20, Rewards: 74840 Exp, 7080 G, Giant’s Tooth, Location: Greenglade Cave [Side Quest 82: Rumpel, the Village Vet], Rewards: 76533 Exp, 7480 G, Supreme Sixth Censer x2, Rewards: 76533 Exp, 8230 G, Songbook No. Location: After researching the Rejuvenate Spell at Evermore Spellworks, visit Sunshade Shrine and use the spell on the ruins to rebuild it. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is a traditional JRPG with all the style of a Studio Ghibli movie. ... Each tainted monster is … Step 3: Collectibles – Higgledy Stones & Songbooks (3 Hours) There are 30 Higgledy Stones and 31 Songbooks (but you only need 30/31). You won't be able to encounter them without doing that first. I … Boasting greater challenges and holding greater rewards, these beasts are begging to be challenged by the bravest of adventurers. For Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom on the PlayStation 4, Guide and Walkthrough by WJStories. Rewards: 36331 Exp, 1580 G, Elite Sorcerer’s Ring, Location: Spineshiver Grove [Side Quest 27: The Hard-Nosed Huntress], Rewards: 36332 Exp, 1400 G, Three-Leafed Soreaway, Location: Shipshire Cape near Goldpaw [Side Quest 4: A Favor for Nu Bi], Rewards: 36332 Exp, 1430 G, Strong Sixth Censer x5, Location: Heartlands near Spineshiver Grove, Location: Tightfit Cavern, north of Rubbly Ruins [Side Quest 5: Hang On, Hoi Den], Rewards: 37988 Exp, 1500 G, Angel’s Tear x5, Rewards: 39646 Exp, 2240 G, Wizard’s Posy, Rewards: 41306 Exp, 2330 G, Soldier’s Spear, Rewards: 42967 Exp, 2200 G, Sage’s Secret x3, Rewards: 47961 Exp, 2700 G, Hurly Handgun, Rewards: 49629 Exp, 2790 G, Sea Breeze Sandals, Rewards: 51298 Exp, 2890 G, Castle Crusher, Rewards: 54642 Exp, 3780 G, Iceberg Blaster, Location: Jack Frost’s Playground (ice continent), Location: Capaneus’s Crypt [Side Quest 48: A Career Cut Short], Rewards: 56316 Exp, 3540 G, All-Be-Gone x3, Rewards: 57992 Exp, 4010 G, Elite Warrior’s Ring, Location: Eert Grove [Side Quest 56: Unfun Fungus], Rewards: 61348 Exp, 4570 G, Soreaway Sweet x5, Rewards: 63029 Exp, 5170 G, Autumn Mantle. Rewards: 140362 Exp, 18240 G, Blightwing Bow, Rewards: 129842 Exp, 18720 G, Infernal Mail, Rewards: 131588 Exp, 18970 G, Nebula Sword, Rewards: 140340 Exp, 21960 G, Pyramid Beam, Rewards: 145610 Exp, 22760 G, Unbreakable Necklace, Rewards: 152661 Exp, 23810 G, Executioner's Ring. To make this list easy to navigate, I have gone ahead and ordered this list by its almanac listing. Also I swear I remember that Greg bringing this up back when Big Mom attacked the ship in Ch. As long as it’s not damaged it will be fine. This includes information on currently sighted Tainted Monsters. For Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Tainted Monster #49 "Ziggy"". These are tainted monsters. As previously mentioned, you will need to take care of the first 50 Tainted Monsters before unlocking the last 10. Want to prove that you are strong enough to beat the toughest boss in the game? TAINTED MONSTER: SPORESPEW. Mortimer - Lv.23. Make sure you have plenty of healing items and have eaten some meals ahead of the battle. I always liked these giant-mushroom enemies, even though a lot of their attacks are annoying. Ni No Kuni 2 Map – All Locations, Areas, Woods, Caves, Shops March 19, 2018 by PowerPyx 8 Comments While searching for Tainted Monsters, Side Quests, Higgledy Stones and Item Locations in Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom you may often come across specific map area names. Location: After researching the Rejuvenate Spell at Evermore Spellworks, visit Unsung Shrine and rebuild it by casting the spell on the ruins. Monster Name: Level: Rewards: Locations: 1. Before you decide to approach these monsters, make sure you are fully prepared as even their given Level may not tell the whole story. Do other collectibles. Ni no kuni 2 battle system just seems really boring, and DQ was never mine type of JRPG, so there is not that much left for me personally. Location: Greenglade Cave; Type: Reptilian, Fire Tainted Monster: Level: Location: Rewards: Googah 22 Wiggly Way 36331 … Note: Tainted Monster #51-60 only spawn after the first 50 have been defeated. Location: Tightfit Cavern, north of Rubbly Ruins [Side Quest 5: Hang On, Hoi … The thing is, despite their purple aura, they're not always that easy to locate. ... sure I got tons of one hit kills but at least is possible. 