Equipped with a 20-cell 8-dot display, the Orbit Reader 20 is based on revolutionary braille cell technology developed by Orbit Research. For $100 more, at $699, this device features onboard braille translation of text files, additional options such as a clock and calculator, alarm, all in the same form factor as the original Orbit Reader 20. Orbit Reader 20. As a braille display, the Orbit Reader connects to PCs and Macs, iOS devices and Android devices. Pressing Dot 3 or Dot 6 moves the cursor back or forward in the file to the next page marker (form feed) or 1000 characters, whichever comes first. When you reach the end of a file, "-- End of file" is displayed by the Reader. Go to the saved as file name and extract the zip file to a location that you will remember. If this is the case, you have two choices: If Orbit Reader is not listed, make sure you have turned on Bluetooth in the Menu. (In contracted braille, one dot 6 precedes a capital letter while two dot 6s precede an entirely capitalized word. Pressing Space + Dots 1 2 3 moves the File Manager selection to the first file in the current folder. If you know the braille shortcut for the command (the braille letter associated with the function), press that letter. The Reset Defaults menu item resets all your settings to the factory settings. In other words, if you have an iPad with a version prior to 10.2, it does not recognize Orbit Reader. Or, if you press the Dot 8 + Down Arrow, you move half way between 50% and 100% to end at 75%. A formatted SD card must be inserted in the Orbit Reader while operating in Stand-Alone mode. On a braille keyboard, Space is often used as a modifier to alter the effect of the input keys. Eight-dot Computer Braille is similar to uncontracted braille, except it features a one-to-one correspondence with the plain text (ASCII) characters. Use the Left and Right Panning keys to read it. It gives you quick access to functions such as cut, copy, and mark. Wait for the message âDevice upgrade has been completedâ on the upgrade utility or until the Orbit Reader reboots and shuts down. This Limited Warranty applies only to the hardware product manufactured by or for APH that can be identified by the "APH" trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to it. If a set of instructions does not work as expected, please check the software version and update to the most current version before proceeding. The Editor block operations depend on a selection. Pressing Space + Dots 4 5 6 moves the File Manager selection to the last file in the current folder. If the device is on when you connect the charger, the display shows "-- Charger connected" When you unplug the charger, it shows "-- Charger unplugged" The charger plug and unplug event indications are briefly displayed even when the unit is off. A power move operates by using boundaries and moving 50% between them with each press of the key command. Make a note of the location of this folder for use in the next section of this document. -- Charger connected" is displayed. See Appendix A - Computer Braille Chart for the Computer Braille Chart. For Windows versions 7 and newer, the serial interface requires the installation of two drivers: one for the USB and one to make the USB port appear like a COM port. You will only see them if you have hidden files enabled. The Orbit Reader 20 is the world’s most affordable Refreshable Braille Display. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION SHALL NOT APPLY TO DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS, OR ANY STATUTORY LIABILITY FOR INTENTIONAL AND GROSS NEGLIGENT ACTS AND/OR OMISSIONS. -- Charger connected" is displayed. In single line controls, Close throws away what you typed. Do not switch back to Stand-Alone mode while file transfers are in progress. If the Orbit Reader suddenly no longer responds to button presses, and you know the battery is not fully discharged, then you may try rebooting the device by pressing the lower Right Panning key + Dot 8. For example, the command Select, M means to press and release the Select key, then press and release M (Dots 1 3 4) simultaneously. For example, if the documentation indicates Dot 1, it shows: Dot 1.If multiple braille keys are required, the documentation indicates those keys by showing the numbers separated by a space like this: Dots 1 4. Stand-Alone mode operates in the following ways: Orbit Reader 20 provides a menu for setting options, checking battery, and changing modes of operation. If you already paired Orbit Reader with Emulation off, unpair it from any Bluetooth connections before using it again. Battery Status is the first menu option displayed. If there are Computer Braille characters that cannot be used in a filename, such as a forward slash (/) or an asterisk (*), the characters are replaced with an underscore (_). (For compatibility with other devices, Space + Dots 1 2 3 moves to the top and Space + Dots 4 5 6 moves to the bottom of a file.). To determine if a file is Protected, arrow Right or Left to the Unprotected/Protected heading. Press Select twice to exit the Editor and continue reading. Check the software documentation for exact usage. