Season All Year. Heavy-duty trash compacter bags for use as waterproof pack/stuff sack liners. Excellent English Language. We recommend a bag rated between 20° and 0° F. Allow ample room for movement. All of your mountain lunch items should weigh 2 - 3 lb. Due to its altitude, you’ll need to get acclimatized before attempting a summit bid. Confirm that your activity is a covered “activity.” Not all travel insurance policies will offer coverage for activities such as mountaineering, climbing, skiing, or trekking adventures. Most major US airlines offer daily flights to Mexico City (MEX). Scale one of North America’s highest mountains over the course of an expedited climbing expedition. Summit Day on Pico de Orizaba! Start with La Malinche and reach the highest point in the country at Pico de Orizaba! Mexico is about one-fifth the size of the United States. Some use money belts, others have hidden pockets. You only need to pay the fare once, and you will be given a receipt. Everyone has a preferred way to carry money. Transportation options from Mexico to Puebla and back: Having some small denominations is helpful. … We use RMI's own climbing equipment brought from the U.S., ensuring that our expedition standards of safety, quality, and reliability are met. Each climb has two-way radios and a satellite phone for emergency contact. Pico de Orizaba’s chief obstacle is that of elevation – a careful acclimatization schedule is critical for avoiding potentially dangerous altitude sickness and to climb Orizaba safely. Ages 15 & under: No participants age 15 & under, Ages 16 & 17: Accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for the duration of the program. Pico de Orizaba over town. They have three locations right inside the airport. The volcano was formed by thick andesitic and dacitic lavas that followed repetitive explosive eruptions and lava effusions which created the iconic cone structure. Upon reaching the Jamapa Glacier, we don crampons and ice axes and rope up for the remainder of the climb. However many people will find El Pico a very different mountain not only because of a higher altitude, but because it is situated in a very different country with many consequences. Our guides take the time to choose fresh food and excellent ingredients for our meals in the mountains, keeping our teams well fed, happy, and healthy throughout the climb. Managing risk is RMI’s number one priority. No stops (2hrs.) As you reach higher elevations and test the limits of your experience, the value of an accomplished, highly trained RMI Guide held to our standards cannot be understated. Travelers may suffer from upset stomachs when in foreign countries. Rainier Expedition Skills Seminar - Paradise. With an early alpine start we make our way through a maze of rock and scree. Security Evacuation offers crisis evacuation services in non-medical situations. Our program includes several days of acclimatization working towards our final goal of Pico de Orizaba. The glaciers on Orizaba are relatively non-technical, with very few crevasses, and the ascent to 18,491' is fairly straight-forward. Additionally, RMI cannot be responsible for any non-refundable expenses the Participant incurred in preparation for the program (i.e., airline tickets, hotel reservations, rental cars, equipment purchases or rentals, etc.). Please call our offices at 1-888-892-5462 to inquire about availability. En route, we will stop at Teotihuacan to explore one of the world's most impressive archaeological sites. RMI has complete discretion to change plans to accommodate any of these or other factors, including but not limited to increases in program fees, changes to program schedule or itinerary, and changes to guides or staff, as necessary for the proper and safe conduct of the program. Acclimatization peaks, such as La Malinche (14,501’) provide excellent opportunities for acclimatization while ticking off another summit in addition to the giants. We have an evening orientation meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the hotel lobby. Balance payments may only be made via e-check, check from a U.S. bank or wire transfer.*. These pages offer good information and should be revisited occasionally as trip departure dates approach. There is also a booth located at "Puerta 10." We are also fortunate to have Servimont as our partners in Mexico. Showing expensive cameras, watches, jewelry, etc. Their website is in Spanish, but shows all the current fares. Talk directly with an Explore Share assistant.The Concierge service is a great tool for when you still haven't decided what kind of Adventure you're looking for and you're open to suggestions, 11-day Pico de Orizaba, Iztaccíhuatl, La Malinche summits, 12-day Nevado de Toluca, Pico de Orizaba, Iztaccíhuatl, La Malinche summits in Mexico, 12-day Volcanoes and culture in Mexico: La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl and Pico de Orizaba, 10-Day Volcano and Culture Expedition in Mexico. Action cameras, small point-and-shoots, and compact dSLRs are lightweight and work well at altitude. About 20 USD one way (2hrs). Over our breakfast of Huevos Rancheros, Roberto insisted that I could summit a day ahead of schedule, commenting that I was acclimated like someone from Colorado rather than Los Angeles, thanks largely in part to some runs up Mount Baldy the week before. Make sure these are TSA-compliant. Because violence in Mexico remains in the news, questions about safety are among the most frequently asked. … These include, but are not limited to, route conditions, weather, group strength, terrain, or other environmental factors, and many other factors. However the cold can impact the battery life making it necessary for it to be charged a few times on the trip. Dinner usually begins with soup and ends with dessert, followed by a round of hot drinks. The guides’ recommendation whether to bring along or leave behind