We thank you for the opportunity to Blessed are you, Lord our God, maker of heaven and earth and Father of all your people: we give you glory for your goodness and for your loving care for us. You are everywhere, Lord. This a prayer from the Baha'i Writings: "O Thou kind Lord! Give us clarity so that we can effectively tackle each part of todays agenda. Below is a prayer that was delivered at a Cub Scout "Blue & Gold" banquet. In Jesus' Name, Amen. God, for the joy of this occasion we thank you. Amen. We pray that they may all feel proud this day and enjoy sharing their achievements with family and friends. I don't ask you to close your eyes, but to keep your eyes constantly open to the serious issues that city government can and should solve or improve. Photo Credit: Getty Images/Foxys_forest_manufacture. I hope that the many discussions we have heard about the conduct of Charleston City Council members will bring about more religious tolerance in this city. Pausing for a moment at the beginning of this Blue and Gold banquet let us still our bodies, quiet our minds, and let us be in a spirit of prayer. The apostle Paul told the church to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. For your presence here and now and for your presence at all times, we thank you. Thank you that each one is unique and brimming with potential. Obviously people who don't believe in a god are not giving thanks to God but they can say more than just "Bon Appetit!". Dear God, we seek Your honor in everything we do and say. - Author Unknown. Amen. Bless this food [this bread] and grant that all who eat it may be strong in body and grow in your love. Invocations draw us together towards the divine authority of God and set the tone for any given occasion by assuring his guidance, protection, and presence. Help us not get distracted by things within or outside this room. As you prepare to modify it for your own use, keep these basic rules in mind: Understand the context. Lions Prayer International Association of Club - Lions Club by war, oppression and exploitation Psalm 118:24 says, This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Father, with joyful hearts in the spirit of thanksgiving, we ask you to bless this banquet and each person here. As you work together on behalf of all who live in this city, may you gain strength and sustenance from one another through reason and compassion. Not Your Average Dinner Prayer | Military.com We ask for your inspiration and insights. Keep us all, and those we love, safe and strong. Come and reveal Your will in every aspect of our life and ministry. Though once helpless and dependent on us, they have become the young adults we celebrate and admire today through a transformation that has never ceased to amaze us. I believe that You will guide us in this meeting so that the results can be seen days, months, and even years after today. Forgive us for having our minds set on other things and not giving you the honor you deserve. Giving thanks before a meal can be just a few words spoken from the heart and finished quickly before the food gets cold! Our Father in Heaven, we give thanks for the pleasure of gathering together for this occasion. Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You with all my heart that You have heard and answered my request for a scholarship, so that I may continue my studies, for which I praise and thank You. Prayer #4. Come and help us maintain unity as we discuss certain matters. I pray that this meeting focuses upon You and Your plans for us as a body of believers. Prayer For Sports Banquet Prayer For Sports Banquet Lord, You have watched them grow in our care, to develop and flourish and to find their own way. Amen. We place this meeting in Your hands. Expressing gratitude for the food and appreciation of the company is all that is needed. - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 183. Thank you for the blessings of our individual and collective God-given gifts. Traditional Opening Wedding Reception Prayer Lord God Almighty, There is also this from the humanist writer Nicolas Walter: Let us think thrice while we are gathering here for this meal. Help us always remember to do everything with a grateful heart and to keep our focus on you. Give us balance in times of distraction and uncertainty. Blessed are you for ever and ever. A Prayer for a Class Reunion | Peace, Grace, and Jazz! Amen. May everyone be engaged and involved, and may all concerns be addressed. Teach us to be both brae and true; And bless our banquet, Gold and Blue. say tonight (today). You are welcome in this place. Help us to tackle all the topics we need to discuss, come up with excellent solutions, and leave this meeting inspired and on time. Help us to carefully consider the relevant information that has been gathered. We ask in Jesus' name. Not Your Average Dinner Prayer. God bless each one of us here tonight. Scholarship Award Luncheon Prayer. Feed our souls on the bread of life and help us to do our part in kind words and loving deeds. hunger inside of them. Reveal problem areas and show us the best solutions that will apply. Help us to accomplish our goals while displaying your character. Bless this food, a sign of your loving care for us, and bless us in our daily lives. Bigotry exists everywhere, but it is especially