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THIS WARRANTY AND THE REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, REMEDIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. In the documentation, this is indicated by a double hyphen. You may also get braille translation software that produces automatically translated braille using programs like Liblouis or have Bookshare automatically generate braille files of the titles available. To use Window-Eyes with Orbit Reader, you must emulate Refreshabraille 18. This behavior is normal, indicating that the battery is low. However, small file increments could be lost during certain situations such as, SD card removal, system updates, or device resets. The default setting for Wrapping is On. If the operating mode of the unit was Bluetooth when last powered off, then the device turns back on in Bluetooth mode. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:⢠Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.⢠Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.⢠Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. After 5 hours in sleep mode, the unit shuts off to conserve power. Following are commands you can use in the File Manager. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Press Select twice to return to the file you were reading. To prepare files for placement on the Orbit Reader, follow these guidelines: To copy files to the SD card, remove the card from the Orbit Reader and place into a card reader on your computer, or connect the USB cable from the Orbit Reader to your computer and activate the Mass Storage protocol on the Orbit Reader by either pressing Space + Dots 5 7 or selecting Mass Storage from the USB option in the menu. You can also create new files and folders, view the properties (such as the file size and current reading position), and copy, rename, and delete files. Turn on to start using the device. See the pertinent screen reader section in this documentation or consult your screen reader documentation. Reopens the last file you edited and returns the cursor to its last position in that file. You may need the version number when talking with Customer Service. For example, if you want to read in Unified English Braille (UEB), prepare the UEB transcribed title on your computer and then store it on the card. The SD card should go in smoothly until it gets about a quarter of an inch from being fully in the device. While editing or when connected to Bluetooth, if no keys are pressed for 1 hour, the unit automatically goes into sleep mode. Each time you wake up the host device, it takes over the Orbit Reader. When a product or part is exchanged, any replacement item becomes your property and the replaced item becomes APH's property. But then when I think of the almost instant access to any braille I wish through the orbit reader 20 and other low cost displays like it, I ask myself why? Using the screen reading capability on the computing device, such as Voiceover, Brailleback or popular PC screen readers the user can control the functions of their computer or smartphone, use their favourite apps, read and send text messages and email and browse the internet. The device displays the error message "-- File not found" when no previous file has been opened or if the file was deleted. See Panning Keys section for more information. If your screen reader does not support HID, see Serial below. Load .loc Only - Orbit Reader displays the list of System Messages files, along with the default option. On Orbit Reader, press Space + Dots 3 7. " The command is to hold Dots 7 8 for two seconds or more. If you only want to switch the braille language tables, follow steps 1-3 for switching localization files and press Right Arrow twice. When you press Dot 8 + Down Arrow or Dot 8 + Up Arrow, the Reader moves in the following ways: On the first press, the cursor moves half way between the current position and the start (Dots 8 Up Arrow) or end (Dots 8 Down Arrow) of the file, which act as the boundaries for the power search. Depending on your settings, the computer also responds with a notification of a new drive that is now available. FCC NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. Adobe® is either a registered trademark or trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. If a hardware defect arises and a valid claim is received by APH within the Warranty Period, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, APH will either: A replacement product or part provided by APH or its manufacturer assumes the remaining warranty of the original product or thirty (30) days from the date of replacement or repair, whichever provides longer coverage for you. IF AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND CANNOT LAWFULLY DISCLAIM STATUTORY OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, THEN TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ALL SUCH WARRANTIES SHALL BE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY AND TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SERVICE AS DETERMINED BY APH IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION. Use Backspace when you make a typing mistake or to remove small amounts of text. The Serial Number menu item shows the individualized serial number of the device you are using. Marks are used for copying/cutting a selection of text. File Manager highlights the first file matching the letters you typed. For anything else, it connects to a host device. The cursor disappears, returning you to the Reader in the file you were editing. Creates a new file in the Editor, ready for input. Shipping and handling charges apply to destinations in the continental United States, Alaska, and Canada. Orbit Reader responds by underlining the word with Dots 7 8 to indicate the choice. For more information, see the USB Connectivity section under Remote Mode. The battery in Orbit Reader should last several years. When using this scheme, Orbit Reader automatically pairs to any device that sends the pair request. Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a technology that makes connecting devices and hosts easy. Placing BRF, BRL, or TXT content (see File Types section) on an inserted SD card turns it into an on-the-go braille book reader. The Orbit Reader 20 was designed as a braille reading device. Make a note of this number. This feature is useful, however, to examine files that do contain readable text even if it is not a supported file type. ".BKP-FILEHISTORY" - This file contains information of the last read position of last 100 files that were opened on the device. You are now at 50%, and it becomes one of the boundaries. For more information, see the Using the Bluetooth Connection section under Remote Mode. When you check "Literary braille," you are returned to the BrailleBack Settings screen. To select another option, press Select. However, you can format one as Fat32 on a desktop computer for use with the Orbit Reader. Orbit Reader 20™ combines simplicity, functionality, and connectivity making it a great option for adults seeking a refreshable braille alternative to use at work or at home. If Bluetooth has been turned off, it can be turned on in the Menu or by pressing Space + Dots 4 7 on the Orbit Reader. Refer to the following sections for additional support. Repair the product at no charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts (or). Please access and review the online help resources referred to in the documentation accompanying this hardware product before seeking warranty service. Then press Select to select from the options. The Orbit Reader 20: The Most Inexpensive Braille Display. A few of the Menu options have a default setting (indicated in the list below). From the braille display drop-down menu, select "Baum/Humanware/APH/Orbit Displays" and click OK. The only hotkeys used with Remote mode that are not sent to the remote device are: Before you connect Orbit Reader, it is important to set the device so that the screen reader(s) you use recognize it. Select OR20 Firmware Upgrade Package vB0.00.00.XXrYY. Use only the battery designed for Orbit Reader 20. See the section Upload the Localization Files under the section Language Options (Localization) for additional information. The Power button sticks out enough to make it easy to identify. You are returned to the BrailleBack Settings screen. VoiceOver automatically recognizes and starts using the display. Note that nothing happens when you send text with no edit box open. Only empty folders can be deleted. See, Pressing Space + F opens a blank input field (Edit Box) with a cursor. At that point you feel a slight resistance. The default setting for USB is HID. As you reach around from the front to the back of the device, from left to right, there is the Power button (left), an SD card slot (middle), and a Micro-B USB port (right). If they are the same, press Dot 8 to select Yes in the dialog on the Mac. You can then use the Up and Down Arrow keys to move in the text field. When used as a standalone reader, it enables the user to read any file from the SD card. The English table is available always within the device and can be used even after performing localization. See Switch Language for additional information. To use Word or PDF files, you must first translate them on a desktop computer, then send the translated file to the SD card. When connecting to older host devices that do not support Orbit Reader 20, to ensure proper functioning of commands between Orbit Reader and host devices, set Orbit Reader to emulate RB18.Note: In Refreshabraille 18 emulation, only the first 18 braille cells are used. This is how the Orbit Reader lets you know it is coming on or shutting down. If the Orbit Reader is on when you wake up or turn on the host device, it connects automatically. They are all recessed in an area in the left half of the back edge. Note: You must first load a language to the flash memory of the device, before using the Switch Language option. To turn off braille support, select "No Braille" from the Braille Display options in the Braille Settings menu. Orbit Reader 20 has two holes on the lower-front corners of the device, one on each corner. Let the unit charge for at least an hour or more. Tapping the Power button while the device is in sleep mode wakes the device. Copyright 2016-2018American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. Last Documentation Update: April 16, 2019Latest Version is .60. To set or clear a mark in the file, press the Mark command. When using a screen reader that only supports Serial protocol, follow these steps: To use an SD card, insert it into the Orbit Reader as a drive on your computer, follow these steps: To switch