It's a card of alchemy. ), Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! One is Robert Enright's process model. The Temperance card will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. However, it is still completely up to you whether to enter into this relationship or not. Temperance is also about messages, so you might feel like texting a friend you havent seen for a while and see if theyre doing ok. One of you feels as though the love youre giving is not being reciprocated. You're going to be hit with a sense of having to create something soon, and you'll feel the need to dedicate yourself to it. If we listen to others with empathy, seeking to understand their position, and act civilly to get behind the position to their real interests, we can often find common ground with our own interests. To begin with, the first stories of the course were those that were from Greek mythology and the known ripples in what today we call the world, but Gilgamesh was the one that most enjoyed reading from the origin that tells about the after the . The Temperance reversed tarot card generally refers to a lack of balance in some aspect of your life. When drawn to specify how to resolve a conflict, Temperance tells you to do the right thing: pacify the situation. If youre single, Temperance serves as an indication that you will learn to balance other areas of your life so as to make room for a new, special lover to come into your world and swoop you off your feet. Part of being able to stay calm, even when the smallest events threaten to throw you off course, is having faith that the outcome will either turn out well or is ultimately beyond your control. An online resource for tarot and divination enthusiasts. Remember those effortless days, when you were doing something that you enjoyed, and how time seemed to give way to your natural pace or workflow? Your partner is taking actions one step at a time, as they should. This is symbolic of a delicate balance between being grounded in ones energy, yet at the same time being willing to step foot into the free-flowing movement of our human experience. They believe that you try too hard to look calm and cool, but youre easily offended and prone to anger, resulting in awkward atmosphere. Perhaps what you wish for is not possible or you have overlooked a small yet important detail that is going to cause problems. Or, you arent going with the flow, and as a result, the universe seems to be flowing against you. The flowing white robe that the figure wears, the lush greenery, the distant mountains, and the rising sun in the background all serve to convey a message of serenity. This bodes well if youre hoping for a reconciliation. There are several instances where the values and virtues that were identified in the ELI could be applied to workplace situations. A stands for an Altruistic gift of forgiveness. In an upright position drawing Temperance signifies that when the going gets tough, you are someone who is able to remain calm and rational, who wont let stress get the better of you. Right now, I don't perceive it that way. Be patient, continue seeking balance, and the rewards will come. When reversed, Temperance means you are thought of as either too modest and timid or quite unreliable and temperamental. In the future position, Temperance warns you that in order to resolve any current conflicts and move forward in life, you need to stay in control of your life by exercising restraint, balance, and moderation. They could be a healer or have other psychic abilities and are able to combine different aspects of any given situation to create something new and fresh. Second, the longer you seriously try to forgive, the more forgiveness you'll experience. Death Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! Only time will tell if you can solve this dispute once and for all or if you must let it go. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? This failure to communicate and handle your emotions can lead to anger, self-pity, and an imbalanced state of mind. Humility is a position of strength that allows us to treat others with respect because we have self-respect. The Temperance Tarot Card Keywords Upright. You can resolve your problems by maintaining your composure and listening to what others have to say. It is the calm guiding voice from deep within our soul with the advice to be kind, honest, and warm-hearted. You can find out more about Lisa and her work at You can seek the help of an understanding mentor or friend. Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet have believed. What Zodiac Sign is March 20? You can sort out the mundane details of your life tomorrow. The Temperance card in the reverse wants us to not sacrifice long-term goals for short-term gain. The angel's robe is simple but in the centre of the cloth lies a bold orange triangle within a square; this shows the Earth's connection to the holy trinity whilst the . If Justice comes before the Temperance card, there will be a delay in the outcome of a legal situation and outstanding charges could be dismissed. The Temperance card is all about guidance and emotional restraint. 1 / 31. Thats all for Temperance Tarot card meaning! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. But as a negative, this person might perceive you to have a volatile emotional or spiritual state. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. Or, if you think thats not the case, they might be projecting their own insecurities on you. The Temperance card reversed can also advise you to not be afraid to show your passions. Hopefully, persevering throughout this period will end in an even stronger relationship. When Temperance is reversed, the flow of life is interrupted. There are more outcome Tarot card meanings on this website. When the Emperor precedes the World card, peace or a ceasefire is possible. Reversed, assess the career situation right now. Reforging Glory. Temperance Tarot Card, in the general context, is a sign of moderation, balance, and harmony. The person you may be asking about is unfortunately not a soulmate. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. Youve relapsed again, or youve succumbed to your original diet or eating habits. They can be open-minded and cooperative. An angel stands, with one foot in the water and the other foot firmly planted on land. Think about whether you are either dwelling on past events or worrying over future events. 2022 Sibyl Tarot. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The angel invites us to see a humble truth with eyes closed: the self-nature is complete and perfect as it is. JavaScript is disabled. Youre more likely to regret the things you didnt do later on rather than those that you did. As intentions, the Temperance card shows that their intentions are to compromise or negotiate. People represented by the reversed Temperance card are energetic and spirited. Make sure that the people surrounding you are not taking too much of your time or energy away from you, and that they still give back to you, as well as allow you to be alone or recharge. It can keep from escalating conflicts, so it can contribute to peace and is useful as a social peacemaking strategy. Closing old chapters and beginning anew. Still, that should not be taken so literally. (Pisces or Aries? The most common meaning of the Temperance card in the action position is for the querent to organize. This may result in impulsivity, mood swings, or even anxiety and depression. When we try to force relationships and people to go the way we want, it can often implode in our face. However, you can only help people who want to get help. The survivors of the Great Flood decided to . However, when it describes someones opinion of you, the reversed Temperance card indicates that you have made an unfavourable impression. This is a major divine timing card. If youre single, youve been showing your hand too soon when it comes to your romantic interests and need to start playing things a little more coy. This can be a good or bad thing, taking into consideration the context of the group. They trust you, feel safe when next to you, and might even think of you as a role model! C is for Commit to the forgiveness you experience. As women strive for equality within the relationships, . Its in the human nature. That is your best mate, a kindred spirit! This is that person whom you can always rely on. Restoring this balance is the key to achieving your personal goals and aspirations. Dont waste your energy trying to change things that can only happen naturally. You may not notice massive shifts, but you may find that your experience being around them has always been a positive one. Temperance is about moderation in action, thoughts, or feelings. Too much restraint is tiresome, if not lame! The vibe your relationship has is a loyal pair growing old gracefully together. When Temperance is combined with the Chariot, this indicates that you will be put in a position that requires great responsibility. Drawing it implies that you know who you are, what you want to achieve, and how you plan on realizing your goals. Dont lose your cool and be mindful that you can do everything right and still fail. An angel stands, with one foot in the water and the other foot firmly planted on land. When referring to career, the Temperance card in reverse urges you to be responsible with career opportunities. There is no indication of danger, just the notion of adventure. Plans, coordinates and delivers nursing care to patients and families. Unfortunately, Temperance Reversed doesnt bode well for your social life. Temperance foretells good feelings. All three Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) include angels in their doctrines and most religious traditions around the world feature similar heavenly creatures of excellence. This is the stroke of luck that saves us when we are on the brink of destruction, the miraculous convalescence of terminally ill patients. Nevertheless, you still need to reevaluate your relationship to money in order to realize and accept that you need to be more frugal. Since Temperance upright represents the merging or balancing of different ideas or people, its reversed position can be considered as their splitting apart. After youve gone through an extremely stressful time, you will find yourself in a relaxing space with room to breathe. Is this relationship going to last? . They are willing to dedicate themselves and work hard. There is no universally agreed-upon scheme for classifying virtues, but most agree that virtues are interrelated with each other to some extent. Reversed, the Temperance card tells of a situation where being too agreeable can end in manipulation, whereas not communicating at all leaves the situation unresolved. Heal from your negative cycles, heal from the lesson that the universe has just thrown at you. When these two cards turn up in a spread it should be taken as a sign that you need to do some deep thinking. Temperance as love outcome is a sign of a healthy kind of love.

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