31 sets of brothers are on the Wall. Agent Orange catching up to Vietnam veterans decades later My husband was one of those 191st Assault Helicopter Co. Bounty Hunter door gunners. drafted in 1966, Vietnam 1967-68 with the 1st infantry Division.now 75!!!! Whether you were sprayed or not makes no difference, and YOU ARE NOT required to prove anything other than being present in Vietnam. I changed emails and cant reach you!! Not affiliated with any government agencies.All Rights Reserved. These numbers were not included since these service members were far removed from combat experience and did not spend any amount of time in harms way. How many ww2 veterans are still alive 2021? Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons. My question, How many guys are I still alive refers to the ones who were in direct combat action? Of the nearly 3Mil that served, only one in twelve were in fire fights. Everyone that served and was in combat which means they were in the line of fire (received it and returned it in some form or fashion) deal with their dark side in various ways. I found out from a vet in 2017, filed in 2018. Active Duty: 473,000 Just because some idiot politician or people want to say you were not a war vet unless you saw combat dont feel bad most of those people found ways to evade even getting drafted. Agreed. I struck a tree and rebounded into the open again still a sitting duck. eventually i commented that i had flown into dong ha on resupply missions , having become bored with my mates work on merchant ships that spent long weeks at da nang. Im sure that you all know that claiming to be a VFWar when you are not is a federal crime with severe legal penalties. That's 390 per day. two weeksOver 10% of Vietnam casualties were helicopter crew members, and most of those were the door gunners that protected the helicopter, its crew, and its transports, from their exposed position. Posted in these groups: Vietnam War American History Posted >1 y ago Hell no. This part of Pleiku Province is a combination of mountains, triple to single canopy jungle and/or open valleys. The stroke wasnt assumed until after 2000 & heart not until 2010. My husband was awarded several (door gunner w/191st AHC Bounty Hunters). question. CIB. Kenneth, your definition of combat veteran is so wrong on so many levels that it would be funny if it did not besmirch the service of so many good men, alive and dead. If you served in any other places you are a Veteran, ERA is an embellishment of your service. Please do all you can to inform our fellow vets that the VA presumes Agent Orange exposure if you were in-country. Nor, do they know about what is referred to as the last battle of the Vietnam war, which occurred on 15 May 1975, eight days after the legally defined end date of the Vietnam era; 7 May 1975. Dear Mr. Hutson Jr If one in ten saw sustained combat, then there may be as little as 60,000 of us left! We who were in Vietnam know who we are and dont need anyone telling us what they think. I knew that I was gravely wounded, and bullets were kicking up dust clouds as they were landing around my feet. 2.8 million tour because some guys just couldnt get enough! I am unsure of how many Native peoples joined the US marine corps and volunteered for combat duties. There is a MOUNTAIN of difference in each s experience, combat veterans, those of us who lived and died in the jungle muck, snippers, booby traps, mortar attacks, and the battles with dozens killed and scores wounded. I think The NY Times has conflated he number of Viet Nam veterans with those who served in the military during the years 1960-1975. DamnIll be 76 in March. My whole essence was involved it the quest of one more heartbeat, one more breath, one more gasp of pain averting energy, one moment at a time. Trying to understand: Does being shot at outside the wire while moving to new location count? We are not ashamed of our service or the fact we killed and had friends die, far more than we care to remember. These are numbers never heard before & I would not include those before the advisers were sent over in the early/mid 60s. Some advisors embassy guards, but all combat units left. I opted for love! for most of it i listened but not wanting to interfere. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. All Lawyer adds is for 2 percent, do you think that this was a greater risk for Cancer. A few days later I was in fatigues on a C-123 to Da Nang, and a month later driving Hai Van Pass to Phu Bai with 3rdRRU Mobile Det (ASA). I have had stage III melanoma, stage III squamous cell throat cancer and now stage II bladder cancer. He showed me his DD214 and low and behold it says he was in Vietnam. Frantically searching to find that one resource in my spirit to survive. We all served the same, but different. for myself, being bored sometimes, and anxious to see and do more, i volunteered and went on a number of supply missions to the fire bases. They term era should be shit canned. Ive never seen so many people so full of shit trying to answer a question like how many Vietnam veterans are still alive today. National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics Ah. Return to reality. I Never got to Korea but I have friends who got a medal for service in Korea. We just hoped the pilot put us where we were supposed to be. What percentage of Vietnam vets are still alive? So, here well dive a little bit deeper into how many Vietnam veterans are estimated to still be alive based on various approximations and predictions. If you served anywhere at all, anywherre during WWI, you are a WWI vet. i know what a combat veteran is. Each BUFF had 6 crewmen onboard. She has received numerous awards and accolades for her work, including being named one of the "Top 10 Educators to Watch" by Education Week magazine. The wheels were bouncing crazily as the tires encounter deep furrows dug in the hard dirt from the last monsoon. When we DEROSed we were given 6-8 pills to continue taking them every week. Was an Armored Cav Platoon leader Nov 67-Mar 68 Lost 4 APCS 4 men in my platoon KIA 12 wounded I think I was in a little combat . stay safe. Im going with 2.9 and saying the person who wrote 9.2 has the seing disease whereas they see everything in reverse. I meant any one that stepped foot in I was shot up more than a dozen times and shot down once. Combat was what we did. Army National Guard: 336,000, https://www.americanwarlibrary.com/personnel/vietvet.htm, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/26/science/how-many-vietnam-veterans-are-still-alive.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War. I also had assisted the FAA in 3 fatal Aircraft accidents. Interestingly, the research concludes that Vietnam veterans seem to be dying at a similar rate to World War II veterans. Some where along the way after returning home & towards, if not after the end of involvement, the number Id heard/read was 5 million US military served. How Many Veterans Commit Suicide A Day? - Veteran Warrior Outreach This could be a simple semantics issue, but what about the Air Force guys who flew over Vietnam. We did a lot of Ranch Hand missions in the iron Triangle. Using the 2.7 million and assuming one hundred thousand did two tours, I would use the six hundred thousand as the amount still living, due mainly to the delays in Agent Orange treatments and PTSD delays with the sucides from 1970 approx. Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters during the same time are still alive today. Their lives should be given importance. Me? Dave V. 1st Battalion, 14 th FA, Americal Division, VN, I Corps. I served a second tour and know quite a few Marines that did also. I wouldnt trust the New York Times study, regardless of their Sources! How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive? - MilitaryPerson.com I still consider myself lucky every day! Did your foot ever touch the ground? I don't know about you guys, but it kind of gives me the chills. am i two Vietnam veterans or one. Nebraska Farm Boy, that had to go to County Agent Classes before buying any chemicals. Those of us on the battlefield who bled and many died would take issue with your opinion. Vietnam Vet_combat. That means bullets where flying at me and I killed people in combat. three years on and off in vietnam . Im a 1967-68 Vietnam combat veteran. He was a Private First Class who was killed in action in the Second World War. I was thinking that in 10 days I would be on R&R in Taipei, Formosa. My time stands still. How many Vietnam veterans are still missing? Learn something new everyday. This accurate accounting gives us persepective on the cost of current and future wars. I was C 3/17 air cav. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. ******************************************************* and US, 7 Valuable Life Lessons My Navy Dad Taught Me, Understanding The Five Branches of The Military, 3 Things That Could Happen To the Military in a Recession. i was a merchant marine officer, technically a civilian. Why cant you be just a proud Veteran. My cousin was with the 82nd and was there when the TET offensive happened. The Vietnam War was the nation's longest and costliest conflict of the Cold War. Luck of the draw my twin that received a silver star got the luck of the draw made it home. wounded evaced) then Am 3/21 196th LIB. Other than guard duty i was not in combat but the perimeter at Long Binh was regular defoliated and we experienced rocket and mortar attacks. How Many B 52S Were Shot Down During The Vietnam War? Welcome