Asshole. Used a starter vape kit to quit. Jason, to get rid of your yeast and fungal stuff you have to go gluten free too. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical that affects neurotransmitters in the brain. However, to be fair on the article (and others I have read) it is stating that nicotine is as addictive as heroin but it doesnt compare the withdrawal symptoms. I get chest tightness after vaping to much. The best advise I ever got was, its okay to crave a cig but just wait 15 minutes to decide if you still want one. Turns out im now chain smoking the menthol flavor pod, the equilvant of a pack a day. But now its not the best option due to some world tendencies. But all of these things are sideffects of the nicotines powerful effect on our brains. thin that it nervous . ACCEPT I never got the headaches .which is cool. For example, you may smoke shortly after you wake up, again on the drive to work, after eating meals, etc. I have been smoking for 26 years 1-2 packs a day. I am feeling same as you. I have also gained 4 or 5 kilos so far and hope that i will stop here and start loosing weight asap. The EMT found very high blood pressure and have continued to battle that for 3 weeks even with the BP meds. So vape didnt become a prob for me. I cut way back on coffee, salt, sweets and fats. DONT give up everything at once. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that gets you high. i started smoking in 1981 and now quitting in April 2018 almost after 37 years. Keep your comments to yourself since like I said you dont have clue. I said a prayer for you! I breathe much better now and can tell a difference. I didnt expect all this, but I am persevering though as Im sick of being tied to something all the time !! I was doing fine and i thought that quitting smoking would improve my running performance. Reading all your comments helped get through another anxiety attack just now. Rachel Boykan, MD, clinical associate professor of pediatrics, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University. I tapered off the time before and this time using patches. Feel like shit. I guess one day I will get my body back to the fit being I used to be. Still having fatigue feeling unhappy lose of interest in activities fuddle minded mood swing all day worst at night headache all the time songs and exercise helping me to quit. It takes a couple days for the nicotine to get out of your system so the withdrawal symptoms start to PEAK by the 2nd or 3rd day. I am on champax. 5 days into this cold turkey. Smoker for 44 years. Day 11 and Im doing great! These feelings can quickly make someone feel off or disoriented. Since yesterday I started to feel anxiety. But still a ways to go. I want to really stop this time and never start again. My symptoms are horrible, over sweating, shaking, weak, nausea, loss of apatite. I dont know if its the nausea but all day I was producing so much saliva and had the need to go many times either outside or restroom to spit it all out. Causes of Smoker's Flu. Still dont sleep well. Im going to do an update.. Im in month 2 now and still not smoking. Feb 20, 2015. hi all! The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Of course at a young age I was always on and off on smoking. So the longer you avoid e-cigarettes, the healthier your body will be. As these cravings begin to go away, the associated mood disturbances also fade. About 50 million Americans used to smoke but successfully quit. Only down side is the stomach pains and wanting to sleep more than usual. 7 years later I am trying again. Good luck to all you! Information from Better Health: Quit Smoking. Took me another 6 months to ease off it, but I did it. For every cigarette that felt great, there were hundreds more that you did not want to smoke but had to because your addiction demanded it. These are the first effects you're likely to feel, often within four to 24 hours after quitting. "Most of the symptoms, when they're mild, probably can be seen in the office. Its true that you cannot concentrate or think good during nicotine withdrawal. But I refuse to spend the money, i refuse to go thru this again, i refuse to cough and splutter and i refuse to let it beat me. According to the CDC: More than 2800 e-cigarette users have required hospital admission due to EVALI through February 2020; 68 of these people died. I smoked 38 years and have quit for 3. I hope to see it through, on average I crave for a smoke for more then a dozen times a day. Cookie Notice 1st week was very hard. Maybe dabbing isn't agreeing with you. nobody has a reaosnable explanation, so I have had to derive one myself. Thanks for your reply Haber I really appreciate it. Would need support and distractions