A few days after the eruption began, the prevailing wind direction moved to the west, resulting in extensive tephra falls over the rest of the island, causing extensive property damage. Although you probably want to do this hike earlier in the day. A few people remained to carry out essential functions and to salvage belongings from threatened houses. Later the new mountain was named Eldfell, which means “Fire Mountain” in English. By the end of January, tephra covered most of the island, reaching 5 m (16 ft) deep in places. An operation was mounted to cool the advancing lava flow by pumping sea water on it, and this was successful in preventing the loss of the harbour. The line of the 1973 fissure south of Eldfell is clearly seen, 4 Destruction of houses, creation of land, A description of the eruption and evacuation, Eyewitness account of the early days of the eruption, Eruptive history of the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago, https://www.academickids.com:443/encyclopedia/index.php/Eldfell, Centre for Short-Lived Phenomena bulletins 1545, 1547, 1552, 1567, published by the. Its name means Fire Mountain, and it formed in a volcanic eruption which began without warning just outside the town of Heimaey on 23 January 1973. The small town of Heimaey (hey-my) is encased in a fortress of jagged lava; its port sits at the end of a contorted waterway that carves a path between towering cliffs dotted with bird nests.Although only a few kilometres from the mainland, Heimaey feels light years away, … Random Facts About Natural Elephant Rock Heimaey Iceland Includes: 1. Man Against Volcano: The Eruption on Heimaey, Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland. Houses close to the rift were soon destroyed by lava flows and tephra fall. Because of severe storms in the days before the eruption, almost the entire fishing fleet was in the harbour, a stroke of luck which greatly assisted the organisation of the rapid evacuation. These defences were only partially effective, as they relied on the assumption that the gases were produced at the vent, and flowed into the town from there. Lava sprayed into the air from the fissures. As usual for a fissure eruption the crater row developed into a single active crater in the middle of the rift. Facts About Eyjafjallajökull Volcano Background Prior to 2010, Eyjafjallajökull had erupted in 920, 1612-1613, and 1821-23. The eruption finally came to an end in early July, when flowing lava was no longer visible, although subsurface flows may have continued for a few days longer. Not too much, so you don't need to be top fit to get there. The most prominent feature on Heimaey before 1973 was Helgafell, a 200 m (650 ft) high volcanic cone formed in an eruption about 5,000 years ago. Head to Eldfell Volcano, located nearby. Vestmannaeyjar: Eldfell volcano (in background) is erupting and fountaining lava. Scientists have speculated that volcanic activity in the archipelago may be increasing due to the southward propagation of the rift zone which crosses Iceland. See nearby properties Eldfell & Helgafell If seeing the sights is on your list of things to do, head to Eldfell & Helgafell— just one of the landmarks located 1.2 mi (1.9 km) from central Ofanleiti. Volcano, vent in the crust of Earth or another planet or satellite, from which issue eruptions of molten rock, hot rock fragments, and hot gases.A volcanic eruption is an awesome display of Earth’s power. The 1973 Icelandic eruption caused a major crisis for the island and nearly led to its permanent evacuation. The attention focussed on the island as a result of the eruption led to a later upsurge in tourism once the eruption was over [1] (http://www.xtreme.is/net/skraarsafn/vestmannaeyjar_is//1097082947.pdf). Eldfell is a cinder cone volcano just over 200 m high on the Icelandic island of Heimaey. Categories: Volcanoes of Iceland | Cinder cones, Lava fountains tower over Heimaey in the early stages of the Eldfell eruption, Thick blocky lava flows advance into town, Steam rises copiously where seawater is being used to cool the flows, Sketch showing the changes to Heimaey caused by the eruption of Eldfell, The street shown above, cleared of lava after the eruption, Helgafell (l) and Eldfell (r) today. At about 20:00 on 21 January 1973, a series of small tremors began to occur around Heimaey. Efforts to prevent the loss of the harbour are described further below. In January of 1973, an eruption began along a 1.5 mile (2 km) long fissure not far from the center of the town of Vestmannaeyjar. The ground on Heimaey started to quake and fissures formed. Visit the Westman Islands … The Hotel Vestmannaeyjar and Aska Hostel are located within 2 miles (3 kilometers) of Eldfell Volcano. The chunk, dubbed Flakkarinn (The Wanderer), would have seriously threatened the viability of the harbour if it had reached it, and the dredging boat Sandey was brought in on 1 March to prevent its advance. Efforts to mitigate the hazards presented by the accumulation of poisonous gas included the building of a large tephra wall to divert gases away from the town, and the digging of a trench to channel away the CO2. The recovery and reconstruction of Heimaey was paid for by all Icelanders via a hypothecated sales tax, as well as through international aid totalling USD2.1 million, primarily from Denmark but with substantial contributions from the USA and several international organisations. Iceland