Of the 178 most methodologically rigorous studies, 119 (67%) find inverse relationships between R/S and depression. In order to distinguish religiosity from spirituality, Vittengl compared combined scores of religion and spirituality (S+R) with scores of religion subtracted from spirituality (S-R). Adults who have experienced depression are treated at higher rates than teens. ). Nevertheless, a number of high-quality studies show that R/S involvement may increase the risk of depression in certain populations (those with family problems) or may worsen the prognosis of depression (a single study in substance abusers). The depression rate drops to 6.8 percent among those age 65 and older, however, suicide rates in elderly men are higher than other age groups, perhaps due to untreated depression … Based on information collected on 238 countries, 13,000 ethno-linguistic peoples, 5,000 cities and 3,000 provinces by the World Christian Database, atheists make up less than 0.01% of the populations of 24 countries, less than 0.1% of the populations in 100 countries on which such data are available, and more than 5% of the population in only 9 countries (Cuba, Latvia, Uruguay, Viet Nam, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Sweden, and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) [8]. In a study conducted in Providence, Rhode Island, religious attendance and major depression were examined in a sample of 718 participants (mean age 34). These findings are similar to those of a meta-analysis conducted by Smith and colleagues that was published in 2003 [29], which examined findings on the religion-depression relationship using data from 98,975 subjects involved in 147 studies. Of those, over 60% report less depression and faster r… The researchers found that religious people were more prone to depression, with rates of developing depression in places like the United Kingdom … We already discussed the possibility that R/S involvement may help persons to cope better. Depression is widespread around the world. H. G. Koenig, M. E. McCullough, and D. B. Larson, I. Levav, R. Kohn, J. M. Golding, and M. M. Weissman, “Vulnerability of Jews to affective disorders,”, G. J. Kennedy, H. R. Kelman, C. Thomas, and J. Chen, “The relation of religious preference and practice to depressive symptoms among 1,855 older adults,”, S. Sethi and M. E. P. Seligman, “Optimism and fundamentalism,”, H. G. Koenig, L. K. George, K. G. Meador, D. G. Blazer, and P. B. Dyck, “Religious affiliation and psychiatric disorder among protestant baby boomers,”, J. R. Landis and G. G. Koch, “The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data,”, T. B. Smith, M. E. McCullough, and J. Religion is an important part of life for much of the world’s population. However, Glicksman in studies examining response styles suggests that Jewish people of Eastern European descent are much more likely than Irish or Italian Catholics to express negative affect [24]. This paper reviews and synthesizes quantitative research examining relationships between R/S involvement and depressive symptoms or disorders during the last 50 years (1962 to 2011). Time will tell. Failure in family life, an area of particular importance to highly religious persons because of its emphasis by religious traditions, may predispose to higher levels of guilt and greater depression. Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Overall levels of religion and spirituality together did not predict depression, but were highly correlated, making it difficulty tease them apart in term of depression risk. Studies among adults reveal fairly consistent relationships between levels of religiosity and depressive disorders that are significant and inverse. Equipping these clergy with proven R/S-based psychotherapies would represent an enormous contribution. The growing trend in urban centers is hard to miss. Yes, sins in the past like physical abuse, substance abuse and neglect … Why would this be the case? In the Handbook’s systematic review of research on R/S and social support, 82 percent of quantitative studies (61 of 74) reported significant positive relationships between the two [14]. R/S involvement appears to be related to depression in one way or another. Since the year 2000, at least 22 clinical trials or experimental studies have examined the effects on depressive symptoms, including meditation, religious forgiveness therapy, mantra chanting, spiritual coping therapy, spiritual-focused therapy, spiritual history taking, a spiritual teaching program, 12-step spirituality program, spiritual direction, and a variety of other psychospiritual interventions, of which nearly two-thirds (63%) reported significant benefits [58]. Given the great need for better ways to address depression and other mental health issues, burgeoning interest in spirituality from many quarters, and sharp increase in research, we will continue to see more and more integration into both personal practice and conventional healthcare settings. R/S involvement has also been associated with positive emotions, such as greater life satisfaction, well-being, hope, optimism, and meaning and purpose in life, feelings which help to neutralize the negative emotions that underlie depression and suicide. The purpose of this review is to summarize quantitative research on the religion-depression relationship, including randomized clinical trials that have examined the effects of religious interventions on depression. The Mental Health of Atheists and the "Nones". The majority of studies (61%) find less depression or faster recovery from depression for those who are more R/S or a better response to an R/S intervention compared to other treatments or controls. Raphael Bonelli, Rachel E. Dew, Harold G. Koenig, David H. Rosmarin, Sasan Vasegh, "Religious and Spiritual Factors in Depression: Review and Integration of the Research", Depression Research and Treatment, vol. Most important, however, was the interaction found with NLEs. What Really Goes on in the Mind of a Cheater? 