In this case, a reference in the reliable source is only credible in its field of knowledge. Please find the light in your heart around this. It is basically a fundraising scam, no more. Hello, I appreciate what you wrote and everything is very true. What an outpouring of violence from supposedly non-violent people. It can be frustrating to conduct online research because internet sources can be quite unreliable. Ive enjoyed much else in your posts, and thank you for taking the time to share so much wonderful information with us and for careful consideration of what I am sharing with you here. Text STOP to end, HELP for more info. "Our rescue team is on call 24/7 to offer relief to abused and suffering animals.Just as a hospice has a high mortality rate, so does a shelter that takes in those near end-of-life, feral, aggressive, dying and discarded animals.". There was an article a few years back regarding PETA and the money they bring in vs what they actually spend on saving animals. We've done this in order to take advantage of newer .NET APIs for performance reasons. (We are) a charitable organisation that works to educate the public about the horrors of cruelty to animals through peaceful means." - about PETA I don't disagree with anything in the above statement from their website. It is simply unjustifiable. Maya the dog was one that those employees knew and had met before, they knew they were taking a family pet. When an animal is in need, Community Animal Project fieldworkers do everything in their power to help. Skip to document. With rising fuel costs, wood heat can be a money saving investment, but you need to plan ahead and make good choices. But larceny wasnt the only law the PETA employees would break. Every animal is the victim of the sin WE humans brought upon the world. The website Why PETA Kills ( has photos of the PETA carnage and a copy of a state inspection report indicating that the shelter inspected had no adoption hours, no way to promote adoptions to the public, and employees that were not even aware it was a shelter. They have a problem with people raising their own meat but dont have an issue killing other peoples happy and healthy family pets. I personally dont enjoy meat, and to easily make sure I didnt accidentally buying meat from a bad company I was vegetarian. Not only that, all wild animals depends on some animals for their food. All it took was a quick Google to get a little more information, you should do more research to be a little more accurate when posting. She was vilified for posting this, and both she and her family were threatened. And half the animals had to be put down because they went stir crazy in a sanctuary not doing their jobs. Get our July cruelty-free box for a limited time for only $39.99/month (value of $118). Found in GALILEO's academic databases and Google Scholar. On .NET 6 Akka.NET in-memory messaging is now up to 50% faster as a result. My husbands family fell apart when their mother died and dad remarried less than 8 months later. (I know some pretty cool vegan foodies.) She also got messages sent to her, so even if she had not allowed comments, she would have still been attacked. We are omnivores, but true carnivores are more than happy to eat cooked meat if the opportunity presents itself. To date, PeTA has not turned over any videos or information. PETA has recently drawn backlash for pairing a photo of a dissected cat with the newly viral cake meme. Shame. Every comment approved on this blog (over 16,000 and counting) gets read by me before its allowed to go live to catch anything that was missed by the spam filters, thus the delay before a comment shows up. Other animals that eat meat are carnivores and do so raw and with their bare hands. [The German High Court found PeTA guilty of paying people to skin animals alive. It is the campaign of better dead than fed! (D. Van Zandt 10/10/2020) Updated (06/04/2022) Left vs. "If you have an open-door intake policy and welcome damaged animals who are abused, neglected, unloved, or who no one else will accept, of course your [euthanization] numbers will look different than those of a shelter that accepts a limited number of animals and turns animals away," PETA told Newsweek in an email Friday. A free, fast, and reliable CDN for @fontsource/lexend-peta. That is very egotistical in my opinion. Data collected by Virginia's state government shows that PETA's euthanasia rates for cats and dogs at the shelter is exceptionally higher than other shelters in the state. We gave them a good life, treated them well, and we in turn knew where our food came from. WTFing evil is wrong with them? PETA Takes Pets from Peoples Homes Looking at many resources, not blindly believing, and finding and figuring out on your own, is being educated. PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich has also told an animal rights convention that blowing stuff up and smashing windows is a great way to bring about animal liberation, adding, Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it., 4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, even waiting outside their schools to intercept them without notifying their parents. 3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. Cruelty to animals is one of them. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: Your Mommy Kills Animals! PETA brags that its messages reach over 1.2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. This reminds me of the argument that no other animals drink milk from other species. HSUSs CEO endorsed convicted dogfighting kingpin Michael Vick getting another pet. Because we are not ruled over by our instinct alone. We can eat better, educate ourselves better, clothe ourselves better, and entertain ourselves better without torturing and killing animals. PETA is notorious for certifying companies that test on animals. PETA holds protests at houses of worship, even suing one church that tried to protect its members from Sunday-morning harassment. Current subscribers: You will continue to receive e-mail unless you explicitly opt out by clicking, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. My milk and cheese is from my own area code and neighbouring area codes. PETA's official stance is that "Animals shouldn't be pets" ( source) and there are numerous instances of them euthanizing dogs and cats rather than be adopted by people. Likewise, Web postings with a .gov suffix (posted by the United States . 