back to Stand-Alone mode, press Select + Left Arrow. Similarly, if you put a BRF file on the SD card, no matter the language or code, Orbit Reader accurately shows its contents. If you have charged the device for 4 or more hours, and it does not power on, contact Customer Service at 800-223-1839 or cs@aph.org. It displays the last read material. Press Space + F to begin a search or press Space + R to rename a file. The default configuration is Just Works. If the start or end is not on the current display the display pans the start or end to the first cell of the display. If the numbers do not match, press Dot 7 to select No and try the next Orbit Reader in the list. If you obtain textbooks from APH or get transcribed titles from NLS or NBP, the braille should be correct and formatted. Extra charges will apply. To reset to default settings, press the Select button. Pressing Dot 1 moves to the top of a file; pressing Dot 4 moves to the bottom of a file. The only exception is Windows XP. Any reference to navigation by "page" while in Stand-Alone mode only means navigation by 1000 characters (page = 1000 characters). Mac shows you a dialog with a security code. APH suggests you update to the latest operating system. No American Printing House for the Blind reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. Check for updates. It is fluid and dust resistant and its construction is optimized for durability in extreme environmental conditions. However, if you want to find words with upper case letters specifically, type the text you wish to find with the braille indicator for capitalization included. Press Select again, to select the option. The Orbit Reader 20 is portable and features 20 refreshable eight-dot braille cells. To make a selection, press Select. Therefore, it is important to pay particular attention when Orbit Reader 20 is set to be used with multiple devices. A full battery charge lasts approximately three days of typical use. Using this command reopens the last file you edited and returns the cursor to its last position in that file. Its stand-alone capabilities include reading, writing, and file management. To exit the Edit Box without performing a search, press Select. APH will maintain and use customer information in accordance with the APH Customer Privacy Policy. For JAWS versions older than 17, you must use the RB18 emulation mode on the Orbit Reader. It is a unique 3-in-1 device and serves as a self-contained book reader, a note-taker and as a braille display by connecting to a computer or smartphone via USB or Bluetooth. To read the next display of text (panning forward), press the bottom part of the key (down) on either Panning key. Once you pair the unit, iOS should start sending braille to the Orbit Reader, and you can use the Orbit Reader input and navigation keys to control your iOS device. VoiceOver filters the devices it detects to list only the Bluetooth braille displays that are within range of your computer and that appear to match a VoiceOver braille display driver. In Stand-Alone mode, the Orbit Reader displays the content of files stored on an SD card. The Orbit Chat system changes this forever by offering a free solution that enables a deafblind person to use their Orbit Reader 20 braille display and an app running on a smartphone or tablet to communicate with a sighted, blind or deaf person. Press Dot 8 + Up Arrow to move back. To paste the contents of the clipboard before the cursor, use the Paste command. Androidâ¢, Chromebookâ¢, and Google⢠are trademarks of Google Inc. Apple®, iPad®, iPhone®, iPod®, and Mac® are registered trademarks or service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. One mode is called Stand-Alone mode. To delete or replace the selected text, type a letter or press the backspace key (Dot 7). It includes a high-quality Perkins style keyboard with 8 keys and a space bar. It offers reading books via SD card, simple note-taking, Bluetooth and USB connectivity. The device is inherently language independent and prompts and menus can be easily localized for different geographies. If you are already in the File Manager, pressing Dot 7 moves the focus back one level when you have multiple subfolders open. To exit, press Select twice. The Orbit Reader 20 is very compact, measuring a little over an inch in height and about 6 inches by 4 inches and weighing under a pound. System Access announces when Orbit Reader 20 is connected. If you have NVDA (version 2017.1 or later) installed on your PC, it automatically recognizes the Orbit Reader. To select a file, Up or Down Arrow to the file. That is why some options that may be frequently referenced are located near the bottom of the menu list. While you are in the Editor mode, the cursor notes the current position by blinking Dots 7 8. You can only connect iOS using Bluetooth. Before anyone asks, it does not have cursor routing buttons. The screen reader translates the text into the braille code of choice. See the Language Options (Localization) section for more information. The setting choices are 1, 5, 15, 30, and 60 seconds, and 0, which sets the cursor to not blink. Their exact use depends on the software you use with the display. See 8-Dot Braille Cells section for more information about eight-dot Computer Braille. O Orbit Reader 20 é