certain item(s) comes during the gear check, when the team first meets. Pico de Orizaba ascent with La Malinche acclimatization (3 days), Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, If you are already acclimatized, you can go for the 2-day ascent. Valid for six months beyond your return date. We recommend bringing a pair of light pants and a T-shirt. We have hired a reliable professional in-country tour operator to coordinate our in-country logistics. Trip cancellation/interruption, primary medical expense coverage, sporting goods, baggage loss, emergency dental, Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) and more. Wikitravel in Mexico offers good general information and links to explore. We require that everyone purchase travel insurance. If you hold the axe so that it hangs comfortably at your side, the spike of the axe should still be a few inches above the ground. A parent or legal guardian must accompany the minor climber throughout the entirety of the program. 24/7 access to paramedics, nurses and military veterans. Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America and is a major oil producer and exporter. The people of Mexico are generally very warm and friendly to tourists. If you know you sleep cold, consider a 0° F bag. Our Mexico climbs are led by RMI’s foremost U.S. guides, who bring years of climbing experience in not only Mexico but on mountains all over the world, from the Andes to the Alaska Range to the Himalayas. A neck gaiter is also acceptable. Prior knowledge and experience with rope travel, the use of crampons, and ice axe arrest is required. We recommend down rather than synthetic fill. If you cancel less than 120 days before the start of your program, no refunds, Hotel accommodations as indicated in the itinerary, based on double occupancy*, All group transportation in country as stated in the itinerary, All breakfast and dinner meals on the mountain and other meals as stated in the itinerary, All group cooking, climbing and camping equipment, Travel insurance, medical evacuation insurance and security evacuation insurance, Support Staff Tip Pool (we suggest $50 per person), Additional room charges including laundry service and other personal expenses, Hotel accommodations not indicated in the itinerary, Transfer from the airport to the hotel upon arrival in Mexico City, Medical, hospitalization and evacuation costs (by any means). Glacier glasses are protective sunglasses that provide close to 100% frame coverage (wrap-around frames and side shields ensure no light can enter from the top, bottom, and sides of the glasses) and transmit less than 10% of visual light. Pico de Orizaba Climbing the tallest mountain in Mexico. Support Staff Tip Pool: We recommend that each climber contribute $50 to the Tip Pool. Check with your cell phone carrier to see if they offer international coverage in Mexico and make sure you have the appropriate international plans and understand the associated rates. The Mountaineers, third ed., 2001. is Lonely Planet's guide to travel in Mexico. As such, this list is framed within the broadest of contexts and is dynamic by its very nature. We reserve the right to cancel any program due to inadequate signups, weather, route conditions, or for any other reason. Personal water filters or water treatment tablets are not needed. Sign up and we'll keep you informed about new adventures, special offers, competitions, and news. Keep up to date with information about our latest climbs by joining our mailing list. If we are unable to match you with another same-gender team member, a single supplement fee will be charged. Learn more about our Kilimanjaro Climb and Safari... Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs,, Resources for Mountaineering Fitness and Training, At least 1 symbol (allowed symbols: !?@#$%^&/*()[]{}>. Healthy one-pot meals, incorporating fresh local food whenever practical, are served as the main course. These are bogus fees and only intended to take advantage of tourists caught in the hectic pace of a strange airport. Information and updates can be found on the website for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs, which provides medical information for travelers as well as the consular information. Comprehensive medical kits, rescue equipment, and radio and satellite communication equipment are carried with the team throughout the trip. Balance Payments: The balance payment is due 120 days before the start of your program. Climbing in Mexico includes moderately steep slopes and prior knowledge of roped travel, crampon techniques, and ice axe arrest is required; a review of these basic mountaineering techniques is built into the itinerary. Practice using this before coming on the climb! So here's my Pico de Orizaba climb story, warts and all. Orizaba, also known as Citlaltépetl by the Mexican people, is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range and reaches a height of 18,490 ft. (5,636 m), making it the third highest peak in North America. Yes. For current weather conditions, check Weather Underground. In the event of more serious injuries or illnesses, we recommend transport to any of the level I care centers in Mexico City. Mexico - Pico de Orizaba Over the Christmas break, 4 of us traveled to Mexico to climb Pico de Orizaba, the 3rd highest mountain in North America. Whatever sock combination you are accustomed to wearing during your training or previous adventures (whether single medium weight socks, a medium weight with a liner sock, two medium weight socks together, etc. See the Food tab for suggestions and quantities. The Participant understands and agrees that RMI assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with any travel and hospitality services provided to the Participant by other companies in connection with the program, including but not limited to, the services provided by airlines, hotels, rental cars, and transportation companies and that RMI is not responsible for any act, error, omission, or any injury, loss, accident, delay, irregularity, or danger by a supplier of travel or hospitality services to the Participant in connection with the RMI program. 