1. I thought PETA was against violence. They gotta be twisted. Use the information you find online as one tool to become more informed. With that in mind, here are eight ways to tell if a website is reliable. However, some sources provide stronger or weaker support for a given statement. You have two somewhat complementary but competing themes here. Just in 3 hours! I led with the animal stealing originally because it was the most striking element of the material that I found while researching. Screenshots are in the article and there are multiple links throughout the article to supporting information. I applaud your stance Laurie. Per your concerns, I have edited the post to make the purposeful pet killing less of a focus in the piece. Mold doesn't grow when exposed to sunlight. 17 . Bullies like to attack those who cant defend themselves. source [sawrs] (noun) someone or something that provides information. Among the dead were two four month old kittens, a six month old puppy, a one-year-old lab-mix, and another Chihuahua. Veganism is indeed superior to a meat-bases diet. It also helped me to feel that Im not alone in this mad, mad world. Barnum was talking about when he said THERES A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE. (Aside from coyotes, which are hunted for fur and to manage the population to keep the deer herds healthy. My friend isn't the only one who's been attacked. Learn More I believe hunting is much more healthy, animal friendly, and ethical than buying conventional meat at the grocery store. I think it's perfectly appropriate for people to take bricks and toss them through windows. Some folks are more than happy to eat raw animal flesh, as evidenced by sushi, tartare, ceviche. 1) PETA is not an animal welfare organization. Read More Homestead Laws, Taxes and Exemptions and the end of the Homestead ActContinue. And there is no long list of such things happening that I can find, it was more or less a one-off, and a massive horrible mistake. Food habit must be analysed scientifically with past and ancient instructions. Credible/Non-credible sources. The idea of the animal rights movement is do away with all animal use and liberate them to the wild of mother natures arms..Whew..we all know mother nature is cruel. Actually I just did a Google search and they do, in fact, get subsidised by the state based on the number of animals taken in vs number of euthanasias because they were almost the same. The hatred doesn't help animals it's just a tool to fill PETA's coffers. No, thats not being educated. In a 2003 profile of Newkirk in The New Yorker, author Michael Specter wrote that Newkirk has had at least one seeing-eye dog taken away from its blind owner. From The Cruelty-Free 101 Series: The last line is truthful; the first line is based in truth, but doesnt share the whole truth, and with the use of the plurals it is taken to the point of hyperbole. What they did was coordinated, that was not a one-off mistake by some new bumbling employee. A poll of self-identified HSUS donors found 80 percent thought HSUS misleads people about their connections to pet shelters and 75 percent were less likely to support the group when they found out the truth. bias [bahy-uh s] (noun) judging something or someone unfairly. I am a researcher myself and know that they, and groups like them, can do serious damage to scientific and medical advancements. These organizations cannot stand up to the scrutiny of the courts as now PeTA and HSUS are being sued under the RICO act for racketeering.] We have the power to spare animals excruciating pain by making better choices about the food we eat, the things we buy, and the activities we support. our gods from any religion, related some domestic animals. Its reporters are well-regarded for their knowledge and expertise in the field and their commitment to balanced and accurate reporting. It is difficult to believe that anyone who has read Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus could think that God would never give man permission to eat His creation. A credible source is free from bias and backed up with evidence. The company announced Thursday that it is ending the media analysis show that has aired in various iterations for 30 years.. The article PETA's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad History of Killing Animals notes that the PETA adoption rate in 2011 was 2.5 percent for dogs and 0.4 for cats. The circus filed a lawsuit against PeTA and their fellow members of the animal rights industry under Federal Racketeering laws (RICO) and won a settlement of $15.7 million dollars. is peta a reliable source. Thats like telling a rape victim they had no right to go out in public because then they were seen by someone who wanted to rape them. Feld Entertainment sued HSUS, two of its in-house lawyers, and others under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act for bribery, obstruction of justice, fraud, and other torts. I think it's a great way to bring about animal liberation, considering the level of suffering, the atrocities., I think it would be great if all of the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow. Examples Blog Post Book Book Chapter Going completely dairy free is as unhealthy as going completely meat free. FlackCheck, has an instructional aim with "resources designed to help viewers recognize flaws in arguments in general and political ads in particular. It ensures that you collect . We have other options besides having to take a life of an animal that feels fear and who you can also befriend. It seems that the economy, or politics, or loss of local employment opportunities drives all of us away from our families, our communities, and our country. Here's a direct quote from Bruce Friedrich, PeTA Campaign Director, Vegan Campaign Coordinator, Animal Rights 2001 Conference, July 2, 2001: If we really believe that animals have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then, of course, we're going to be blowing things up and smashing windows. Do not use the top Google search results: . PETA distributed photos of the monkeys being kept in horrific conditions, leading to a police raid and, eventually, the first-ever conviction of a researcher on animal-cruelty charges. Want evidence? PETA opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment business. Our world is plagued with many serious problems, all of which deserve our attention. Peta is a reliable source as it is an organization. Repeat this gift every month and we'll receive an extra $75 from a generous PETA donor. (They have a Daddy Kills Animals version, too, lest the gentlemen think they've been left out.). In this paragraph, unless you are going to talk about a second incident that can be documented, the pluralization of the charges needs to be made singular there was one dog, one home, etc., I *starred* the erroneous pluralization below: 1. If I saw a dog on a porch, my first reaction would be that the dog belonged with the house, unless proven otherwise. One has to conclude