a linha Braille mais acessível do mundo. On the Orbit Reader, press Space + Dots 5 7. " When connecting Orbit Reader to JAWS by USB, it must be set to use the HID protocol by pressing Space + Dots 2 7. The Dot 7 input key is to the left of the Space Bar, and the Dot 8 input key is to the right of the Space Bar. After the word is found, to continue searching, press Dot 8 + Right arrow to find the next occurrence (forward in the file) or Dot 8 + Left arrow to find a previous occurrence (towards the beginning of the file). If you are a fast typer on the braille display, you may encounter times when the remote device lags behind, slowing down your ability to input text quickly. Press Insert + 1 again to exit JAWS keyboard Help mode. The device displays the error message "-- File not found" if the file has been deleted. If Bluetooth has been turned off, it can be turned on in the Menu or by pressing Space + Dots 4 7. The default setting for the cursor is 1 second. All messages from the device are preceded with Dots 2 5, 2 5 and a space. It provides Bluetooth and USB connectivity and can connect simultaneously to multiple devices. The Orbit Reader 20 is designed to be a stand-alone reader. All prices are in U.S. dollars, F.O.B. You should hear a tone on your PC. The Orbit Reader is upgraded. To get to the file list, press Dot 7. Select the display and set the COM port number established when connecting to a Windows PC. To close the menu and return to your work, press Dot 7. The Cursor Blink option only works when editing in the Edit Box or Editor mode. Current position in the file in number of characters, Place the file onto the SD card or use the Mass Storage protocol to copy from your desktop computer, Switch to last edited file: Space + Dots 1 2 4 6. To connect to Chromebook with USB, follow these steps: To adjust ChromeVox settings or learn commands, go to the Use a braille device with your Chromebook webpage at the Chromebook Accessibility Help site. When modifier keys are used, the documentation separates the modifiers from the rest of the keys with a plus (+) sign like this: Space + Dot 1. SD is a trademark or registered trademark of SD-3C, LLC in the United States, other countries or both. Then, press Select to select from the options. In addition to using Orbit Reader as a portable reading tool and editor, it connects with host devices (i.e., computers, phones, tablets, and Orion TI-84 Talking Graphing Calculator) to provide braille input/output to that device. Comprar. This allows you to perform a search in a specific braille format by typing the text in the same braille format. Orbit trata de cambiar automáticamente a Bluetooth o USB según el lector de pantalla que se esté usando. Press Select + Up Arrow to open the menu in either mode. Linha Braille Orbit 20. The words Keys and Buttons are used interchangeably. APH accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Charge Cards. To make a selection, press Select. Braille keys are indicated by number. If the product is still not functioning properly after making use of these resources, please send an e-mail to: cs@aph.org for instructions on how to obtain warranty service. Modo. For more information, see the Using the Bluetooth Connection section under Remote Mode. If all the hosts you are using support Orbit Reader directly, turn Emulation mode off. As you type, everything is saved to the file. The LED illuminated tank is designed for juvenile or smaller jellyfish species and provides the perfect entry to the fascinating world of jellyfish keeping. To insert the SD card, find the large slot on the back. This switches the Orbit reader 20 into Upgrade mode. Automatically translated braille may be appropriate for some forms of reading. Pressing the Select + Up Arrow opens the Menu. Be sure to save your work or exit the Editor before removing the SD card. If your screen reader does not support HID, switch to the Serial protocol on the Orbit Reader with the hotkey or selecting Serial from the USB option in the menu. A confirmation is required before the file or folder is deleted. The cursor is at the first character shown on the display when you pressed the edit command. Similarly, for first-time use, the message "-- Battery XX%" is displayed. ASCII is the default option. It provides some advantages over Bluetooth, because it is both faster and charges your Orbit Reader simultaneously. This behavior makes it very convenient to interact with your host in braille, but if you use Orbit Reader in Stand-Alone mode or connect it to a screen reader with USB, you may not want the interruption when your phone wakes up. Connecting Orbit Reader to an iOS device provides both braille feedback and the ability to type and control the device with the Orbit Reader keyboard and directional buttons. The first press opens the Context menu; the second press selects the first option in the menu, which is Exit. Orbit Reader tries to automatically switch to Bluetooth or USB depending on screen reader activity, but if you want to, for instance, specifically switch back to Stand-Alone from Remote mode, or switch the interface from Bluetooth to USB, use this option. Avaliação 5.00 de 5 (3) A Orbit 20 é ideal para quem deseja ter a sua primeira linha Braille. 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