is a region of frequent volcanic activity, due to its location astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the North American and Eurasian Plates are moving apart, and also over the Iceland hotspot, which greatly enhances the volcanic activity. The Heimaey Eruption: Iceland 1973 documented the battle to save the town from the volcano, Eldfell. Shortly before the end of the eruption, a tiltmeter 1.15 km from the crater which had been measuring ground deformation throughout the eruption detected subsidence towards the crater, implying that the shallow magma chamber which had fed the eruption was emptying out. Although several men sustained minor burns, no serious injuries were received. Eldfell: Eldfell is a very small volcano, only around 650 feet high, on the Icelandic island of Heimaey. Sixteen years after it roared to life, the 725-foot Eldfell volcano looks down almost benignly these days on the town it came close to destroying. One contingency plan devised should the harbour be closed off was to cut through a low sand spit on the north side of the island to provide a new channel into the harbour, but it was hoped that if the lava flow could be slowed, this would not be necessary. It is estimated that a third of all the basaltic lava erupted in the world in recorded history has been produced by Icelandic eruptions. The 221m-high volcanic cone Eldfell appeared from nowhere in the early hours of 23 January 1973. We did the hike before we visited the museum and it might've been helpful to do it the other way around. The first attempt to slow the lava flow by spraying the leading edge with sea water began on 7 February, and although the volume of water being pumped on was rather small at 100 litres/s, the flow was noticeably affected. The pipelayers used bulldozers and walkie-talkies to advance through the steam to lay more pipes. The eruption started next to Vestmannaeyjabær town, on Heimaey island, and all the inhabitants of the island had to flee to the mainland of Iceland. Houses close to the rift were soon destroyed by lava flows and tephra fall. By early February, the heavy tephra fall had abated, but lava flows began to cause serious damage. Volcano overwhelms an Icelandic village, 1973). Short-lived submarine activity was discovered by a fishing vessel on 26 May, about 4km north-east of Heimaey and 1km off the coast of the mainland. Apart from falling ash, some houses were also burned down by fires caused by lava bombs, or overridden by advancing lava flows. In the early hours of the eruption, the Icelandic State Civil Defence Organisation evacuated the entire population of Heimaey, having previously developed evacuation plans for an emergency such as this. In Europe, the eruption was one of the biggest news items while it continued, competing for front page space with breakthroughs then being made in the Vietnam War peace talks in Paris. Since then, its height has dropped by 18-20 m (60-65 ft), due to slumping and compacting of the unconsolidated gravelly tephra as well as wind erosion. Up to 40 megawatts of power could be generated by the plants, which also then supplied hot water to nearly every house on the island. volcano number: 1702-01= (according to Volcanoes of the World, 1994 edition) summit elevation: 225 m (Helgafell cone) location: 63.43°N, 20.28°W Yet, while eruptions are spectacular to watch, they can cause disastrous loss of life and property, especially in densely populated regions of the world. Submarine activity just north of the fissure severed an electric power cable and a water pipeline which supplied electrical power and water from the Icelandic mainland, and lava began to flow into the harbour, as situation which caused serious concerns - if the harbour was destroyed, the island's fishing industry would be devastated. The last land addition to Iceland was formed in 1963: This island is called Surtsey and is located 30km/18.6 miles off the main island. The abundant tephra produced by the eruption was used to extend the runways at the island's small airport, and also as landfill on which 200 new homes were built. These settlers gave the islands their name, Ireland being west of mainland Scandinavia. About 2.5 km² (0.96 square miles) of new land was added to the island, increasing its pre-eruption area by some 20%. There was some underwater volcanic activity during the ongoing eruptions, which caused the water pipeline to Heimaey to break. Lava flows had been sprayed with water in attempts to slow them in Hawaii and on Mount Etna, but these had been rather small-scale operations with limited success. Mount Eldfell, 200 meters high, formed a volcanic eruption on the 23rd January 1973, just outside the town of Heimaey. In total, the volume of lava and tephra emitted during the five-month eruption was estimated to be about 0.25 km³ (0.06 cubic miles). Consider things such as access and accommodation at the base of Eldfell, as well as the logistics of climbing to the summit. Many houses were destroyed by the weight of the ash fall, but crews of volunteers working to clear the ash from roofs and board up windows saved many more. Up to three acres of lava flow could be cooled at one time, with internal barriers then being created within the flow, which thickened and piled up upon itself. The Vestmannaeyjar (Icelandic for Westman islands) archipelago lies off the south coast of Iceland, and consists of several small islands, all formed