that all of their videos on skinning animals alive were paid for by PeTA and therefore do not represent the norm. HSUSs senior management includes others who have voiced support for terroristic acts. I think they can set their FB page so no one can comment ON their page, only by private message, which only helps so much, butthey probably already know this by now? I believe you have awesome information to share on your blog and if it wasnt so well thought out and informative you wouldnt have been attacked so thoroughly. PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an American animal rights organization and vegan cult. In general, information published by the government is both current and based on reliable research, even if no one author is listed. It's pretty hard to get animals adopted if you have no means for people to meet the animals. But I am a person who doesnt believe in spreading fear-based rumors and half-truths., While you are investigating you might want to take a long look at the Humane Society of the United States which is nothing more than PeTA in a business suit. Msg/data rates may apply. God explicitly states that He made His creation to serve the needs of man. This video was made in a third world country and the prosecutor found the man in the video who skinned the animal. Since 1998, PETA has been directly responsible for the death of 41,539 animals. If youre considering wood heat, here are a few things you should know before you invest in a wood burning stove, wood fireplace insert or wood cookstove. The witness who committed this act for PeTA, a videographer, told the court that he didnt understand why they wanted it done that way, but he needed the money. Joaquin Phoenix has teamed up with the non-profit People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to call out clothing companies that are allegedly benefiting from "unspeakable cruelty" to ducks.. I just research before I buy, and I buy a lot from friends farms, that I get to see the inside of. According to PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk, Seeing Eye dogs are "servants" to blind people, and she has even forcibly taken at least one dog from its blind owner. Nevertheless, it isnt everyday behavior, so I moved it down in the post. 888-232-6348 (TTY) PETA puts to death over 90 percent of the animals it accepts from members of the public who expect the group to make a reasonable attempt to find them adoptive homes. The kind amd honest way you did it also! This puppy and dozens of other animals including cats and kittens were found by police throughout June of 2005 after PETA employees dumped them in a garbage bin in North Carolina. Then when you compare me to rapist-colluders because of a benign and helpful suggestion I made, it does take me aback, however. They oppose hunting, fishing, animal testing, pets, seeing eye dogs (!!! People Eating Tasty Animals: Useless bimbos for animals since 1980. We have the ability of higher thinking and also the ability to feel compassion and love towards something and in this case an animal. Assets: $19,838,054. Since 1998, PETA has been directly responsible for the death of 41,539 animals.". There was a case a while back where they went to a low income Hispanic trailer park Continue Reading 1.6K 9 62 Sponsored by Localize What's your take on this issue? Just another site. There is video clearly showing the PETA van pulling up and a person removing a pet to corroborate the story. There are thousands of wonderful advocacy groups who do real work helping to improve the quality of life for animals. What studies show that veganism is not superior to eating meat for health Alice? And the whole industry is highly regulated. In the article The (Death) Cult of PETA, author Nathan Winograd describes how PETA personnel went into a trailer park, entered peoples home*s*, and removed and killed their family pet*s*. If you cant say something nice then dont say anything at all is what I believe! Video resources point out deception and incivility in political . No, Im not evil. 70 to 80 percent of the animals PETA categorize as rescued from abusers are euthanized. komradio lastbil motorola; grs under protest webbkryss. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to Rodney Coronado, an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) serial arsonist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. Discuss what you find with your doctor before making any changes to your health care. I have never been a fan of PETA, they have always seem a bit to underhanded for my taste and opening up their dishonest practices to the eyes of the world is very honorable and I thank you for doing so. Thank you for that! I just saw this second reply from you and Im so very glad you were able to hear me on that point. travis scott sound effect meme. The production and use of oil products displaces, poisons and kills animals so buying is vastly superior to importation. PETA is an international nonprofit charitable organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, with entities worldwide. The answer is yes! A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. While HSUS claims it saves more animals than any other animal protection group in the US, much of the care HSUS provides is in the form of spay-neuter assistance. Im not a fan of trophy hunting, either, but I certainly wouldnt threaten to kill someone over it. Thats all those contributions paid for: excessive salaries, a lovely building, harassment and phony propaganda, kidnapped, stolen animals, needless suffering and death. My beef and poultry is mostly from my own province and Alberta. online [on-lahyn] (adjective) found on the internet PETA has euthanized tens of thousands of animals, according to data filed with the state of Virginia, but said that is to be expected with its open-door policy of taking in many animals no one else would accept. When outside sources are cited, they're often only from a single contributor - for instance, Big Cat Rescue's website or Founder appears to be the only source utilized for almost all big-cat related articles - or they're an organization known to have a specific agenda regarding captive animals, such as PETA and the Animal Legal Defense Fund. PETA partners with businesses in a variety of ways, from online promotions to corporate retail partnerships to our Caring Consumer program. What you want are sites associated with trusted institutions that have been around for a while and have a proven track record of reliability and integrity. I hate people who think their educated because they watch doctor oz, read some activist magazine, or are #feminism because it looks good on their instagram.

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