125mg tablets for prevention or treatment of Acute Mountain Sickness. Travel insurance is required for this trip. In order to safeguard our trips: Take some time to visit the consular and travel warning pages at the U.S. Department of State. Please refer to our Resources for Mountaineering Fitness and Training for detailed fitness and training information. We spend the night in a climbers' hostel in Tlachichuca. A Single Supplement Fee will be charged to those occupying single accommodations by choice or circumstance. Anyway, both Pico de Orizaba and Iztaccihuatl would practically require a night on the mountain. Finally, physical performance and acclimatization are also related to how well you have taken care of yourself throughout the hours, days and weeks prior to summit day. For the Orizaba Express climb, you are preparing for: Nothing ensures a personally successful adventure like your level of fitness and training. Loss of this stub usually results in a fine. Amber or rose-tinted goggles for adverse weather. Stand at the top of the highest mountain in Mexico. Many smartphones have excellent cameras. After exploring its ruins, we drive to the Centro Vacacional, just outside of Malinche National Park. We spend the night in tents near the hut. Bring a quantity appropriate to the duration of your trip. Plastic-shelled models are acceptable, though modern synthetic models are lighter and more comfortable. Full side zippers or 7/8 side zippers are required so that shell pants can be put on while wearing boots and crampons. Access is via the town of Tlachichuca from the west and the town of Coscomatepec from the east. (B). Our climb of Orizaba starts with an exciting twelve mile jeep ride that takes us from the valley floor to our camp at the Piedra Grande Hut, perched above 14,000'. Pico de Orizaba is a dormant volcano located southwest of Mexico City and just 68 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Although the route we choose is only moderately technical, climbers should have the basics of … Recommended mountain lunch items: dry salami, smoked salmon, jerky (turkey, beef, fish), small cans of tuna fish, individually wrapped cheeses such as Laughing Cow or Baby Bell, crackers, bagels, candy bars, hard candies (Jolly Ranchers, toffees, Life Savers), gummy bears, sour candies (Sweet Tarts), cookies, dried fruit, nuts, energy bars, GORP mixes, and drink mixes (Gatorade/Kool-Aid). Our close relationship with them offers our trips the support needed to ensure a seamless experience and is a major factor behind our climbs’ successes. We have hired a local guide familiar with the language, roads, customs, etc. We follow popular tourist thoroughfares, using private vehicles (not public transportation). One step up in warmth and bulk from a baselayer. RMI guides are well-versed with our program and are accustomed to travel in a foreign country. Similarly, upon leaving, even if you've had only minimal contact, say adios (goodbye) or hasta luego (see you later). Whatever you do, be aware of pickpockets and thieves in any area which caters to tourists. When entering a shop or home, politely use a greeting such as buenos días (good day), buenas tardes (good afternoon), buenas noches (good night). (Departures from Mexico and Hotel accommodation can be arranged too). to be made on your behalf for you or your baggage to rejoin the program. R. J. Secor, Mexico's Volcanoes: A Climbing Guide. Even for the healthiest and fittest individuals, climbing mountains qualifies as an extremely challenging endeavor. If you are willing to share a room, we will make every effort to pair you with another same-gender team member. Adhere to the advice of your guide staff. Please see our Travel Tab for details. However, there are exclusions, so make sure you understand the "covered reasons.". We recommed a model with a removable lid, which helps retain heat and prevent spills. Citlaltépetl consists of three superimposed stratovolcanoes and dome intrusions which are: Torrecillas (650–250 ka), Espolón de Oro (210– 16 ka), and Citlaltépetl (16 ka to present). If you are already acclimatized, you can go for the 2-day ascent. RMI’s program schedule and itineraries are subject to change or adjustment based on a number of factors. Pico de Orizaba or Citlaltéptl in Nahuatl (indigenous language) means "Star Mountain". Careful planning, precise ascent profiles, daily weather forecasts via satellite, and diligent attention are taken as we venture to high altitudes. Insulated single mountaineering boots are also adaquate but might result in cold feet. We recommend bringing a selection of comfortable clothing to wear while traveling as well as pre- and post-trip. If rescheduling is not possible, we will issue the Participant a refund for all program fees paid to RMI, less any non-refundable payments made on behalf of the Participant to secure any of the included land costs provided for this program, including but not limited to, hotel accommodations, transportation, transfers, tours, group equipment and food, permits, and local outfitter services, prior to the cancellation of the program. Your state of residence is allowed with the group through the different options travel... Still comes from the east and west changes in your climbing party and the ascent 18,491... To travel assistance and insurance claims times on the border between the Mexican States Veracruz... Program Policies plateau with mountain chains on the environment and follow appropriate leave no Trace practices meters the... With Erin Rountree to provide elite rescue travel insurance – in every sense the. 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