by eruptions in the Holocene epoch. The country lies on two tectonic plates along which the volcanoes are located: the Eurasian and North American plates. Following the end of the eruption, scientists began to assess the feasibility of extracting geothermal heat from the gradually cooling flows. On the night in question, Eldfell, a new volcanic cone, was formed. First an eruption fissure, about 1,500 m long, opened seawards only about 200 – 300 meters from the easternmost part of the town. A curtain of fire and lava shot into the air 200m only 1km from the only town of Vestmannaeyjir. Causes and Information of the 1973 Eruption: by. After these pumps began to cool the flow advancing towards the town, its movement slowed dramatically and soon stopped. This page was last modified 00:27, 6 May 2005. The eruption caused a major crisis for the island and nearly led to its permanent evacuation. The insides of lava flows can remain at temperatures of several hundred °C for many years due to the very low thermal conductivity of rock. The population was alerted to the situation by fire engines sounding their sirens, and gathered by the harbour with just the small amount of possessions they were able to carry. From 23:00 until 01:34 on 23 January, seven tremors were detected, the largest of which measured 2.7 on the Richter scale. We walked to the trailhead from the harbor without much difficulty. From its initial rate of 100 m³/s, the emission rate fell to about 60 m³/s by 8 February, and just 10 m³/s by the middle of March. View of Heimaey before the eruption: Town of Vestmannaeyjar with Helgafell in the right back-ground (photo courtesy of Sólarfilma). The Sandey was able to spray up to 400 l/s onto the advancing flow, and a network of pipes was laid on top of the lava to distribute the seawater over as wide an area as possible. Failure of pump shafts became a problem after a few weeks, probably because they were designed for pumping oil rather than water, and new and improved shafts had to be manufactured in Reykjavík and brought in. Its name means Fire Mountain, and it formed in a volcanic eruption which began without warning just outside the town of Heimaey on 23 January 1973. In 1973, the Eldfell volcano erupted. The threat of lava flows cutting off the harbour was the most significant facing the town. The eruption caused a major crisis for the island and nearly led to its permanent evacuation. Eldfell is a volcano in the Westman Islands, off the South Coast of Iceland, which famously erupted in the middle of the town of Heimaey in 1973. The work involved in laying pipes over an active lava was highly dangerous, with low visibility due to the extensive emission of steam. The explosive activity is now intermittent and the estimated lava production is less than 5 m 3 per second. It is believed that as least some of the CO2 originated deep within the volcanic conduit and percolated through older volcanic rocks, rising directly into the town. The fissures grew to 1,600 metres (5,200 ft) in length, and lava began to erupt. Submarine activity also occurred just offshore at the northern and southern ends of the fissure. Once the viability of lava cooling had been proven, efforts to halt the flows were increased. Flakkarinn rafted several hundred metres towards the harbour along the top of the lava flow, but came to a halt well away from the water's edge. The Vestmannaeyjar archipelago was settled in about 874 AD, originally by escaped Irish slaves belonging to Norse settlers on the mainland. The ash and lava left homes and other buildings frozen in time just as people left them. They also used some of the extensive tephra (airborne volcanic material) fall to extend the runway at the island's small airport, and as landfill on which 200 new houses were built. Eldfell is a cinder cone 200m high on the island of Heimay in the Vestmann islands off the south west cost of Iceland. This would mean a significant decrease in Iceland’s importing income. The fissure extended across the entire island, producing a spectacular curtain of fire. The flows were thick and blocky aa flows, and covered the ground to average depths of about 40 m (130 ft), reaching 100 m (330 ft) thick in places. The pumping capacity was increased in early March, when a large chunk of the crater wall broke away from the summit of Eldfell and began to be carried along the top of the lava flow towards the harbour. Volcanic ash fell over most of the island, destroying many houses, and a lava flow threatened to close off the harbour, the island's main income source via its fishing fleet. One notable feature of the lava cooling operation was the deposit of large amounts of salt where seawater was sprayed onto the lava. A few days after the eruption began, the prevailing wind direction moved to the west, resulting in extensive tephra falls over the rest of the island, causing extensive property damage. From the start of the hiking path to the top of the volcano there's about 200m height difference. When the Eldfell volcano exploded on Heimaey in 1973, people had to flee in an instant. Fortunately, the lava flows and tephra fall did not at first affect the island's airstrip, and a few people who were unable to travel by boat were evacuated by air. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(colorFamily.name)}} Volcano eruption on Heimaey Island in Iceland on 23 January 1973. The volume of lava being emitted during the eruption fell steadily after the first few days. Please submit any useful information about climbing Eldfell that may be useful to other climbers. At about 01:55 on 23 January, a fissure opened up on the eastern side of the island, barely a kilometre away from the centre of the town of Heimaey. Eruption of the newly-formed Eldfell Volcano on the island of Heimaey in the Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands) south of Iceland, 150 meters from the town of Vestmannaeyjar. It is a stratovolcano. The island of Heimay’s fishing port was at risk of being demolished from the eruption. Spectacular lava fountaining occurred along the whole fissure, which reached a maximum length of about 3 km (2 miles) during the first few hours of the eruption, but activity soon became concentrated on one vent, about 0.8 km (0.5 miles) north of the old volcanic cone of Helgafell and just outside the eastern edge of the town. Volcanic ash fell over most of the island, destroying many houses, and a lava flow threatened to close off the harbour, the island's main income source via its fishing fleet. The scheme was extended to several more houses and the hospital, and in 1979 construction began of four larger plants to extract heat from the flows. Eldfell ("fire mountain" in Icelandic) is a volcano on the island of Heimaey in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago 15 miles (25 km) south of Iceland. The decline was slower after that, but by the middle of April the flow rate had fallen to about 5 m³/s. The water cooling of the lava was slow, but achieved a maximum efficiency, with almost all the water being converted to steam. Despite the eruption's close proximity to the town and the extensive property damage, only one fatality could be attributed to the eruption - a man who had broken into a chemist's store to acquire drugs was suffocated by toxic fumes. There is no protection from the sun. Although plagued by poor water supplies and piracy during much of its history, Heimaey became the most important centre of the Icelandic fishing industry, having one of the few good harbours on the southern side of the country, and being situated in very rich fishing grounds. The evacuation was necessary because lava flows were already moving slowly into the eastern side of town, and the whole of the small island was threatened by the likelihood of heavy ash fall. By mid-1974, about half the pre-eruption population had returned to the island, and by March 1975, about 80% had returned. The area of the lava flow is 2.1 km 2, and the average thickness is about 70 m. There were not many severe environmental impacts from the eruption. At 1.55am on the 23 january a fissure 1800m long opened up from one shore to the other. Other Things to Do Near Eldfell Volcano After finishing up with Eldfell Volcano, visitors often check out some of the area's other interesting attractions: Start your day with a walk up Eldfell & Helgafell. The name initially given to the new volcano was Kirkjufell (Church Mountain), perhaps to echo the nearby Helgafell (Holy Mountain), but the cone was eventually named Eldfell (Fire Mountain) by the official Icelandic place naming committee. It is sobering to think this volcano erupted during my lifetime! Each plant extracted energy from a square 100 m on each side, by percolating water down into the hot parts and collecting the resulting steam. Poisonous gases, mostly carbon dioxide, became concentrated in many buildings partially buried by tephra, and several other people were affected when entering these buildings. Nonetheless, be prepared with hiking shoes, right clothing in function of the weather (and even in summer I'd suggest to have a cap, windbreaker clothes, gloves) and water. Eldfell Climbing Notes. In July 1998 I returned to Heimaey to see the changes on the island over the 25 years and to document the changes with video. By the end of the eruption, Eldfell stood about 220 m (720 ft) above sea level. At 01:00 on 23 January 1973, a volcanic eruption of the mountain Eldfell began on Heimaey. Later on in the eruption, a surge of lava destroyed one fish processing plant and damaged two others, and also demolished the town's power generating plant. The trail is primarily used for hiking and nature trips and is best used from June until September. Experimental heating systems were soon devised, and by 1974 the first house was connected. During the early days of the eruption, the rate of lava and tephra emission from the fissure was estimated to be 100 m³/s, and within two days, the lava fountains had built a cinder cone over 100 m high. The lava which came from the volcanoes on the plate borders formed the island. Large expanses of flow became encrusted with extensive white deposits, and it was estimated that up to 220,000 tonnes of salt was deposited in total. The trail is … Small tremors are very common at plate boundaries, and nothing here indicated that they heralded a major eruption. Apart fr… As Heimaey was responsible for some 25% of Iceland's total annual catch, the effect on the whole country's economy would be significant. Eldfell Volcano - Westmann Islands is a 0.8 mile loop trail located near Vestmannaeyjar, Southern, Iceland that offers scenic views and is good for all skill levels. One that erupted around 6000 years ago and then we have Eldfell that erupted in 1973 and all of our inhabitants needed to leave the islands from the mainland. Nearly all of the island’s 5,300 residents were evacuated by fishing boats to the mainland, and they temporarily could not return. Eruptions are a big part of Westman Islands history and on the islands there are 2 Volcanoes. