If I was talking in everyday life, I would just say flu. Despite his remarkable predictions, he insists he is “not special” – instead believing that all of us possess the same abilities, but that scepticism prevents us from trusting them. It stuck in my mind, as it’s not a word I’d use. Russia will have to go through difficult trials both in politics and economics. “Maybe that’s literal and he’ll be poorly with a heart problem, or maybe it’s metaphorical and he’ll go through a break-up or something. Nicolas’ forecast for 2021 also sees protests around the world continuing for the next two to three years and includes visions of civil unrest. We’re going to explore what is happening with Nasa, Space-X, and Elon Musk. My predictions for 2021 are from a source of love and light. Her phrase is known that “old age will destroy this country” (there is an assumption that Vanga meant the current president of the country). Language differences will disappear. Life as we know it will continue to be disrupted, even after a vaccine is widely available. However, the state will overcome them and after 2024 will be on the path of prosperity. but once it starts, XRP will move so fast that 99% will miss the opportunity … and find themselves chasing prices higher only to buy the top. According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, in 2021 there is the possibility of creating a Union between India, China, Britain and Russia. Worryingly, some of the predictions he has spell trouble and heartache in the year ahead. South Londoner Nicolas Aujula, 35, spoke back in 2018 of an “influenza” disaster dominating the world – a vision which he now believes foretold the Covid-19 outbreak, the effect of which has been likened to Spanish flu. Now the past life regression therapist, hypnotherapist and psychic astrologer has looked ahead to 2021 and beyond, saying: "Some of my visions are very literal. Ultimately, nobody knows with 100% certainty what's going to happen. The famous French prophet Michel de Nostredame gave quite accurate predictions for the next year: The predictions of Blessed Matrona promise great trials for many countries: A famous Bulgarian prophetess made the following predictions about what could happen in the 21st century: The famous fortuneteller and medium Wolf Messing made the following prophecies about the events of the 21st century: The so-called “Kazakh Vanga” predicted for 2021 the strengthening of Russia’s power in the world and the gradual weakening of the enemies of the state, in America an increase in the number of terrorist acts and an increase in the number of “color” revolutions. POSTED April 12, 2020: There are actually two dangerous periods in 2021 for events to quickly evolve into World War III in Europe: the seventh year anniversary of the beginning of the Russian invasion and war in eastern Ukraine in February 2021... a war that still rages ... and a possible mega-revolution in Russia and Germany that may also involve Ukraine and other adjacent regions like Hungary and Poland in October … As of November 20, 2020, the U.S. housing market is incredibly strong. And this is the star sign you should be hooking up with for the steamiest sex. But the situation when many world powers will be in opposition to Russia will change, the power will rise and begin to strengthen its positions in the world. So inspired by the experience that he scrapped his plans to study history and economics at university, instead, Nicolas trained as a past life regression therapist. I don’t think it will be another virus, but I can imagine the reaction will be alarmist, given what’s happened this year.”. See more of the best stocks to buy below. This is the most controversial cryptocurrency prediction for 2021, and many won’t believe it until it happens…. There may also be a large focus on the air, air travel as well as communications and space. Who knows, maybe she will split with Kanye West?”. But we can look at some of the factors that might contribute to a 2021 housing crash. Nostradamus predicts that a massive earthquake will hit the New World (“western lands”), and California is the most obvious place where it could happen. For Europe, a forecast was given of a large influx of Muslims, which would adversely affect the development of a number of countries. A couple of optimistic views of the market Those who want a better 2021 can look to a pair of bullish calls from prominent analysts. In this blog I'm going to talk about the 2021 Property Market Crash. From Commentary. Not exactly earth-shattering or specific, but that’s usually the case with Nostradamus. What changes are astrologers predicting for 2021? “I also envisioned the defeat of Donald Trump. After answering some questions about COVID-19 on This Morning in London, I’ve realised British readers have many more. For more mystical insights, Kerry King previously revealed the perfect diet for your star sign. He also predicts a mass movement of people, with “thousands” moving countries in one go. “I’m also seeing another baby for her and Harry.”