E. gracilis, Which muscle abducts and flexes the thigh? The primary actions of the muscle are rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck. C. internal abdominal oblique What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (finger flexion)? B. semispinalis capitis C. interspinales C sarcoplasmic reticulum The antagonist opposes that movement in a complementary way by performing the opposite action to allow for a return to the original position. E. fixator. convergent arrangement of fascicles; fan-shaped muscle Toll-like receptor 9 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TLR9 gene. parallel, List the arrangement of components found in a third-class lever. load is the weight of the object. B) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the sple nius cervicis is the synergist. What thoracic muscles are involved in expiration? C. extensor digitorum longus inversion B quadriceps femoris Infer information from the first sentence, and then choose the word from the Word Bank that best completes the second sentence. B. soleus D. vastus medialis The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. To define the origin, insertion, and belly of a skeletal muscle. (ii) Is the magnitude of the ground-state momentum D. transversus abdominis C. peroneus tertius The attachment site of the muscle tendon to the more-movable bone is called the __________. Their antagonists are the longus capitis and the rectus capitis anterior. Describe how the prime move During the collision with the ground, he comes to rest in a time of 0.010 s. The average force exerted on him by the ground is + 18 000 N, where the upward direction is taken to be the positive direction. D. extensor hallicus longus A. pennate. B creatine phosphate D. latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. pennate arrangement of fascicles; spindle-shaped muscle C. supraspinatus E. biceps brachii and triceps brachii. Damage to the muscle called the levator ani would result in Stabilizes the wrist during finger extension. sternocleidomastoid E. rhomboideus major, Which muscle rotates and protracts the scapula, and elevates the ribs? b. Quadratus lumborum. C. linea alba A they have opposite functions B they push bones in opposite directions B. rectus femoris Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study masticatory efficiency parameters (number of particles, mean diameter and . In the following sentence, strike through each error in capitalization and write the correct form above it. Muscles that change the shape of the tongue are called movement of Vastus lateralis and Vastus medialis. What are the three muscles in the group of arm flexors, innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve? The zygomaticus major muscle D. extensor hallicus longus The sternocleidomastoid muscle is an axial muscle located on either side of the neck and supports forward and lateral flexion at the neck as well as rotation and elevation of the sternum and. Each of the following terms is a descriptive term for a muscle's action, except __________. A classic example of this condition is the muscular torticollis, a tonic spasm of the sternocleidomastoid. What is the relationship between these muscles when bowing your head? Sternocleidomastoid muscle 32 languages The sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles. C. external abdominal oblique. The orbicularis oris muscle E. supinator and brachialis. D orbicularis oculi- closes eye, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? A deltoid What is the antagonist of the Rhomboids (Retract scapula)? The muscles that act as the prime mover of elbow flexion are the while the are the antagonist that cause extension of the arm. Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis. E. psoas minor. D. pectoralis major Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one does NOT pull the leg forward? B. attach the arm to the thorax. A breathing has stopped and there is no oxygen in the blood C. fibularis longus What are the muscles of the face and neck? A. tibialis anterior d. Splenius. Most flexor muscles are located on the ______ aspect of the body, most extensors are located ______. A latissimus dorsi D. type and shape. d) Stylohoid. D. tensor fascia latae. anterior scalene, Eversion and plantar flexion is accomplished by muscles in the ______ compartment. Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis. The sternal head originates from the manubrium of sternum, while the clavicular head from the medial thirdof the clavicle. D. extensor carpi radialis brevis Describe the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in the production of body movements. transversus thoracis, levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomboideus muscles, serratus anterior, trapezius, choose all that apply: A. pectineus a) Orbicularis oris. C teres major A raise the shoulder Which of the following muscles extends the head on the neck? B ATP/carbon dioxide Define each term. (b) greater for well 2, or A the cerebellum promotes coordination TLR9 is an important receptor expressed in immune system cells including dendritic cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, and other antigen presenting cells. ______ is a stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles that pull the head toward the affected side. B sacrospinalis group A. does most of the work in "sit-ups." E. zygomaticus. A muscle sense Which of these muscles is not the muscle of inspiration? C myoglobin in blood plasma D. Pectoralis minor. Is this considered flexion or extension? A. B myoglobin and myosin What is the antagonist of the Flexor Hallucis Longus (Toe 1 flexion)? Which of the following muscles moves the scapula? C supply carbon dioxide Which abdominal wall muscle inserts on the xiphoid process and the linea alba? E. a group of muscles that work together to cause movement. 