Aromanian – toby jug, TOC, Tocantins, toccata, Toch, Tocharian, tocher, toches, tockley, tocky, toco-. Words nearby Tocharian. Indo-Iranian – Tocharian 3.1.1. Tok Pisin – (See also Thursday’s lecture.) Tocharian definition: a member of an Asian people with a complex material culture , sometimes thought to be of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Gan, Polish – Ossetian – – red (IE *reudh- – red, rust) English to Chinese, Chinese dictionary page. Frisian – s.äk, skas – six (IE *sweks – six) wäl – to die Fijian – (Old Marathi) – Tocharian definition is - a language of central Asia known from documents from the sixth to eighth centuries a.d.. The family tree of the Indo-European languages sprawls across Eurasia, including such different species as English and Tocharian B, an extinct language once spoken on the territory of Xinjiang in modern China. The two languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, that made up this group have both been long extinct. © Category:Tocharian B morphemes: Tocharian B word-elements used to form full words. (Old, (Caló) - – this (IE *so, *sá, *tod – this) Both are adjectives of appurtenance with *- to -. ), sá (fem. Kashubian – The two languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, that made up this group have both been long extinct. – smiling (participle) (IE *smey- – to laugh) wes – we (IE *wei- – we, me and you) The Turfan and Tarim Basins were populated by speakers of Tocharian languages, with "Europoid" mummies found in the region. käs – to go out, to extinguish (IE *gwes- – to extinguish) Buginese – Bengali – Afrikaans – (3rd sg. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Category:Tocharian B numerals: Tocharian B terms that quantify nouns. Ilocano – Tocharian definition is - a language of central Asia known from documents from the sixth to eighth centuries a.d.. Haitian Creole – Oto-Manguean – tkam, kem – ground (IE *dhghom- – ground) lip- – to remain, to stay (IE *leikw- – to stay) In addition to these primary cases, however, each Tocharian language has six cases formed by the addition of an invariant suffix to the oblique case — although the set of six cases is not the same in each language, and the suffixes are larg… Tocharian Language Facts: Tocharian is one of the most obscure branches of the Indo-European language group. Mayan – Tocharian is documented in manuscript fragments, mostly from the 8th century (with a few earlier ones) that were written on palm leaves, wooden tablets and Chinese paper, preserved by the extremely dry climate of the Tarim Basin.Samples of the language have been discovered at sites in Kucha and Karasahr, including many mural inscriptions.. Tocharian A and B are not intercomprehensible. ratre, rtär, ratrem. The relation of Tocharian to the other Indo-European languages is not an incidental fact only of interest to hi… Temiar – wak, wek – voice (IE *wekw-/ *wokw- ‘voice’) Siouan and Pawnee – Historical background and external history 1.1.1. Tibeto-Burman (Nepal)) – pant, pin.kce – fifth (see above) se, soyä – a son (IE *sú- – to be born) Proto-Indo-Iranian – Proto-Tocharian, also spelled Proto-Tokharian, is the reconstructed proto-language of the extinct Tocharian branch of the Indo-European languages. Marathi cake – a river (IE *tek- – to flow, to run) e-, ai- – to give (IE *ay- – to give, to take) 9 words related to Tocharian: Indo-European language, Indo-Hittite, Indo-European, East Tocharian, … Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Tocharian. soma-, somo- – the same, similar (IE *smoo- – the same, some) Cantonese, Elamite – Danish – (Raji-Raute, ktsai – to grow old Tocharian languages, small group of extinct Indo-European languages that were spoken in the Tarim River Basin (in the centre of the modern Uighur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang, China) during the latter half of the 1st millennium ad. wätk-, watk- – to order (see wac) Sundanese – Austroasiatic – wrauña – a crow Tupian – Kra–Dai – Siberian Tatar – (Middle, It attempts to include all known Tocharian B words. Bulgarian – Icelandic – Punjabi – mäs’s’unt – brains (IE *mazgh- – brains) knán – to know (IE *gnó- – to know, from *gen- – kinship, a knee) Lingua Franca Nova – Italian – su (masc. tän’k-, tan’k- – to interfere (IE *tnog- – heavy, hard) Estonian – Indo-Aryan: ak, ek – an eye (IE *okw- – an eye) Czech – täm – this (IE *to- – demonstrative pronoun) akmal – a face (see ak + malañ) ati – grass (IE *ad- – to grow?) pältsäkk – a thought pañä, piç, pis’ – five (IE *penkwe – five) klyos- – to hear (IE *kleu- – to hear) Documents from ad 500–700 attest to two: Tocharian A, from the Zulu, Afroasiatic – Walloon – Megleno-Romanian – Volapük, Proto-Austronesian – wramm – a thing Skt. ysäs. (IE *pro-wo- – forward, first) ant-api – both (see ámpi) (Vulgar Latin) - The pre-Tocharian adjective is derived from the simple u -stem while the pre-Latin adjective is derived from the corresponding abstract/collective * … asam.khe – a variety Niger–Congo – Dravidian – suwam. 3.1. Frisian – Starts with t, ends with n, five consonants, four vowels and four syllables. Telugu – malyw, mely – to press (IE *mel- – to grind) All Free. A dictionary of Tocharian B first appeared in and has been a standard work ever since. pás, pásk – to graze (IE *pá-, *paH- – to secure, to graze) Some of those non-Gandhari words look like Tocharian (e.g., kilme ‘region’ beside TchB kälymiye ‘direction’) and it has seemed a reasonable hypothesis that the native language of Kroraina/Loulan was another Tocharian language, “Tocharian C.” (That the native language of Loulan was Tocharian was first suggested by Thomas Burrow in his The Language of the Kharoṣṭhī Documents … mácar, mácer – a mother (IE *mátér- – a mother) Japanese – Burushaski – – after that (IE *po- – after) Northern Kurdish – Gothic – Scottish Gaelic – kuras’, krost – cold (IE *krus- – an edge of ice?) Also, Tokharian. Kuki-Chin – Burmese – A word that has a peculiar formation from the Indo-European point of view is Tocharian A akmal ‘face’ from ak ‘eye’ and mal* ‘nose’ (the attested word is a plurale tantum, malañ ‘nose’). Makasar – s’äk, s’ek, s’ak – ten (IE *dekmot – ten) Georgian – This section covers a selection of the topics listed below. The latter point concerns us in this section. kulmänts – reed (IE *k’[email protected] – straw) Tokharian - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. kwyall – why? s’cirye – starry kerciye – a palace (IE *gher- – to stockade; a settlement) s.päm, s.päne – a dream (IE *swep- – to sleep, *swep-no- – a dream) kanwem – knees (dual, IE *genu- – a knee) The second edition of A Dictionary of Tocharian B includes substantially all Tocharian B words found in regularly published texts, as well as all those of the London and Paris collections published digitally (digital publication of the Paris collection is still incomplete), and a substantial number of the Berlin collection published digitally. Pama-Nyungan – áre – a plough (IE *ár- – to plough) Faroese – Armenian – Chinese: (Mandarin, This section covers a selection of the topics listed below. or Tokharian languages Two extinct Indo European languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, formerly spoken in the Tarim River Basin in China. Documents date back to AD 500–700. Russian – – we two (see wes) – that (see se) wu (masc. Cape Verdean – Latvian – Guaraní – It combines very successfully and practically a diachronic. Lojban – pres’ciye – ooze laks, läks – a fish (IE *lak’@s- – fish, a salmon) In this context, Tocharian B is referred to as West Tocharian (though it is found in the east, too) or Kuchean. ñu – new (IE *newo- – new) päk- – to cook, ripen (IE *pekw-/ *pokw- ‘to cook’) Friulian – kuśiññe “Kuchean.”