. In September, the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) already predicted that there will be a massive slump in UK house prices in 2021, by nearly as much as 14 per cent. Russia will go through difficult times and will be at odds with the whole world over territory near its southern border. It's also not everyone's destiny to become a millionaire. InvestingHaven makes several crypto millionaires. Prince Harry told to ‘forget his military titles’ after Megxit, France BANS Brits travelling into country over Covid fears as Eurostar shut, An expert explains when you should tell kids the ‘truth’ about Father Christmas, I worked as a stripper and these are most disturbing things I learned about men, Daily Chinese Horoscope Sunday December 20: What your zodiac sign has in store, © 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed, Meghan Markle will give a "tell-all" interview in 2021 according to a psychic, Nicolas Aujula claims to have predicted coronavirus, Nicolas says that he can see heartache on the cards for Kim Kardashian, Tom Cruise may also be concerned with matters of the heart, He also predicts that Rishi Sunak will take office, Nicolas predicts that coronavirus will continue until 2022, Nicolas believes he was an Egyptian queen and a lion in past lives, TV psychic Sally Cudmore predicted Stacey Solomon and Joe Swash will have a baby and two years later it turned out to be true. “There’s no logic to it, but I knew what I was seeing was me in a previous life. With respect to the pandemic, it almost seems like the FDA is in no hurry to approve COVID vaccines and drugs to save lives immediately. From 2021, artificial intelligence will be equal or will even surpass human intelligence, which could lead to an apocalyptic scenario like those we see in movies. With the transit of Saturn and Jupiter, placed in squares and trines respectively, the dual-energy of planets will enhance the benevolence in your life. India suffered worst locust attack in 30 years, Time to buy diamonds world’s largest pink diamond mine closes, The doctor warned that patients with coronavirus may die due to concomitant illness, Data leak: Hundreds of thousands of Spotify access data discovered unprotected online, The telescope photographed the next target Hayabusa2, Seven minutes of death when landing a rover on Mars. “I’ve had thousands of past lives. Major changes are already underway, and these will carry on through to 2021. Since then, he has had regular visions, some of which come to him through dreams and others that strike when he is out and about. Now that we’re approaching the new year, more and more experts are starting to give their opinion on what the market may have in store and giving housing market predictions for 2021. Scientists have deciphered the predictions of the famous French astrologer, alchemist, physician and prophet Michel Nostradamus for 2021. It is now clear that Crimea has become this stumbling block. 2021 astrology prediction: What's going to happen in 2021 with Brexit and coronavirus THE YEAR of 2020 wasn't what we were expecting, and nobody is sure what's going to happen in 2021 … This year though, the prediction machine has been somewhat subdued. Canada’s last ice shelf collapses to form a city-sized iceberg, Fatal infection deprives woman of legs and parts of arm, NASA showed the extent of the melting of glaciers in Antarctica. “People write off little things like knowing the phone is going to ring, or that you’re about to get bad news as a coincidence,. He continued: “The image of protests that I saw is one that has now become very important, as all over the world this year, people have been taking to the streets, standing up and raising their voices. At a certain stage of Russia’s weakness, India or China may seize part of its territory. Below, we spoke with experts across the country about their expectations of what the pandemic will look like next year and what we can do as a society to make 2021 a more positive experience. “I’m also seeing romantic heartache for Natalie Portman and Kim Kardashian. And 2021 stock market predictions are … Alexey Pokhabov believes that a conflict may arise in Russia, which will provoke the outbreak of the Third World War. There could be changes in different countries regarding human rights and how some people are treated. The most interesting predictions from the participants of the popular “Battle of Psychics”, which was broadcast on the TNT channel: Our Standards, Terms of Use: Standard Terms And Conditions. No, it is NOT expected that Florida will have legalized sports wagering in 2021. At the time, I thought it’d mean a literal fire – but now I think it might’ve been symbolic of the way the NHS, and health services around the world, were pushed to the edge by the virus. After 2021, the Great Prophet will appear in Russia and create a global religion that can unite all of humanity. This will allow him to establish a world order in which there will be no struggle for power, wars and corruption. In addition, there will be big conflicts based on religious differences. And the strengths of Russia and China will grow stronger every year. “They say things like, ‘Why don’t you predict the lottery then?’ But I can’t control the visions I see and me winning the lottery won’t serve any purpose to the wider world. The US election was obviously very neck-and-neck, so it was surreal seeing my vision come true when Joe Biden finally took the lead.”. Perhaps the beginning of a big war that will affect Europe and Russia. “I’m seeing people moving somewhere for a better life, almost like a mass exodus. My housing market prediction for 2021 is that nationwide housing prices will reach new all-time highs by no later than July 1, 2021. Around this time every year, we would start to see the prediction machine humming. According to Libra 2021 horoscope predictions, the year 2021 may prove to be one of the most successful years for you. More investors and experts are concerned about a potential stock market crash. I write this prediction with more sadness and frustration I will again be proven to be right. “Black Lives Matter has been a huge movement, but there have been other protests around the globe too, such as those in France and Nigeria. Still unable to explain what happened, he said: “I had this almost out-of-body experience and I was able to see several of my past lives. Are we at the dawn of this year 4 in a crisis of regression? Globally, the 4 symbolizes the government, the forces of a country, the men of power, their rise or fall. 2020 turned our lives upside down and 2021 is set to be just as eventful, but crucially more positive. #4 Us Sports Bettors Will Not Learn to Sign-up and Join More Than One Sportsbook. He also predicted Trump losing the US election, as well as global protests - both of which happened in 2020. He explained: “Back in 2018, the word influenza kept coming to me. In addition, Nicolas believes that a vision he had in 2019 of global protests is partially linked to the Black Lives Matter movement. Maybe this will not happen in 2021, next year being just the beginning of new technology. Others believe nothing will happen after the election. Some promising COVID-19 vaccine news was … “One thing people have asked me about a lot this year is the coronavirus. Russia will strengthen ties with Asian states – India and China. After 2021, natural world cataclysms will provoke a large flow of refugees to Russia, whom the magnanimous state will shelter. “And I've had the words ‘pig flu’ come to me and seen images of mass panic. Other predictions relate to already a later period, in 2029, the potential for serious crisis on the background of military conflicts, but after 6 years, the country has entered a … “The Covid-19 pandemic has been compared to the Spanish flu outbreak, hence the word influenza, and some people think it originated at a wildlife market in Wuhan, China. If this year saw our regular ways of life dismantled, then next year is tipped to offer technological advancements and the mending of communities. I’m not talking a few hundred – I mean thousands,” he said. “I have had a couple of quite horrid visions – one of a male world leader being assassinated. Prediction #48: The Aug 2020 – Mars rover landing mission to that planet in February 2021 will show some type of alien life – (microscopic or otherwise) and the mission (Rover) will go dark for an unexplained reason for a period of time before the communications are restored..I also feel that it will land prior to the published date so a secret mission can be completed … The median price of an existing home sold in September was $311,800, up an incredible 14.8% compared with September 2019. 2021 will be quite a significant year in terms of major global events. Other housing market predictions for 2021 There’s also a likely wave of foreclosures coming at some point next year. Will Mature a conflict between European countries, in which Russia will assume the role of peacemaker. At the end of the day, though, I’m not hurting anyone in what I do, so sceptics, bring it on.”. And he believes his gift has helped him to predict some of the most newsworthy events of recent times. According to El Heraldo de Mexico Mercado, the Nos Man predicts major floods in Europe, a worldwide economic collapse, a deadly war (although not necessarily WWIII – once bitten, twice shy) and advances in technology.

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