outrageous when acts of intolerance at government functions are organized, carried out, and later defended in the media by government officials. Invocation for the Faithful Departed - Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let . May the blessing of God, his peace and love, rest upon our table. We declare that we will be blessed by this gathering. Prayer to Bind Our Hearts and Minds God of peace, we pray for unity in our meeting today. for various reasons. Help us to enjoy every moment, making memories that will last a lifetime. We give you respect and acknowledge you as our Creator and Provider. This we pray, in Jesus Name, Amen. This page is for those who are asked to pray a meeting prayer and want to construct a prayer that will not easily offend others. Through our invocation prayers, we corporately come to God humbly, with reverence and praise, invite Him to purify our hearts and align them with His eternal purposes, and invite His presence. Amen. Answer. Dinner Prayers at the Wedding Reception | LoveToKnow Gracious God, Thank you for the blessings of our individual and collective God-given gifts. Let us enjoy ourselves, without guilt, Thank you for this dedicated group of people who have come together to serve you and this congregation. We honor them for their loyalty to God and Country, for their good deeds, and for their friendship. "Almighty God, grant that the new birth of your Son in the flesh redeems us from the old slavery under the yoke of sin, so we may receive him with joy as . - Edward Hays. O God, you sustain all of us at every moment, as we work and weep and worry, and as we rejoice and celebrate! -Robert Louis Stevenson. This page has six simple prayers for giving thanks before meals. It gives an example of what others can have with the Father. Thank you for food in a world where many know only hunger; For our faith in a world where many know fear; For friends in a world where many know only loneliness. Active Listening Prayer Loving Lord, we thank You that You listen to us; please help us listen to each other. Show us Your purposes. for our dedication and the binding cords between us. O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Here is the invocation I gave, as several council members fled: Thank you for this opportunity to "invoke" a minority point of view. Thank You for this gathering to celebrate and rejoice in the life of (celebrant's name). Help us to take the various ideas presented and think of ways to flesh them out. Thank you for this time away from our busy lives to reconnect with you. We declare that this meeting shall be effective and Spirit-led. We ask for your inspiration and insights. 5 Prayers for a Wedding Reception - Event Supply Shop I especially pray for those who are deployed away from home. Calm our anxious spirits. It was the first time in many months wed seen each other in person, and I realized what a precious gift God had given usthe gift of gathering and opening prayer. Amen. Come and scribe Your words of life into our lives - Fill our minds with Your thoughts Fill our bodies with Your strength Fill our hearts with Your dreams That we might eternally love and serve You This day and every day. Help us not to waste valuable time, as we all have many tasks to complete today. Blessings on our meal. We give you the glory for everything that is accomplished. We give you honor and glory, Lord. Prosperity Prayer Awesome Father, I thank You for this meeting and I thank You for every like-minded individual who is here to fulfill tasks for Your kingdom. Sir Henry Guildford: Henry VIII, I, iv. Daily, we are fed with good things, nourished by friendship and care, feasted with forgiveness and understanding. May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds. We praise you for who you areour Strength, our Deliverer, and our Provider. Help us to find principles that we all can agree on and put these into action. For an example of a more pointed invocation by an atheist, read this article. Please sleep under these soft blankets that we may all know safety. let us take this moment to offer a prayer. We thanked God for the gift of getting together with friends and invited Him into our midst. Prayers - Fairfax Fire Chaplains Councilman Kwadjo Campbell had cordially agreed to let me do it. We are ready to receive the rest, peace, and refreshment you offer. Amen. May these objectives drive each of us to actively participate rather than just passively listen. - President John F. Kennedy. Thank you for the gift of family. 10 Opening Prayers for Gatherings - iBelieve.com And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency, bestir my compassion, and be concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. that we have been given. God we give you all the glory to You tonight as we remember Jesus' birth on earth. Amen. Retirement Dinner Invocation. Father, we praise you for your son Jesus, who knew the happiness of family and friends, and in the love of your Holy Spirit. For each new morning with its light, for rest and shelter of the night, for health and food, for love and friends, for everything Thy goodness sends. A classic humanist alternative to a Christian Grace is: For what we are about to receive Loving God, bless all those gathered here today as we come together in friendship and fellowship. appropriate