2. I hope you are all good and healthy!the sternocleidomastoid muscle. A gaseous mixture with a molar analysis of 20%CO220\ \% \mathrm{CO}_220%CO2, 40%CO40\ \% \mathrm{CO}40%CO, and 40%O240\ \% \mathrm{O}_240%O2 enters a heat exchanger and is heated at constant pressure. A. scalenes. The muscles that coordinate the opening and closing of the mouth? A. laterally rotates the arm. D pectoralis major, The function of the triceps brachii is to Sternocleidomastoid, Scalenes What is the antagonist of the Splenius Capitus (Neck extension)? Kenhub. B. flexor carpi radialis E. palm. What anterolateral neck muscle will cause lateral neck flexion? Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Carpi Radialis. Muscles that elevate the jaw and close the mouth include the Their antagonists are the _____ muscles. E. nonlever system. The subclavian muscle originates on the _____. Aim to feel a stretch on the right Sternocleidomastoid. C extend the vertebral column C. orbicular. In order to stabilize the hyoid so that the larynx can be elevated in swallowing, the _____ muscle group is used. B), The sternocleidomastoid muscles flex the neck and the splenius cervicis muscles extend it. The sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are located within the investing fascia of the neck (Figure 25-2A).. Copyright In order to put on a glove, the fingers are abducted by hand muscles called the C teres major C less permeable to sodium ions a muscle working in opposition to another muscle E. orbicularis oris, Raising the eyebrows is the action of the _____ muscles. Provide their functions. A bilateral contraction elevates the head by dorsally extending the upper cervical joints. - Muscles that relax when the prime mover and synergists are contracting It can also occur with certain health conditions, such as asthma and. B. longissimus capitis E. supinators. A. gastrocnemius extension Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. It is a member of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family. C. vastus lateralis plantar flexion, Triangular muscles, like the pectoralis major are also called _____ muscles. E. gracilis, Which muscle extends the four lateral toes? A. pectoralis major inferior oblique C. internal abdominal oblique . Musculus sternocleidomastoideus 1/3 Synonyms: SCM The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a two-headed neck muscle, which true to its name bears attachments to the manubrium of sternum (sterno-), the clavicle (-cleido-), and the mastoid process of the temporal bone (-mastoid). It has two heads that meld to form one insertion. B. soleus E. Scalenes. C. latissimus dorsi The prime mover of arm flexion is the __________. A. difficult urination. E. zygomaticus and buccinator. a. external intercostal b. abdominal wall muscles c. diaphragm d. sternocleidomastoid e. pectoralis major, Protrusion-Retrusion involves the movements of which muscle? B. contributes to pouting. E. splenius capitis, Of the following muscles of the head, which one wraps around the orbits? A. A. puckers the mouth for kissing. A orbicularis oris The sternocleidomastoid Match the action with its appropriate arm muscle name: Flexes forearm at elbow joint and supinates forearm biceps brachii The external intercostal muscles are used primarily in __________. E. soleus, Which of the following is inserted on the calcaneus by the Achilles tendon? B. crow's feet wrinkles. D. extensor digitorum longus A acetylcholine to be stored when an impulse arrives Which of the following is not an intrinsic muscle of the head? The muscles of the anterior group of forearm muscles are primarily The antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid is the splenius capitis. A. sartorius A change in diet and lifestyle (remains, remain) his only hope for recovery. Clostridium botulinum Clostridium botulinum type A Clostridium botulinum type E Clostridium botulinum type B Clostridium botulinum type F Clostridium botulinum type D. C toponin and tropomyosin Antagonists counter the action of a prime mover. E. index finger; thumb. bipennate B myosin and actin Which muscle helps a person to cross a leg when seated (place one's lateral ankle on the opposite knee)? E. piriformis and quadratus femoris. B center lines of a sarcomere, and actin filaments are attached C impulses from the brain are needed for voluntary movement Learning anatomy is a massive undertaking, and we're here to help you pass with flying colours. (c) equal for both wells? What is the antagonist of the Semitendinosus (knee flexion)? . 2. A rectus abdominus D. flexion of the elbow to elevate the hand Which is a lateral rotator of the arm? B tetanus/coordination In an antagonistic muscle pair as one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes or lengthens. Damage to which of the following muscles would hinder inspiration? a) 212Rn{ }^{212} \mathrm{Rn}212Rn a) Zygomaticus major b) Digastric c) Sternohyoid d) Depressor anguli oris. Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique. C. A external intercostals and internal intercostals What is the antagonist of the Peroneus Brevis (eversion)? bones serve as levers. What is the antagonist of the Iliocostalis (Spine extension)? D. extensor hallicus longus The trapezius has many attachment points, extending from the skull and vertebral column to the shoulder girdle . What is the antagonist of the Triceps Brachii (extension of forearm)? To identify the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in producing movement. E. linea alba. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Longus (Toe 2-5 flexion)? C. laterally flex the neck. When both muscles of this pair are contracted simultaneously, they flex the neck forward. Achudhan Karunaharamoorthy, Arzt a muscle working in opposition to another muscle. . e) Trapezius. E. brachioradialis. What is the antagonist of the Tensor Fasciae Latae (Abduction of femur)? abduction A triceps brachii- extends dorearm B pectoralis major B sarcomere It is thick and narrow at its center, but broader and thinner at either end. A. puckers the mouth for kissing. B hamstring group C cerebrum: parietal lobes Two positive point charges qqq and 4q4 q4q are at x=0x=0x=0 and x=Lx=Lx=L, respectively, and free to move. What is the antagonist of the Longissimus (Spine extension)? E. 1, 2, 3. back muscles are strong to maintain erect posture. Of the following muscles of the forearm, which one rotates the forearm to turn the palm upwards? B flex the vertebral column Match the muscle with its correct origin and insertion: Temporalis, Origin: temporal fossa D. insertion. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. Createyouraccount. Which statement is NOT true of organ systems and movement? D. levator anguli oris a. hope you all enjoy the vid!enjoy the video and reflect on the mod. Which muscle is an antagonist to the psoas major? b) Levator palpebrae superioris. A. deltoid The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM for short and also know as the musculus sternocleidomastoideus) is a paired superficial muscle in the anterior portion of the neck responsible for flexing. Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris. D. brachialis A. rhomboideus major Which muscle fixes the clavicle or elevates the first rib? (c) equal for both wells? D orbicularis winkus, The muscle of the face that raises the mandible is the: D. internal intercostals. C. triangular. E. masseter. d) occipitalis. C acetylcholine to transmit the impulse to the muscle fiber Under the sternocleidomastoid region runs a neurovascular bundle containing: When putting a central venous catheter (CVC), the medial edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle serves as a lead structure. The sternocleidomastoid muscle plays a central role in the formation of the triangles of the neck. a) Clavicle b) Cervical vertebrae c) Scapula d) Sacrum. D. transversus abdominis C. orbicular. The muscle lies very superficially so that it is both easily visible and palpable. The anterior triangle is delimited by the posterior border of the SCM, the inferior border of the mandible inferiorly, and the medial line of the neck medially. Most flexor muscles are located on the ___ aspect of the body, most extensions are located ___. A. Sternocleidomastoid. Name five muscles that extend the vertebral column. - biceps brachii at the elbow; third-class lever The muscle that divides the ventral body cavity into the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities is the __________. B. obliquely. B. sartorius A. biceps femoris What muscle is directly lateral to the sternohyoid? A. function and orientation. C. vastus lateralis C. biceps femoris D the most strenuous muscle contractions, The part of the brain that initiates muscle contraction is the: A. tibialis anterior Do you experience neck pain at work? d) masseter. What muscle(s) serves as an antagonist to the biceps? appendicular muscle one of the muscles of a limb. A cerebrum: frontal lobes Agonists are the prime movers for an action. E. fibularis brevis, choose all that apply: D muscle fibers must have oxygen to complete cell respiration, The term "oxygen debt" means The orbicularis oculi muscle B sacrospinalis After administering ketamine/xylazine mixture (50 and 5 mg/kg, respectively) in order to induce surgical anaesthesia, appropriate shaving of the right cervical area was performed. Which of the following are correctly matched? The type of muscle that can contract with the greatest force is the What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (wrist extension)? A muscle that assists the prime mover muscle. What is the antagonist of the Levator Scapulae (Elevate scapula)? What is the antagonist of the Infraspinatus (Lateral rotation humerus)? D. tensor fasciae latae E. coracobrachialis, The teres major and teres minor are not involved in C. attach the clavicle to the humerus. levator scapulae . B. quadriceps group. E. gracilis, Which of the following is a group of four muscles in the anterior thigh? a group of muscles that work together to cause movement. What back muscle originates on the vertebral spinous processes? - muscles that oppose or reverse a particular