home! i agree with many who feel that a private who served his time in new jersey is not a vietnam vet. we spent sometimes a month or more in one port depending on the cargo and the need. She has worked in schools all over the world, and has developed groundbreaking curricula that have helped countless students excel. I wonder how many vets died of one of the cancers on the list before it made the list? He arrived on Yankee Station, Vietnam in early May, 1972 when he was still 17 years of age. How many Vietnam veterans are dying everyday? Those who do not remember where in country they were, WHERE NOT THERE.. Or suffering from a complete mental memory disorder. It was apparently based on an estimate that 800,000 Vietnam-era veterans had died by 2000. How many Vietnam War veterans are still alive 2022? We were sitting ducks to support our artillery & infantry troops, so talk your trash! 2 tours I volunteered and my 3rd I re-enlisted. 101st Airborne Division 69-70 YouTube sets this cookie via embedded youtube-videos and registers anonymous statistical data. Spent a year in training and ended up a buck Sargent airborne ranger. Where is this one in twelve figure from? Got home after the war, never spoke about my service, never went hunting again, never cut my feeling back on! How many Vietnamese citizens died in the Vietnam War? More than 8 million people served in uniform during Vietnam and those who are alive are typically in their 60s and 70s. Considering the number of troops deployed at different times, the build up and the draw down, its inconceivable that there could have been 9m serving in country. Often cited as the last verified American POW from the Vietnam War, Garwood was taken to North Vietnam in 1969, and reportedly was released in 1973 along with the other U.S. POWs as part of the Paris Peace Accords. Im still here after all the BS of AO has really messed up my life with illnesses, surgeries ect since 1975, noting problems while I was in Vietnam in 69, and confirmed. I knew I was dying, but I struggled with all my might to stay alive. So the vets that actually saw combat numbers are swelled by the rear echelon members to 600,000. yet there were millions that signed up or were drafted. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As of 2015, more than 1,600 of those were still unaccounted-for. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) of the U.S. Department of Defense lists 687 U.S. POWs as having returned alive from the Vietnam War. Editorial comment by website administrator: Personally, Im going with the 610,000 estimate of 2 yrs. I,m getting older bot I remember combat pay and jump pay were both $55 dollars. Does anyone else remember ? That number stands around 306,000 killed by agent Orange (and other colors). I did work with Korean Troops. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive In 2022? - CLJ I knew what my death would mean to my mother, my father, and the rest of my family and friends. I do not know where that number 1 in 14 came from, but in my time in the Army 1962-1970 it was in the range of 1 in 8 to 10 using the total manpower % . Lets ask somebody on Facebook where we can get all the correct true data and facts. I was with the 1st Inf Division from July 67 to June 68 and we received $15 overseas pay and $65 combat pay a month. Since the fall of Saigon and Operation Baby Lift occurred in 1975, wouldnt an 18 year old at that time be 64 or 65 today ? It was an incredibly tumultuous time in US history and, for that reason, its unclear how many people actually served during this struggle. the man ahead of me had been in rome for a religious tour. Enjoy today's Memorial Day and please take time to "Remember". It is called the Stolen Valor Act., Dau Tieng A Co. 3/22 Inf. Anyone who says you guys werent there will have to fight me. Antonia is a firm believer in the power of education, and she is passionate about helping students reach their full potential. Today, the state with highest number of Vietnam veterans is California, with 596,130, followed by Florida with 519,224. Our medic gave them out every Monday. The one question I have is how many in country vets did multiple tours over there. These Veterans are now in or about to reach their 80's. How many Vietnam vets . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Besides, who says anyone can claim this status or that status just because. Age: 84. (52. years later) All with the 3rd Brigade, 82nd Air Borne Division. David, please do not compare this to Merchant Seaman in WWII who braved the many packs of Submarines etc as thgatr uis hgow many died in WWIU, Sorry my spell check went nuts https://www.americanwarlibrary.com/personnel/vietvet.htm My name is Ananda.

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