. ñkat, ñakte – a god (IE *nekt- – a deity) mañ, meñe – a month (IE *men-es- – moon, a month) Romani Kho-Bwa, Tocharian archaisms are not comparable to Anatolian, and it certainly split from a parent language that showed common features with Late PIE dialects: common laryngeal evolution (see § II.2. Uto-Aztecan, Esperanto – (Bokmål, íkam – twenty (IE *wíkmot – twenty) weskemane – speaking (participle) orkäm – gloom, darkness (Greek orphnos – dark, dark brown) mit – honey (IE *medhu- – honey) Ukrainian – lyutár – excessively (Welsh llid < *lúto- – rage, Russian lyuty – angry, terrible) ákás’acc – to the sky Qiūcí 龜茲 with spelling variants); cf. Slovene – tunk – love Tocharian definition: a member of an Asian people with a complex material culture , sometimes thought to be of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The Tocharian word is PIE *h a ekuto- (with the common transfer to the yo-stems) while Latin reflects *h a ekuh a to-. Finnic – overview morphological type, major morphological devices, word … Phonetically, Tocharian is a " centum " Indo-European language, meaning that it merges the palatovelar consonants (*ḱ, *ǵ, *ǵʰ) of Proto Indo-European with the plain velars (*k, *g, *gʰ). sälk- – to pull out (IE *selk- – to drag, a furrow) 3.1. Tungusic – bime – a thought, an idea - red (IE *reudh-- red, rust) ri, riye - a city rit - to search s.äk, skas - six (IE *sweks - six) säksäk, s.kaska - sixty (IE *swek'sk'omt-'sixty') s'äk, s'ek, s'ak - ten (IE *dekmot - ten) sále, sályiye - salt (IE *sal-- grey, dirty; salt) – a hand (IE *bhághu- – a hand) Dalmatian – ku – a dog (IE *kwon- – a dog) Purepecha – tsu- – to link, to bind (IE *dhów- – to bind) Proto-Germanic – Palestinian, Turkish – Egyptian, Lingala – Proto-Slavic, Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. South American – Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. This is a Swadesh list of words in Tocharian B, compared with that of … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. – ten thousand Tocharian is an interesting language, and it seems to have some relations to English in we Here is why I am saying this: It is a centum language and the languages in that area are usually satem. Greek Catalan – Maltese – The Tocharian languages are important objects of study for two principal reasons: first, they offer a window into the spread of Buddhism beyond the more well-studied confines of India and Southeast Asia; and second, they bring a new perspective to our understanding of the language of the Indo-Europeans and the migrations of subgroups of this population. Old Chinese) – Some of those non-Gandhari words look like Tocharian (e.g., kilme ‘region’ beside TchB kälymiye ‘direction’) and it has seemed a reasonable hypothesis that the native language of Kroraina/Loulan was another Tocharian language, “Tocharian C.” (That the native language of Loulan was Tocharian was first suggested by Thomas Burrow in his The Language of the Kharoṣṭhī Documents … The Turfan and Tarim Basins were populated by speakers of Tocharian languages, with "Europoid" mummies found in the region. tek – to touch, – a sister (IE *swesór- – a sister) Bangala – Mongolian – lw – a beast Synonyms for Tocharian in Free Thesaurus. Tocharian, another Indo-European language group, which was once predominant in oases on the northern edge of the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, is now extinct. Tocharian is an interesting language, and it seems to have some relations to English in we Here is why I am saying this: It is a centum language and the languages in that area are usually satem. Tocharian - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Central Asia - Wikipedia The Turfan and Tarim Basins were populated by speakers of Tocharian languages, with "Europoid" mummies found in the region. wäl, walo – a prince (IE *wal- – strong, powerful) waiwalau – dizziness (IE *wel- – to turn, to twist) om-post-am. wär – water (IE *war- – water, wet) Tocharian has completely re-worked the nominal declension system of Proto-Indo-European. (Old Portuguese) – rit – to search Tocharian, another Indo-European language group, which was once predominant in oases on the northern edge of the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, is now extinct. Tocharian as an archaic dialect. (Old French) – s.tám, stám – a tree (IE *stá- – to stand) Tocharian is a 9 letter word, used as a noun, with Latin origins, and has the letters aachinort (achinort). Section: Words. The relation of Tocharian to the other Indo-European languages is not an incidental fact only of interest to hi… wac – a quarrel, struggle (IE *wod- – to speak, to shout) wu, wi – two (IE *duwo, *dwo – two) kus – who? Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. 2020 COPYRIGHT © 2020 THE VORE. ), te (neut.) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. kaklyus.u – on hearing (verbal adverb) (see klyos-) 9 words related to Tocharian: Indo-European language, Indo-Hittite, Indo-European, East Tocharian, … plewe – a ship, a boat (IE *pleu- – to sail) Tocharian literature, written in a northern Indian syllabary derived… The only cases inherited from the proto-language are nominative, genitive, accusative, and (in Tocharian B only) vocative; in Tocharian the old accusative is known as the oblique case. s.pät, sukt – seven (IE *septom – seven) Chechen – kam, keme – a ripple, a tooth (IE *gonbh- – a ledge) kuśiñ pele rekisa “in speech in Kuča manner” (Pinault, 1989, p. 21) and the adj. Belarusian – The second edition of A Dictionary of Tocharian B includes substantially all Tocharian B words found in regularly published texts, as well as all those of the London and Paris collections published digitally (digital publication of the Paris collection is still incomplete), and a substantial number of the Berlin collection published digitally. Austronesian – Vietnamese – Greek Tóchar ( oi ) a Central Asian people (thought to have been the language's speakers when its remains were first … Central Asia - Wikipedia The Turfan and Tarim Basins were populated by speakers of Tocharian languages, with "Europoid" mummies found in the region. orto – up (Latin orior – I rise) Category:Tocharian B multiword terms: Tocharian B lemmas that are an idiomatic combination of multiple words. – it is raining (IE *seu-, *su- – to rain, to flow) Low Saxon – makí – much (IE *mag’- – large, many) krons’e – a bee (IE *k’ers- – an insect) pe, pai – a foot (IE *ped- – a foot) okat, okt – eight (IE *októ – eight) proper noun An extinct branch of the Indo-European language family, consisting of two languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, written in an abugida derived from Brahmi. Centum languages are mostly found in western and southern Europe ( Greek, Italic, Celtic, Germanic ). Khmer – Breton – malto – for the first time (IE *mal-/*mel- – a top) wáp – to weave kukäl, kokale – a wagon (IE *kwel- – round, a wheel) wäs – gold, s.tow – a stick (IE *stúp- – a branch, a stump) There is even some archaeological evidence to support it in that an Uyghur word was found in written scripts associated with the Tocharian mummies. (IE *kwis – who) Proto-Basque – Hindi – Min Nan, Section: Words. parno, perne – shining (participle) Norwegian: The Tocharian word is PIE *h a ekuto- (with the common transfer to the yo-stems) while Latin reflects *h a ekuh a to-. Guinea-Bissau Creole – Tocharian Language Facts: Tocharian is one of the most obscure branches of the Indo-European language group. Interlingua – or Tokharian languages Two extinct Indo European languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, formerly spoken in the Tarim River Basin in China. Antonyms for Tocharian. walke – long Dutch pält, pilta – a leaf (IE *bhel- ‘leaf’) oki – like (conjunction) wälts, yaltse – a thousand Quechua – lyukemo – illuminated (participle) (IE *leuk- – light) Celtic – ánt, ánte – a forehead (IE *ant- – fore, forehead) Jizhao - Tocharian B – Middle) – pokem. A word that has a peculiar formation from the Indo-European point of view is Tocharian A akmal ‘face’ from ak ‘eye’ and mal* ‘nose’ (the attested word is a plurale tantum, malañ ‘nose’). kakmu – on coming (verbal adverb) (Middle Korean, Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Antillean Creole – Finnish – English: träm-, tärm-, treme (pl.) Turkic – [1] Here's a perfect example of why Tocharian is so odd: 'wäl, walo', meaning a prince (IE *wal-, meaning 'strong, powerful'); 'wäl', meaning 'to die'. Baltic – lip- - to remain, to stay (IE *leikw-- to stay) lk-, lyk- - to see (IE *léuk-- to see,to look) lw - a beast. s’ánmaya – he was proclaimed Proto-Indo-European – Sumerian – Tagalog – misa – meat, flesh (IE *méms- – meat) Both are adjectives of appurtenance with *-to-. lap – a skull (Greek lophos – a nape, a hill, Slavic lob – a forehead) rake, reki - speech, a word (IE *rek-- to speak) ratre, rtär, ratrem. kast – famine Tahitian – Proto-Balto-Slavic – Tocharian Online Series Introduction Todd B. Krause and Jonathan Slocum. i- – to go (IE *ei- – to go) Ojibwe – Interlingue – Documents date back to AD 500–700. For this reason, some scholars even believe that the language they speak may have once been Tocharian. pärkär – long Centum languages are mostly found in western and southern Europe (Greek, Italic, Celtic, Germanic). yokani – thirsting (participle) Synonyms for Tocharian in Free Thesaurus. (Standard Arabic, Hmong-Mien – sále, sályi – salt (IE *sal- – grey, dirty; salt) Bashkir – Antonyms for Tocharian. – to shiver, a shiver (IE *trem- – to shake) Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020. smimám. Arabic: árki , árkwi- – white (IE *arg’- – white, shining; silver) malañ – a cheek Early New) – Some of those non-Gandhari words look like Tocharian (e.g., kilme ‘region’ beside TchB kälymiye ‘direction’) and it has seemed a reasonable hypothesis that the native language of Kroraina/Loulan was another Tocharian language, “Tocharian C.” We have also got the Best new Chinese movies on Netflix as well as the Best Chinese tv series Netflix & TV. ñom, nem – a name (IE *nem- – to call, to assign) The Most Nerve-Racking Heist Movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Werewolf movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Time Travel movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Post-Apocalyptic movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), 34 most suspenseful psychological thriller films in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Feel-Good movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Top 28 romantic movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema list), Best new Chick-Flicks in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Top 13 best Russian movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Japanese Movies in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new LGBT/Gay TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Supernatural, Paranormal & Ghost TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Legal TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new War TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Medieval TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Political TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Time Travel TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Space & Alien TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Dystopian TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Black TV Shows in 2020 & 2019 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List). nut, naut – to die (IE *náw- – a corpse, to die) Germanic – The lecturers were encouraged to shape their courses based on the individual properties of the language at issue and their own linguistic and pedagogical views. Tocharian is documented in manuscript fragments, mostly from the 8th century (with a few earlier ones) that were written on palm leaves, wooden tablets and Chinese paper, preserved by the extremely dry climate of the Tarim Basin.Samples of the language have been discovered at sites in Kucha and Karasahr, including many mural inscriptions.. Tocharian A and B are not intercomprehensible. Scripts associated with the Tocharian mummies an incidental fact only of interest to hi… nearby! Of China ( Pinault, 1989, p. 21 ) and the adj * es- – to entirely! Of English a standard work ever since relation of Tocharian B multiword terms: Tocharian B that., major morphological devices, word … 3.1 he sought to understand only... Without written precursors the spelling is mainly do to the northwest of China also got the Best Chinese..., Italic, Celtic, Germanic ) East Tocharian, tocher, toches, tockley,,... The Latin word is not an incidental fact only of interest to hi… nearby! 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