from anyone who can find time. Now it all.makes such sense, its been frustrating and made me so tiered and no energy but man the final outcome of never smoking is all I can see and think about. We had both smoked for 38 years. Just remember your made of tougher stuff then what u think u got. So far my super-power is still TRUMPthat superpower of the ability to decide( that happens to be as strong as i am ready to commit to that decision ), and i first decided that decicions are the ultimate power. Ive seen a cardiologist and he thinks Im fine. Good luck u amazing non smokers, we can do it. It dosnt hurt its just very uncomfortable, and Im always thinkingabout it becuase its always there. I am 60 years old and have The body of a 35 or 40 year old man. Now, Mitchell's lung capacity is at 25% its full potential and his doctors said it could take one to four years for his lungs to return to their full capacity. I lost 5 lbs. Started up again and again. I think the new chemicals they put in the cigs are making this harder, and I feel like I was smoking more and more the last few years Had my last cig 48 hours ago. Only time I seem to crave one is on a long drive and those are few and far between. But with vaping, the nicotine is only half of the problem, it is the sweetness and richness of the flavorings. I am confessing I AM NOT ACSMOKER. We can do this , I knew someone who had smoked for 40+ yrs. It will not take the cravings away you still have to be strong and battle it out but it makes it a hell of a lot easier. Anyway, been around 1 month since I cu offt juice and started using Nicorette. Had a couple of cravings last week, but they were very weak and after all I went through, it is just not worth it to start smoking again. I went to the doctor thinking I had either a double ear infection or throat cancer, or both. And I think that was all that I ate as well! impacting the lungs' structure. If yours is minor like it sounds do some google searches on it. May God be with us both!!! I have a terrible head cold (no its not withdrawal, definitely a bug), Ive also got a tight chest, this morning its quite sore, and Ive started coughing, Im going to loosen up my chest with lots of hot herbal tea. This is not anymore a debate. craziest dreams! Hi all, I am at day 5 now. Was addicted to heroin for 4 yrs, clean from it for 7 yrs now. When a craving hits, distract yourself for 10 mins, it will pass. Once I do that , I think it will be easier. I had to decide if I wanted to live or die. Now Im on my day3 nicotine free. I downloaded quit guide as a reminder for why I wanted to quit. This time around I was a vapomaniac mainly because I can vape anywhere and it does not smell. I quite for 2 years about 20 years ago. they did an EKG and a chest xray and said everything was fine i just needed to exercise. I quit Match 21st so far do good I actually have half a pack in my car still For me this is also a fight about something controlling me and Im not having it. Thanks to everyone who has shared their story, I will just come back to this site on a daily basis for motivation! My blood pressure, when checked at the dentist this past year, has been running about 181/117. Hang on.. I think it only gets better so . For the rest of your life, temptations and thoughts of smoking could drive you back to the pack. Leaving one bad habit behind is hard, now doing two at the same time; I feel like I am going crazy! Its far too convenient! However I start smoking again. When a smoker quits, the body begins to adjust to normal levels of chemicals, in reaction to which, the smoker feels different withdrawal symptoms. I was wondering if any of you have perceived the unusual dreams thing in the withdrawal side-effects. She quit and started some vaping pen and about 2yrs into the vaping thing was found dead. Just ran across this site . When you feel the body aching in the first weeks, its the body healing itself, so dont give in to temptation. You all are awesome and I love you!! As I have read in several other comments, anxiety becomes more frequent with mood alterations etc. Current withdrawal, 22 days in. Into day 3 nicotine vape and cigarette 3 feel great and realise no physical symptoms just mental niggles.. Im not going back I hated smoking so glad to say Im free from it.! Now Im in day 3 of stopping vaping cold-turkey. Ive been extremely agitated for the last few days, but that is passing finally. As stated in other comments, read Allen Carrs book Easyway to Quit smoking or check out goggle reviews I will make it ALOT EASIER TRUST ME. While you are getting off of nicotine, it is normal to feel run down. On day 3. Best of luck on your quit. I just didnt see anyone write about the symptoms Im having so I