINY SWIFT HULETT BARNARD PAWLING VILAS HINMAN ZIMMER SLOCUM HEUSTIS HARRISON PORTER MERRELL/MERRILL, 2 Entries. KENTNER MASON CORNWELL, via Lansing. MAYER WIGHT WOODRUFF TRENHAM MAHONEY WHITTON THISSELL BEERS SLOSSON EAGER WOOD BURDICK, 2 entries. WALTON VILAS let's use this BLOG! WALKER, 2 Entries. JUDSON,Two entries. SEIGEL McRAE GUESTBOOK BLOG WARE EVEREST SPENCER PIERCE [ Read / Sign my guestbook ] SHANKLAND STRONG, 3 Entries. DUNHAM SIMPSON HANBIDGE FULLER, 3 Entries. HABERER CAPRON SWIFT SUMNER WITHERSTINE STEENBURG THISSELL WEAVER PEABODY KEMP GARLOCK DONALDSON WHITAKER WELLER KENNEHAN DeVINNE PERRIGO DENCE PLATT TULLER McLELLAN QUINN NICHOLS LYON, 2 Entries. VROOMAN GRANT, 3 entries. MOYER BICKFORD SMALL SANTRY PARKER.2 entries. HAUGHRAN MOORE,3 entries. MASON SHANKLAND DOMINICK MAHONEY EVERETT TAYLOR, 2 Entries. MATHEWS GORDON Have these webpages helped you? SNELL,Two Entries. JOY WATERS, 2 Entries. HARRIS CLOUGH PEIRSON McMARTIN THOMPSON STEWART MOONEY PERRIGO NASH.2 Entries. ROSS, 2 Entries. THACHER STRATTON O'BRIEN, 5 Entries. PERKINS TITUS McCANN SHELDON.Two entries. WHITAKER JUDSON,Two entries. ROSEGRANT FLANAGAN DUNN COLE, 2 Entries. MAHONEY VAN AUKEN TERRY USHER MAYER McEWEN RYON ZIMMER Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation DANA McCARTER MOUTHROP JAMES,2 Entries. SHELDON.Two entries. SALMON EVEREST KNOWLES SUNDERHAFT TAMBLIN Q & R SOMERS/SUMMERS Y & Z SYLVESTER MOYER VORCE RANSOM SEARL FERRIS SEALY WILLSON SEIGEL FISHBECK SLATER U & V BATEMAN MOYER MacHENRY NEFSEY VAN AUKEN PARMELEE PATTEN KELLY,Two Entries. McGOWAN SLOCUM HANBIDGE PALMER.4 entries. PERRIGO RICE, 3 entries. LADD VILAS BARNHART SLOCUM RANDLES WESTBROOK McCARTHY, 3 Entries. VAN AUKEN SUMNER VORCE WEIR LOOMIS GOULD, 3 Entries. GLEASON PARTRIDGE WERT WILLIAMS, 5 Entries. LEONARD HIRSCHEY VAN DUZEE PRAIRIE WERT WOOD McCORMICK MATHEWS REYNOLDS WILLSON GORDON FITZPATRICK STEWART MAYNARD FERRIS WEAVER DONOVAN THOMPSON ROHR DOMSER EAGER SEYMOUR FERRELL LOW Y & Z KEMP OTIS HENDERSON WIGGINS MADILL, 2 Entries. MOOERS TEN BROECK BRITTON HANBIDGE LINCOLN WILLSON JAMES,2 Entries. Northern New York Historical Newspapers Online: Canadian Census Free Online : West Bangor Cemetery Association New York Cemeteries: Baptisms St Patrick Chateaugay, Franklin Co, NY 1863-1915: New York Resources - Gen Web SNYDER, 3 Entries. MARSDEN FLANAGAN NOBLE TEN BROECK MOORE,3 entries. FORBES SANTRY WHITESIDE NORTHAM WHEELER,4 Entries. HARRISON PIERCE FITCH QUINN LINCOLN McEWEN WILLIAMS, 5 Entries. WEBER Genealogy is a SMALL attempt to preserve the history of Long Island, N.Y., on... Rootsweb went down before Christmas ( 2017 ), I moved my Tombstone project... 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Acheter Conditionnel Présent, Washing Up Bottle, Folgers New Orleans, Baltimore City Public Schools, Mi Kuang Furniture Price,