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Helgafell, the supposedly dormant volcano, seen from the slopes of Eldfell, the volcano created by Helgafell’s eruption. The eruption had made headlines around the world when it began, and was covered constantly by Icelandic news crews throughout. Most of the population left the island by boat. After three months of continuous activity, S. Thorarinsson reported on 21 April that the Heimaey eruption is slowly abating. The first boats left for Þorlákshöfn at about 02:30, just half an hour after the start of the eruption. There was great concern that the lava flow would impede access to the harbor, which was vital to this fishing community. The islanders have planted grass around the lower slopes of the otherwise bare hill, to stabilise it against further erosion, and eventually it is expected that most of the volcano will be covered by grass, as neighbouring Helgafell is. 32 pumps were brought in from the USA, which had a capacity of up to 1000 l/s. Browse 115 eldfell volcano stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Following the end of the eruption, the islanders used the heat from the slowly cooling lava flows to provide hot water and generate electricity. Be the first to submit your climbing note! However, Professor Þorbjörn Sigurgeirsson of the University of Iceland calculated that it should easily be possible to cool the lava flows to the point of solidification by spraying them with sufficient sea water. Lava flows also moved into the sea east of the island, creating new land that would eventually add over 2 km² (0.8 square miles) to the island, and into the eastern parts of town, destroying several hundred houses. This unique and famous sight in Iceland was formed by volcanoes, looking like a giant elephant rising out from the sea. By the end of January, tephra covered most of the island, reaching 5 metres (16 ft) deep in places. The onset of the eruption was therefore almost entirely unexpected. However, offshore eruptions may have taken place in 1637 and 1896. It is a moderately active volcano, but, relatively less active than its neighbors Katla and Eldfell. They were too weak to be felt by the residents of the island, but a seismic station 60 km away recorded over 100 small tremors between 01:00 and 03:00 on 22 January. 2. Eldfell Volcano Loop is a 3.3 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located near Vestmannaeyjar, Southern, Iceland that offers scenic views and is rated as moderate. I hope to use this to supplement the 1974 film and to produce a teaching CD-ROM illustrating the eruption. This pre-planned evacuation route resulted in no lives being lost from the eruption; even though the natural disaster came without warning, the community was still prepared. The fissure rapidly extended to a length of 2 km (1.25 miles), crossing the island from one shore to the other. By the end of March, a fifth of the town had been covered by lava flows, and increased pumping capacity was required. Rough tracks were made onto the flow by bulldozing tephra, but these tracks quickly became very uneven and moved several metres a day. The workers dubbed themselves 'The Suicide Squad', and managed to lay pipes up to 130 metres (430 ft) inward from the flow front, directly over the advance. Once the fireworks finished, heat from the volcano provided Heimaey with geothermal energy from 1976 to 1985. Kristjansson L., Simon I., Cohen M.L., Björnsson S. (1975). Eldfell, meanwhile, is a jagged, ash-covered reminder of the 1973 eruption, although in places, bright purple lupins sprout from the blackened slopes where locals … It is a wonder how the island risked permanent evacuation from the eruption, yet was prevented manually form destroying major ports, which Iceland greatly rely on for their economy. The resourceful local people pumped seawater onto the lava which diverted the … The tremors continued at a reduced rate until 11:00 on 22 January, after which they stopped until 23:00 that evening. In the end, the harbour entrance was narrowed considerably but not closed off, and the new lava flow acted as a breakwater, actually improving the shelter afforded by the harbour. The eruption caused a major crisis for the island and led to its immediate evacuation. Eldfell Volcano, Heimaey, Westmann Isles, Iceland, 1973 Bárðarbunga was one of the most recent eruptions to occur in the country - it erupted over a … The ensuing lava-cooling operations were the most ambitious that had ever been undertaken. With the harbour improved by the new lava breakwater, the fishing industry regained its former vigour and the island today remains the most important fishing centre in the nation. Crater row developed into a single active crater in the day the steam to lay more pipes had. The ensuing lava-cooling operations were the most ambitious that had ever been undertaken, symmetrical cone of large of. Eldfell stood about 220 m ( 16 ft ) in length, and the estimated lava production is less 5! Harbor, which was vital to this fishing community of small tremors began to cool flow... Which came from the volcanoes on the night in question, Eldfell stood about 220 m 720! 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