21, Location: East Wood [Side Quest 115: A Not-So-Watchful Eye], Rewards: 78229 Exp, 7640 G, Savior’s Tear x2, Location: Ding Dong Well [Side Quest 134: Pollution Solution], Rewards: 79926 Exp, 7800 G, Great Sage’s Secret, Location: Leucippes’ Labyrinth [Side Quest 109: Return to Sender], Rewards: 88773 Exp, 8000 G, Wizard King’s Secret, Location: Western Woods [Side Quest 132: Grimm's Determination], Rewards: 81624 Exp, 8120 G, Sovereign Soreaway x2, Location: Wyverns’ Den [Side Quest 141: The Tainted Wyvern], Rewards: 86730 Exp, 10420 G, Blackwing Bow, Location: After beating the main story, reload your completion save and fast travel to the Belly of the Beast, Rewards: 88435 Exp, 10620 G, Spiteful Staff, Rewards: 90141 Exp, 10820 G, Steelpounder, Rewards: 95271 Exp, 11420 G, Frontier Flintlock, Rewards: 96984 Exp, 11620 G, Warlord’s Armor. A number of these monsters are a part of the side quests in the game, so this is important. For Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Tainted Monster 57: Horraura". Location: Drylands; Type: Reptilian; Reward: 74840 Exp., 7080 G, Giant’s Tooth; Not Immune: Poisoned; Tainted Monster 029: Flappy. Side Quest List: http://underbuffed.com/ni-no-kuni-2-side-quests/Material List: http://underbuffed.com/ni-no-kuni-2-material-list/ 2017 was a better JRPG year. [Side Quest 170: The Divine Silence], Rewards: 107297 Exp, 12900 G, One-And-All-Be-Gone x2, Rewards: 121102 Exp. Location: Visit Leucippes’ Labyrinth to find a cave on the purple island in the southeast area of the map. Googah: 22: 36331 Exp; 1580 G; Elite … The monster can be found inside Seat of the Sea Beast. This guide shows all their locations. Ni no Kuni 2 Guide - Tainted Monsters Location and Tips. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom ... Found in: Shipshire Cape; Rewards for Defeating: 36,332 EXP, 1,430G, Strong Sixth Censer x5; TAINTED MONSTER: MAGMANIMUS. That includes the areas , the caves , the towns , the shops , and other fast travel points. Rewards: 66396 Exp, 5440 G, Strongbox Boots, Rewards: 68081 Exp, 5570 G, Starfall Sword, Rewards: 69768 Exp, 6610 G, Daredevil’s Armor, Location: Near Makronos [Side Quest 53: Lycorias, The Doubtful Guard], Rewards: 71457 Exp, 6150 G, One-And-All-Be-Gone, Location: Drylands [Side Quest 42: Daddy Come Home], Rewards: 73148 Exp, 6300 G, Four-Leafed Soreaway x5, Location: Powder Keg Cavern [Side Quest 78: Bot on the Run], Rewards: 73148 Exp, 6360 G, Sovereign Soreaway Sweet x2, Location: Near Broadleaf [Quest 75: Kent, the Magical Ore Analyst], Rewards: 74840 Exp, 6440 G, Songbook No. 14410 G, Radiant Hearty Pendant, Location: Bleachbone Shrine [Side Quest 161: Testing the One True King], Location: Found in Jack Frost’s Playground [Side Quest 164: A Tall Order], Rewards: 114205 Exp, 13710 G, Songbook No. Kingdom Management Guide: How to create and manage the best Kingdom, Side Quests Guide: every side quest listed with rewards, locations and requirements, Citizen Location Guide: Where to Find All the Citizens, Kingmaker's Trial of Knowledge guide: How to get the blue orbs, Higgledies Guide: All Higgledy Stone Locations, Blue Chests Guide: How to open the blue chests and get amazing loot. Below you will find a list of all 60 Tainted Monsters, and their location. Oh, this is a good fight. Kill the 50 Tainted Monsters. Hello there, JRPG Fans! Enter the shrine afterward to find the monster inside. Hidden in various caverns and forests around the world you'll find several monsters surrounded by a purple ring. IGN's wiki contains details for most sidequests, it's frequently updated, and now includes guides for tainted monsters and higgledie stones also.. All locations in the game, with maps showing where they are, if you have trouble finding something.. All tainted monsters with their locations. There are also a number of monsters that require you to start a Side Quest before they will spawn, so we noted those in brackets. Below is a list of each tainted monster, where to find them, and the rewards they offer. Check out more of our Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Guides: There are 60 Tainted Monsters to be found around the world of Ni no Kuni II in total, but at the beginning, you only have access to the first 50. Only once they have been defeated will you have the opportunity to dispatch the other 10. Tainted Monster 027: Skrych. Tainted Monster Location Reward; Googah (Level 22) Wiggly Way; On way to Forest of … You can go back to all places after the story and still reach everything. These will prove to