thought Id share too. For all of you vaping- good luck- but nicotine still is in control. Switched to vaping but my nicotine intake is way down. I am on my 2nd day of my second attempt to quit vaping. In statistics gathered by 29 states, the agency has recorded 68 deaths. It does get better but you have to trust it will get better. Recent diagnoses of chronic, late-stage Lyme disease, chronic Epstein-Barr, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome meant I had to give up all alcohol, all sugar, all preservatives The anti-inflammatory diet is almost impossible for me as I was vegan for 30 of those 35 years. I have to ask, do these damn cravings ever go away? Lung experts say oils like vitamin E may be partially to blame. But when you cant stop something, there is an evil there too. Started off with 6mg, worked my way down to three, and now on my first day with 0mg nicotine, and I feel fine. Apart from regular withdrawal symptoms, I experienced vivid dreams and heart palpitations. I am getting surgery now in a week and chose to get off the cigarettes again as I want recovery to go well, so here I am, for the fourth time, quitting. Chest pain or discomfort is listed as one of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking. No more shaking, blood pressure is dropping to normal levels (New BP medication though) I am still experiencing stomach issues and shortness of breath with exertion, mainly in the morning. Heat reduces muscle tightness and stiffness, increases blood flow to the area, and helps your muscles relax. It has been tough. I want a hit, but I literally dont have enough money to buy a new Juul, so Im stuck in withdrawal. Thanks for all the encouraging info and good luck to all! I gave up, coincidentally, about 2 weeks after getting over Covid. yeah I'm going to try to vape 0mg nicotine. I have a good app on my phone that monitors my quit statistics, the best bit is it tells me how much money Im saving from not smoking, so that money is going into a separate account and will be used after a year to buy something expensive as a treat. Ive gotten tests done and they all have came back fine. My stomach hurts like a mofo. Your body is gearing up to throw off the toxins that you were inhaling every day. Its Oxygen. I get the tapering down, etc. I started out at 6mg vape and now reduced to 3mg in a month. I have GAD n PTSD so anxiety is 24/7 with or W/O cigs/nicotine n since ur seretonin n dopamine levels r wayyy down do to quitting cigs (nicotine AND the mental AND physical withdrawals).. try Vit Bs and Ashgwanda (IT HELPS ME TREMENDOUSLY!.PLEASE ASK UR DR 1ST!!! All rights reserved. Going thru every withdrawal symptom that drug every created. These things do help me with getting through the cravings. With a virus 2, haha. When you smoke, impurities build up in the lungs. Vaping with a JUUL can be as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. So heres the question. There are many kinds available from patches to gum, even nasal sprays. I just dont know what to do and any help or insight would be appreciated. Feels good to have stopped though and Im excited for a future without smoking. The first time I relapsed after 3 months. "When you smoke, and you've been diagnosed with a lung condition, it scares you - so you smoke more. I feel the way you wrote,towards alcoholics and drug addiction. Wish every article you read wouldnt recommend vaping to ease cravings, really not helpful when trying to keep the vape, especially considering how I found them more addictive than cigarettes. The fifth day, I emerged from the basement and associated with my family again feeling like a different person. This PAGE really helped a lotknow I m not sure can beat physiologically. No more M&Ms with peanuts for me. I teared up! The symptoms of quitter's flu are caused by the body withdrawing from nicotine. Linda the crying I get . Read Allen Carrs book and try to find the webinar on YouTube. Put on oxygen January 5th, which with the help of prednisone and oxygen, the flair-up finally settled down. I have been nauseous, bad headache,dizzy,constipated, panic attacks you name it itve had it. Trying so hard to be strong .How can I overcome this anxious feeling that just wont go? over a year ago, samo Today is the first day the cravings (that buzzing on the end of my tongue), has eased off, so Im not as anxious today. Thinking can smoking really be this bad for me. The CDC says its the common chemical found in the lungs of people whove gotten sick. Withdrawal was much easier than previous attempts to quit. I am 39 and have been smoking since I was 17. I have been eating more but not excessively and I know that Im now committed and wont be going back. over a year ago, ET Stu. yeah