2012, Article ID 962860, 8 pages, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/962860, 1Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, Sigmund Freud University, ), spirituality has been assessed using questions measuring religion [15, 16]. In either case, this could create a self-selected higher risk spiritual-but-not-religious group. For example, self-directed internal searches for meaning, ruminations about life, and a sense of an unending search may characterize both spirituality and depression; spiritual people therefore “may be engaging in a ‘lonely search’ for answers to their ultimate questions that, if unsatisfied, increases risk for depression.”. Risk for depression when spirituality exceeds religiosity. In another study conducted in The Netherlands, researchers found in a sample of 1,702 older adults that frequency of prayer was related (cross-sectional) to significantly greater depression among those without a religious affiliation, especially among those who were widowed (although this may have been a mobilization effect, i.e., people praying because they feel down) [47]. Yet, they are devoid of religious belief, and don't necessarily even need to be labeled "spiritual", as they address basic, ordinary human emotions. If R/S involvement is related to less depression, less anger and hostility, lower rates of substance abuse, greater social support, and better coping with stress, it should not be surprising that R/S is also related to less suicide. Of those objective scientific studies, 272 (61%) found that those who were more religious experienced less depression, recovered faster from depression, or experienced a reduction in depression severity in response to a religious or spiritual intervention. Confiding In Others Improves Your Health, But How? Why Do Antiheroes Appeal to People With Dark Traits? In the present paper, we also discuss a couple of recent reports from a study conducted by the Columbia University psychiatry research group given the importance of their findings. —Albert Einstein. Among persons aged 15 to 44 in the USA, major depression is now the leading cause of disability days [3]. Future work can look more deeply at when spirituality is associated with depression, and what spiritual practices may be more useful for those seeking meaning outside of formal belief systems. OBJECTIVE: Few studies have investigated the association between religion and suicide either in terms of Durkheim’s social integration hypothesis or the hypothesis of the regulative benefits of religion.The relationship between religion and suicide attempts has received even less attention. A poorly known fact is that community clergy spend on average about 15% of their time counseling at the local level [54]. The Duke University Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health is based in the Center for Aging at Duke and gives opportunities for scholarly trans-disciplinary conversation and the development of collaborative research projects.In respect to the atheism and mental and physical health, the center offers many studies which suggest that theism is more bene… All analyses were controlled for age, gender, denomination, history of depression, and history of parental depression. Even a higher percentage of studies (75%) find inverse relationships between R/S and suicide attitudes, attempts, and completed suicide, and <3% find the opposite. As noted above, at least 444 original quantitative studies examined the relationship between R/S and depression or the effects of R/S intervention on depression between 1962 and 2010. A relatively recent meta-analytic review by Smith and colleagues found between-treatments effect size of 0.51 overall and 0.96 for studies which assessed for positive as well as negative outcomes [59]. Religious involvement is also common today, with surveys showing that a significant proportion of the world’s population has religious beliefs and practices that are important to daily life. Why are so many people drawn to conspiracy theories in times of crisis? The 12-month prevalence of major depressive disorder is 6.7% in the United States and is 2.0% for severe depression [1]. For example, black women have lower rates of depression than white women. , 95% CI 0.96–3.41, He found that in general, participants reported high levels of religion and spirituality, averaging a score of 3 on a scale from 1-4. Understanding the role that R/S factors play in preventing depression, facilitating its resolution, or leading to greater depression will help clinicians determine whether this is a resource or a liability for individual patients. Thus, these constructs should be reflected in the associations between R/S involvement, depression, and suicide. In other words, people of Jewish descent may be more likely to report depressive symptoms and seek help from mental health professionals rather than turn to maladaptive means of coping with emotional pain (e.g., people of Jewish descent also demonstrate lower rates of alcohol abuse [22]). I know a lot of atheists, myself included, would all like to believe that atheists are happier people than religious believers and in many ways we are. In addition, recent immigrants to the U.S. tend to have lower rates of depression than others who are presumably more "Western" in attitudes and behavior. Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. As more people move away from formal belief and seek meaning through personalized spiritual exploration, there is a proliferation of goods and services related to yoga, eastern practice, meditation centers, spiritual retreats and a variety of other oases for those seeking support and meaning. Of the 444 studies, 178 (40%) were rated 7 or higher on the 1-to-10 scale. Depressive disorder has an enormous impact on a person’s ability to function at work, in relationships, and in other areas of life. Our study ratings followed these guidelines, emphasizing study design (clinical trial, prospective cohort, cross-sectional, etc. However, spirituality clearly predicted increased depressive symptoms over the decades of the study. As fewer people participate in formal religious practice, often moving away from the beliefs and rituals of their family of origin, more and more people are becoming “spiritual but not religious” (Willard & Norenzayan, 2017). In contrast, only 6% reported greater depression in those who were more religious. Among other measures, participants completed assessments for major depressive symptoms, extent of religious and spiritual belief, and demographic factors. Of those, 106 (75%) found inverse relationships (39 of the 49 highest-quality studies or 80%) [34]. Depression "Spiritual But Not Religious" Is Associated With Depression Recent research shows that spirituality predicts depressive symptoms. The authors have no conflicts of interest. Given its superficial nature, religious affiliation is a poor indicator of degree of religious involvement or commitment. The nonaffiliated may, however, have alternative sources of support from nonreligious communities and secular belief systems that compensate for lack of religious connections. John Cihak, STD, of the book, The Catholic Guide to Depression: How the Saints, the Sacraments, and Psychiatry Can … , 95% CI 0.30–0.87) and 53% lower likelihood of any psychiatric disorder ( Religion was ultimately good for us and depression rates increasing while religion affiliation is decreasing is not a coincidence. The Mail Online covered this story relatively well, but did not discuss the inherent limitations of the study. The studies’ abstracts were then examined to determine if they were qualitative or quantitative. The average effect size (correlation) was small ( It also mentioned two additional studies, one apparently related to prayer and treatment of cardiac patients, and the other related to the success of I… If R/S is generally related to less depression (and suicide) and predicts a faster remission from depression over time, then could this information be of use to clinicians? 2% to 3% of children ages 6 to 12 may have serious depression. Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy. For example, a national study of veteran’s health highlighted significant protective effects of religion and spirituality (Sharma et al., 2017). Religion, spirituality, and mental health of U.S. military veterans: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study, Journal of Affective Disorders , 2017, Volume 217 , 197 - 204. This has been a major barrier to R/S persons seeking professional help since time of Freud [49] and such negative attitudes have not changed much [50, 51]. ) but consistent and could not be explained by gender, age, or ethnicity. The systematic review was conducted as follows. Higher rates of depression in Pentecostals may be due to people with emotional problems self-selecting themselves into Pentecostal groups because of the latter’s strong focus on overcoming emotional problems (many uplifting hymns, strong emphasis on socialization, and positive content of sermons) [25]. In fact, there are several randomized clinical trials already completed that demonstrate benefit using religious or spiritually integrated psychotherapies for depression. Since we are discussing research, we use the terms religion and spirituality interchangeably (R/S) for two reasons. The Kappa statistic of agreement for categorizing studies as higher quality (ratings of 7 or higher) versus lower quality (ratings less than 7) was 0.49 (indicating good inter-rater agreement [28]). A strong support system involving friends and family is a powerful resource for those facing difficult circumstances out of their control. There are certainly many factors that influence the risk of depression besides R/S, including genetic, developmental, and environmental factors. In the USA alone it is estimated that depression costs over $65 billion per year [5]. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In the low-risk group without a history of depressed parents, religious variables did not predict the presence of depression at follow-up. of depression and lo wer suicide rates among the more religious [Beit-Hallahmi(1975), Bonelli et.al (2012), Cook (2014), Dervic et.al. Direct correlation between two separate raters (Pearson’s r) was 0.57. Second, whenever spirituality has been assessed using measures not contaminated by items assessing mental health (well-being, peacefulness, meaning and purpose, connectedness to others, etc. Higher rates of depression in people of Jewish descent, particularly those who are not actively religious, have been documented in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies [19–21]. Every study referred to in this review is annotated and described in the appendices of two editions of the Handbook of Religion and Health (and for an expanded discussion of this research, which we only briefly summarize here, see the chapters focused on this topic in the Handbook) [17, 18]. Canva #50. Meditation centers, yoga practices and related businesses with sophisticated, eye-catching branding and high-powered marketing campaigns are becoming as prominent to those strolling down the street (or surfing the web) as traditional houses of worship. A variety of factors may explain why people of Jewish descent at least appear to be at higher risk. , 95% CI 0.09–1.00), and any psychiatric disorder by 64% (OR = 0.36, 95% CI 0.11–1.17, , trend). Depression: Facts, Statistics, and You Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., CRNP — Written by Brandi Koskie — Updated on June 3, 2020 Share on Pinterest Mental illness is not a sin. Furthermore, R/S has been shown to predict a faster speed of remission of depression in at least three studies of hospitalized patients experiencing the stress of medical illness [38–40]. ) and bereavement ( We present here abbreviated versions of the definitions presented in the Handbook of Religion and Health. For example, in one study of 330 consecutively hospitalized patients to the general medicine, cardiology and neurology services of Duke Hospital, when asked an open-ended question about what enabled them to cope with the stress of their illness, 42% spontaneously reported that it was some aspect of religious faith or activity [37]. Krause N & Pargament KI. While religion represents deeply rooted belief and practice, usually coming from family and cultural background, spirituality represents a departure from that traditional, familiar support. However, it does provide some general information about the prevalence of depression in broad religious groups. For example, in a study of 22,570 older adults in 11 countries of Western Europe, for those countries with high levels of orthodox beliefs or high percentage of Catholics, a cross-sectional positive association between disability and depressive symptoms was more pronounced [44]. There are certain aspects of any job that can lead to high-stress situations sometimes resulting in depression. In other cases, religious involvement may have been an indicator of stress in populations characterized by low religious involvement, where turning to religion only occurs when stress levels are high and people are particularly desperate (i.e., mobilization effect). 8,14 Religious factors become more potent as life stress increases. ADHD and COVID: Update on Findings and Coping Strategies, Scientists Pinpoint Gut Bacteria Associated With Depression, Psychology Today © 2020 Sussex Publishers, LLC, 3 Simple Questions Screen for Common Personality Disorders, Research Suggests Coronavirus Causes a Storm in the Brain, What to Do About Vaccine Hesitancy During COVID-19, New Findings Reveal Benefits of Ketamine for Depression, Ketamine Combats Depression via Unique Molecular Mechanisms. At least 444 studies have now quantitatively examined these relationships. The findings from research on R/S and depression are also consistent with research on the relationship between R/S and suicide. The number of adults who had experienced depression also increased from 14.8 million in 2007 to 17.3 million in 2017, though the share remained the same (7%). Systematic review on depression and religiosity/spirituality (1962–2010). One reason may be the selective reporting of depressive symptoms. One study of suicide in Finland (which has some of the highest suicide rates in the world) found that recent life events were documented in 80% of suicides [33]. (2004), Hilton et. MA 02215, USA, 6Department of Psychiatry, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , 95% CI 0.06–0.94), any mood disorder by 69% ( S. Cohen, L. G. Underwood, and B. H. Gottlieb, W. J. Strawbridge, S. J. Shema, R. D. Cohen, R. E. Roberts, and G. A. Kaplan, “Religiosity buffers effects of some stressors on depression but exacerbates others,”, A. W. Braam, P. Delespaul, A. T. Beekman, D. J. Deeg, K. Peres, and M. Dewey, “National context of healthcare, economy and religion, and the association between disability and depressive symptoms in older Europeans: results from the EURODEP concerted action,”, L. Wijngaards-De Meij, M. Stroebe, H. Schut et al., “Couples at risk following the death of their child: predictors of grief versus depression,”, A. W. Braam, D. J. H. Deeg, J. L. Poppelaars, A. T. F. Beekman, and W. Van Tilburg, “Prayer and depressive symptoms in a period of secularization: patterns among older adults in the Netherlands,”, J. Maselko and S. Buka, “Religious activity and lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorder,”, F. A. Curlin, R. E. Lawrence, S. Odell et al., “Religion, spirituality, and medicine: psychiatrists' and other physicians' differing observations, interpretations, and clinical approaches,”, D. B. Larson, S. B. Thielman, M. A. Greenwold et al., “Religious content in the DSM-III-R glossary of technical terms,”, A. J. Weaver, “Has there been a failure to prepare and support parish-based clergy in their role as frontline community mental health workers: a review,”, L. R. Propst, R. Ostrom, P. Watkins, T. Dean, and D. Mashburn, “Comparative efficacy of religious and nonreligious cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of clinical depression in religious individuals,”, M. Z. Azhar and S. L. Varma, “Religious psychotherapy in depressive patients,”, M. Z. Azhar and S. L. Varma, “Religious psychotherapy as management of bereavement,”, H. G. Koenig, D. E. King, and V. B. Carson, “Depression,” in, T. B. Smith, J. Bartz, and P. S. Richards, “Outcomes of religious and spiritual adaptations to psychotherapy: a meta-analytic review,”, J. N. Hook, E. L. Worthington, D. E. Davis, D. J. Jennings, A. L. Gartner, and J. P. Hook, “Religious spiritual therapies and empirically supported,”, B. C. Post and N. G. Wade, “Religion and spirituality in psychotherapy: a practice-friendly review of research,”, H. G. Koenig, “Religious versus conventional psychotherapy for major depression in patients with chronic medical illness: rationale,”. Individuals [ 30 ] be related to COVID-19 the Mental Health care but seldom receive training! Conspiracy theories in times of crisis stressors, R/S involvement, depression, and factors. Fellow atheists often don ’ t large differences in spirituality versus religiosity as a function of age, or... 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