be an even greater challenge, so be fully prepared! One of the greatest challenges are the Tainted Monsters, large boss characters that not only prove to be challenging, but also serve as a nice source of experience points for your party! Rewards: 119403 Exp, 17270 G, Bastion Boots, Rewards: 122876 Exp, 17750 G, Soulbreaker, Rewards: 124615 Exp, 17990 G, Goldpounder. There are a few we don't have the exact quest for, but we will update once we find that out. 2018 does not much for me, cause i don't believe we will see KH3, so i will only be buying Monster Hunter and Octopath Traveler. Location: Near Broadleaf; Type: Reptilian; Reward: 74840 Exp., 6440 G, Songbook No. Copyright © 2006-2021 Mist Network and its owners. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom 31 Crystolith. Rewards: 103853 Exp, 13750 G, Wizard Costume, Rewards: 105574 Exp, 14100 G, Flutterby Staff, Location: Northwest of Jack Frost’s Playground. Tainted Monster #51-60 only spawn after the first 50 have been defeated. You unlock more sightings as you progress through the game, with many being announced on Leafbook. Here's our complete Ni no Kuni 2 guide walkthrough, including how to … All rights reserved. These Tainted Monsters are found all … ... Ni no Kuni … 890, something about them now having an excuse to go to Elbaf because Big Mom attacked where their backup wood … After defeating all 50 of the tainted monsters, 10 more become available: We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Ni no Kuni: Revenant Kingdom boasts a wealth of content to indulge in before and even after you have completed the main storyline. Level grinding in ni no kuni 2 is painfully sloe so having this problem solved definitely made me happy ... *sees tainted monster* oh no please let me pass, oh no no… 24, Rewards: 115936 Exp, 15300 G, High Heal Pendant. For Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where I can find #24 Tainted Monster DAMPO". Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the second game in the acclaimed, anime-inspired RPG franchise and features an all-new cast of charming … Ni no Kuni 2 Higgledy Stones Guide - Where to Find Every Higgledy Stone Location in Ni no Kuni 2. Location: Cyrodiil; Posted March 30, 2018. The monster can be found within. tainted monster: yvan Yvan is a huge Wyvern-type enemy and as such, it'll use the same attacks. Ni No Kuni Nominated in Wikia's Ultimate JRPG Battle. Ni No Kuni 2 has 60 Tainted Monsters. This monster is very similar to the "Crystal Crypt" enemy, but much beefier and more dangerous. Every Ni no Kuni II Location In this guide, we're going to run down every single location in Ni no Kuni II. See the guide here for the Tainted Monster location and rewards. Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Wiki Guide, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. 20; Tainted Monster 028: Gryndl. Tainted monsters drop incredibly powerful gear . These Ni No Kuni 2 Tainted Monsters offer a great challenge and are a great source of earning experience. For this step follow the Ni No Kuni 2 Tainted Monsters Guide & Ni No Kuni 2 World Map with All Locations. Defeating all 60 will give you the Scourge of the Tainted trophy! TAINTED MONSTER: CRYSTOLITH. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the second game in the acclaimed, anime-inspired RPG franchise and features an all-new cast of charming characters, an emotional storyline, and innovative gameplay design that will delight and challenge players. That's why, to make things easier for you, we have gone ahead and compiled a list of all the tainted monsters found in No no Kuni II with this helpful guide! If so, seek out the 50 Tainted Monsters located all over Ni no Kuni. He only has two types of attacks and all of them are quite easy to evade. If you don't recognize the name of the location, search for it in the page above. For the”Scourge of the Tainted” trophy / achievement you must kill 50 of the Tainted Monsters. Scattered throughout the world of Ni no Kuni comes powerful foes called Tainted Monsters that you can vanquish when you feel you are strong enough. Ni no Kuni 2 offers a lot of things to collect in the game. If you check the Library Menu in Ni No Kuni 2 you will find a Tainted Monsters section. Of healing items and have eaten some meals ahead of the Sea Beast beasts are begging be! I got tons of one hit kills but at least is possible types! 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