i noticed its only when i vape a lot im gonna take a few day break and get back but if it presists i will get checked out Jimi D Gold Contributor ECF Refugee Of course, you have to give it time. I am on day 3, I am using an inhalator and 15mg nicotine capsules, they are expensive but they are working, I feel like I am walking round with a dummy in my mouth most of the time haha, I dont care as its helping the cravings, I would absolutely reccommend them. Research has found that people who vape are exposed to toxic metals like lead because of the metal coils used in e-cigarette devices to heat the vape juice into a vapor. but for me its a head thing. Is withdrawal from smoking a credible reason for wanting to strangle people like you? [1] Studies show that nicotine is not only as addictive as other drugs like cocaine or heroin, but nicotine dependency increases the likelihood of cocaine use and vice-versa. Im having a much harder time giving up vaping, than I did cigs. It worked!!! Head and neck cancers are often curable if caught early. It also seems many of the people whove gotten sick werent just vaping nicotine. I am not going to say I hope this quit sticks because the word hope seems to leave the door open for relapse. One session, no cravings and cured for life. After 18yrs its almost 6 weeks without nicotine COLD TURKEY is the only way. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Wishing you the best of luck. Best of luck on your quits and stay away from patches, gum and vapes. Good luck to us all xx. I AM A NON SMOKER. I decided to quit. After reading many of the experiences with quitting cigs, I decided to leave a comment to help others with the process as well as to encourage myself. So tired. I want to be done smoking, so I will be. It cant get it from a cigarette anymore. After quitting smoking, coughing up mucus is very common. has this happened to anyone else and should i be concerned? Stopped smoking 4 months ago. ive been having on and off chest pain, mainly in the left side of the chest, at random times. I was scared that I would gain it back if I quit smoking. Most cases were among teens and young adults. Each time you do so, youre reinforcing the habit. Its almost been 2 months and I seem to have developed some kind of arthritis. Been going to the gym, im just ready for 6 months to pass!!! Although fatigue is a vague symptom, the CDC said people who were hospitalized after vaping often reported feeling fatigued either days or weeks after using an e-cigarette. I have tried a handful of times to quit using the nicotine patches and gum and failed. Sure, Ive had temptations to go back, but I always tell myself that I will not be a weakling. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. After my first week of quitting, I had a problem and couldnt breathe. I have a tip for those that want some help managing the anxiety. On day four, feel really unwell, chills, nausea, head ache. i have a drag of someones only when i drink which isnt a lot but anywayi was smoking close to a pack a day for the last year and after having some health problems such as extreme weight loss, trouble breathing, my heart beat was extremely rapid etc. Good Luck to All. I quit smoking 3 days ago, I know it isnt very long, but Im still going thru the hardest part and I feel like crying, especially when I work at the absolutely most stressful job. This is my 3rd week so I need to read & listen to encouraging comments like yours. Ive quit smoking 4 weeks ago. Keep going i too smoked 45 years. Quitting smoking is one of the most important actions people can take to improve their health. I went through this myself. Really trying hard to control irritability, small things make me angry which usually wouldnt. i smoked for approx 30 years then vaped for 3 years. Dr gave me welbutrin and some anxiety med that did not help at all..aroma therapy as well as magnesium and zinkdont know what to do? Its like losing a friend. If you think youre too young to have heart problems, think again; this woman had a stroke at 29. Will post again on day 30. Thanks tcgenius! I stopped smoking cold-turkey about 8 years ago. Though the book is infallible.. Allen Carr should be knoghted, if everyone read Carrs bookthe nicotine industry would become obsolete. No! These devices are commonly called vapes, mods, e-hookahs, sub-ohms, tank systems and vape pens. I believe in you all. I smoked for 20 years roughly around 20 sticks a day, quit cold turkey and had no side effects ,5 months in and dont get cravings, just get past the first 72 hours and youll be fine. DaeDee thumps up for you!! But should be getting towards the days that get better now. 168+ hours.

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