for. It is You who knows all things, so, Father, have Your divine way in this meeting. Come upon us and cause us to have a productive meeting. I suppose it means that we are invoking God's presence or blessing. Invocations, Pledges and Controversial Topics - Toastmasters International Prayer for Productive Discussions Lord of wisdom, we pray that You will bless this meeting. Prayer for God to Answer Righteous God, we call onto You right now and we know that You will answer! Learn more about Jesuit Resource. Amen. These prayers evoke a spirit of thankfulness and can be a good inspiration for your dinner prayer on Thanksgiving or any day. Browse through these encouraging prayers for a dose of inspiration. Sometimes when we pray we have special requests to ask of God. Let our plans be orchestrated by You. Prayer for Unity God of peace, we invite You to preside over this meeting. to those who cultivated the fields Our teachers and mentors Our family and loved ones We thank You for them and give them all to You in prayer. For an example of a secular invocation that is inclusive, although given by someone identified as representing a humanist viewpoint, read this article by Herb Silverman. We ask in Jesus' name. May they always appreciate each other, and when required, forgive each other, as you have so freely forgiven them. Forgive us for moments when weve forgotten to put you first. May You, then, bless this table and this food, and each of us in Your holy name. Invocation Prayer | Quankey | MBC The object is not just to drum up support among fellow humanists, though such grassroots activism is crucial, but to appeal to everyone's sense of fair play and tolerance. We come before you to welcome you to this meeting. For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, 40 Encouraging Bible Scriptures on Resisting Temptation, Ephesians 6:4 Meaning of Do Not Exasperate Your Children, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. Purify our thoughts and motives so that each one of us will enter this meeting desiring the good of others and the pleasure of Your name. Grant us success in every good endeavor as we serve our community, our nation and our world. We ask for your hand of blessing on Christmas Prayers and Blessings to Share With the Whole Family Leader : God of the ages, before your eyes all empires rise and fall yet you are changeless. Lord God and giver of all good gifts, we are grateful as we pause before this meal, for all the blessings of life that you give to us. Dear God, help us apply Your wisdom as we decide on certain matters and make plans. Amen. Help us come up with effective strategies that can enable us to move forward as a team in a meaningful way. Father, please guide us so that this meeting can be productive. this meeting. Father, with joyful hearts in the spirit of thanksgiving, we ask you to bless this banquet and each person here. for the warm hospitality Help us hear the complete message being communicated. Amen. On Tuesday, March 25, I gave the invocation to the Charleston City Council. Be present at our table, Lord, Be here and everywhere adored. our work and our goals this day. Please show us great and mighty things that we do not know so that this meeting can fulfill its role for the kingdom. - Mother Teresa. There are dozens of beautiful ways to give thanks. Finally, let us think of all the people all over the world, members with us in the human family, who will not have a meal today. Thank you for visiting this Christian prayer page. 21 Prayers for Every Kind of Christmas Party & Activity 21 Oct 2015 | Posted by Military.com. Lord, make Your face shine on us and be gracious to us. Throughout Scripture, special occasions were celebrated by holding a banquet, when your people would congregate to eat, fellowship, and enjoy your many blessings. Fairfax Fire Chaplains Gilliard said an atheist giving an invocation is an affront to our troops because they are "fighting for our principles, based on God." With wisdom and compassion. Forgive us for any wrongdoing, and give us a clean heart. Since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in this food so may you give us a share in eternal life. Bless our food and our drink. When I have work, help me to remember the jobless. It's possible to use invocations for all occasions, such as graduations, city council meetings and religious . Thy people bless, and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee. Here are 10 special opening prayers you can pray at your gatherings. Read these prayers for inspiration and ideas on what to ask God for before your meal, or ideas on how to framework your own special requests in your prayer. Jesuit Resource - Mealtime Prayers - Xavier University Nor does a secular benediction need to be explicitly atheist, or exclude anyone because of their beliefs. "May your life be filled with laughter, endless happiness, and good fortune. Have you ever been asked to say grace before supper? Preface to the prayer for the one giving the invocation: This prayer was designed for use as an invocation for a city council meeting. Our dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this food. - Harry Jewell. Thank you for protecting us as we traveled and providing an opportunity to meet, learn, and grow.

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