movement. E. extend and laterally flex the neck, Which of the following muscles does NOT extend the neck? B. sartorius What is the antagonist of the Sartorius (Flexion of femur)? A. Sternocleidomastoid. All rights reserved. I would honestly say that Kenhub cut my study time in half. }, author={Thomas GravenNielsen and Peter Svensson and Lars . An antagonist for a muscle on the posterior side of the thigh would be found on the: Which statement is NOT true of antagonistic muscles? Over a period of time these micro-contractions lead . E. biceps brachii, . What are attachments for these muscles, and their functions? What is the antagonist of the External Intercostals (Elevate ribs)? (4) left medial rectus c) sternocleidomastoid. . Which of the following muscle movements are considered to be antagonistic? What is the antagonist of the Pectoralis Minor (Protract scapula)? Sobre Kol ; Saiba mais sobre nossa tecnologia e como mais e mais universidades, organizaes de pesquisa e empresas de todos os setores esto usando nossos dados para reduzir seus custos. B. B the parietal lobes of the cerebrum integrate conscious muscle sense C the liver owes the muscles some oxygen C. a wonderful smile. An equilibrium mixture of CO2,CO\mathrm{CO}_2, \mathrm{CO}CO2,CO, and O2\mathrm{O}_2O2 exits at 3000K,1.5bar3000 \mathrm{~K}, 1.5\ \text{bar}3000K,1.5bar. The pair consists of muscles wherein one contracts while the other relaxes. List the muscles of the Thenar eminence and their function. B. adducts and laterally rotates the arm. c) levator palpebrae superioris. D flex the sacrum, The muscle on the buttock that extends the thigh is the: A. injuries resulting from excessive stress on the tibialis posterior. movement of biceps brachii and the brachialis. it closes, purses, and protrudes the lips. a. platysma b. occipitalis c. sternohyoid d. mylohyoid. What is the antagonist of the Internal Intercostals (Depress ribs)? a) biceps brachii. If this is the case it might be time to consider a muscular or mechanical reason for the symptoms. Background: Tooth extraction, changing dentition and malocclusion can decrease area of occlusal contact and negatively affect masticatory efficiency. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-980X(96)96554-6 Corpus ID: 35984278; Effects of experimental muscle pain on muscle activity and co-ordination during static and dynamic motor function. The extensor digitorum muscle is an example of a __________ muscle. a. C. flexor carpi radialis B. gastrocnemius. choose all that apply. Identify two muscles that are antagonists of tibialis posterior. All rights reserved. C. sternothyroid and buccinator. D. masseter and medial pterygoid. E. back muscles are similar in strength to the back muscles of cattle. E. flexor carpi radialis. D. the stationary end of the muscle. C. flexor pollicis brevis C orbicularis oculi D water, During muscle contraction, oxygen is stored in muscles by: B. biceps brachii. Which description of a muscle action is NOT correct? Ans ) 1)Sternocleidomastoid - splenius Action : Sternocleidomastoid ; flex and rotate head side to side Splenius : Extension of head 2)Br View the full answer Transcribed image text: Match each muscle on the left with an antagonistic muscle on the right. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Carpi Radialis (wrist flexion)? C brachioradialis and biceps brachii Balance between muscle groups is ideal, as it will decrease pressure in your joints. (a) diaphragm (b) external intercostals (c) sternocleidomastoid (d) scalenes (e) abdominal muscles. E. gastrocnemius, Which of the following is a posterior thigh muscle? During vigorous inspiration, the external intercostal, scalene, and sternocleidomastoid muscles - under distress or exercise. EXAMPLE:The 3 mooses were startled by the plain roaring overhead. A. nasalis A. anconeus D. rhombohedral. In humans C. pectoralis minor C hamstring group- extends thigh Go to: Clinical Significance Change in the platysma with age: B. fingers. E. lever is a pivot point. B. lower the head. B. gluteus medius. A. pectoralis major C. are smooth muscles rather than skeletal muscles. deltoid; at a right angle to B negative/neutral pectoralis major Draw two lines under the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject. Platysma and the sternocleidomastoid muscle A loose connective tissue layer called the superficial cervical fascia is present between the platysma and the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which allows an easy glide of the platysma over the sternocleidomastoid. A common site for injections is the articular muscle one that has one end attached to the capsule of a joint. (b) greater for well 2, or posterior E. teres major. What is the antagonist of the Soleus (Plantarflexion)? D sarcolemma, At the neuromuscular junction, the sacrolemma contains: (2) right medial rectus E. vastus intermedius, . A. rectus abdominis Which muscle lies directly posterior to the musculus serratus posterior inferior right and left muscle groups? Which of the following muscles is part of the rotator cuff? E. blood accumulation around the gastrocnemius. D. tibialis posterior B. palatopharyngeus The muscle is closely related to certain neurovascular structures that pass through the neck on their way either to the head or to the periphery of the body. A. erector spinae Sphincters have a __________ arrangement of fascicles. D. extensor digitorum longus D. subclavius A. pterygoid A. tibialis posterior E. deltoid, . a) Temporalis b) Rectus abdominis c) Erector spinae d) Sternocleidomastoid e) Splenius capitis. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (wrist extension)? The major movement produced during quiet breathing is accomplished by the The abdominal muscle that has its origin at the pubic crest and symphysis pubis is the In order for both eyes to direct their gaze to the right, which of the following muscles are used? a) Splenius capitis b) Semispinalis capitis c) Sternocleidomastoid d) Trapezius. C. contributes to laughing and smiling. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! Thanks rx0711. c. Which two muscles in that group are synergists? E. All of these choices are correct. C both hemoglobin and myoglobin are lipids that contain iron When the triceps brachii contracts the elbow extends. B. childbirth. Nelissen, in Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine (Third Edition), 2017 37.3.1 Focal Dystonia. What is the antagonist of the Iliopsoas (flexion of femur)? D gastrocnemius, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, David Shier, Jackie Butler, John Hole, Ricki Lewis, Charles Welsh, Cynthia Prentice-Craver, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, 3.1 - Definitions (Monitoring, Process Contro, Unit 2 - Cell Structure and Function AP BIO. Assume that the only force acting on him during the collision is that due to the ground. D. deltoid B. teres major A. sartorius. B. longissimus capitis Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is on the posterior side? B hemoglobin in muscles What is the antagonist of the Latissimus Dorsi (Extension of humerus)? (a) Auricular. - the location of the muscle E. fibularis brevis, Which muscle plantar flexes the foot? C. pectoralis minor D trapezius, The muscle on the posterior side of the trunk that extends and adducts the arm is the: 11. C. pectoralis minor C- tibialis anterior- dorsiflexes foot B. E. piriformis. The most powerful muscle in the body is the ________. What is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii (Flexion of forearm)? The muscle(s) of mastication include which of the following? A actin and troponin There is always an agonist, and antagonist. C. to the side. Reviewer: The pelvic diaphragm is formed by the E. fibularis brevis, . A remove excess body heat C. teres major E. difficult defecation and decreased support for the pelvic viscera. Choose the BEST answer and use each answer only once for full points. D. extensor carpi radialis longus. A. class I lever system. A. rectus abdominis. A. biceps femoris. Which of the following best describes the orbicularis oris? B. soleus Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes action, Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes direction of fibers, Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Composite muscle located along the back from thoracic region to head, Semispinalis capitis, cervicis, and thoracis. Which of the following muscles acts to protract the mandible? thyrohyoid Which of the following muscles helps to open the mouth (depress the mandible)? Sternocleidomastoid muscle: want to learn more about it? Which of the following muscles is innervated by the trigeminal nerve (CN V)? Muscle that stabilizes the origin of another muscle, Muscle that opposes and reverses the action of another muscle, Muscle that is primarily responsible for bringing about a particular movement, Muscle that aids another by promoting the same movement. C. rotate the head toward the right. Neck Elongation. A. gastrocnemius b. Which muscle is directly superior to the trapezius? What effect does a magnetic field have on a charge moving perpendicular to the field? A negative/positive D. masseter eversion This article will discuss the anatomy, function and clinical relations of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Determine the molar analysis of the exiting mixture. Which large muscle has an attachment on the external occipital protuberance and extends the neck? weight-fulcrum-pull E. transverses thoracis. Describe what would happen to the surface temperature of a star if its radius doubled but there was no change in the stars luminosity. B triceps brachii What is the antagonist of the Upper Portion Trapezius (Elevate scapula)? A. supinate the forearm. When viewed together, this pair forms a diamond or trapezoid shape, hence its name. A. tibialis anterior E. gracilis, Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is NOT part of the quadriceps group? B. origin and insertion. a. splenius cervicis b. latissimus dorsi c. trapezius (upper fibers) d. serratus anterior e. teres major. Antagonistic muscle that is paired with an agonist muscle is referred together as antagonistic pairs. Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Tensor Fasciae Latae. D blood flow within muscles is increased by vasodilation, During exercise, the purpose of vasodilation in muscles is to: Do a total of 5 to 10 side neck stretches. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus (finger flexion)? Read more. D deltoid and brachioradialis, The muscle on the posterior lower leg that plantar flexes the foot is the: B. coracobrachialis . D. gracilis

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