Since students have this option for grade improvement, no extra credit will be assigned or awarded. b. Such search of the student or his/her property shall be conducted in a reasonable manner and in private where possible with a witness or witnesses of the same gender as the student. Student Conduct (JCA) The district shall make an initial determination of whether a student diagnosed with dyslexia meets the eligibility criteria under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to have an Individualized Education Program developed and to receive services. In this event, the Activity Student and his/her parents or guardians will bear responsibility for contacting the testing laboratory used by the District and arranging for the testing laboratory to conduct a test within the 24-hour period from the time the student initially refused to submit to the test. Other school officials, including teachers within the District who have been declared to have legitimate educational interest, a list of whom shall be maintained by the principal; 3. Recess will take place outside even when it is cold out. Many rashes will resolve spontaneously and are not reason alone to keep a child home from school. (Item b. must be dated within thirty days of verification of residency.). The final decision regarding grade placement is to be made by the School Principal. Students who are severe discipline problems CAN be referred to the Alternative School at the discretion of the home school principal, provided space is available. Decisions about any changes in the educational program of a student infected with a chronic/infectious disease shall be made on a case-by-case basis, relying on the best available scientific evidence and medical advice. Click here to view the 2022-2023 School Supply List. Please put your childs school ID number on the face of your check. 2. 500 Vine Drive Students who wish to purchase more than one lunch tray will be required to pay the adult price on the second tray. Parents/guardians shall pay a non-refundable annual fee of $50 for student use of devices in grades 7-12. Students or employees who leave the district during the school year must return all devices and additional accessories (including the power adapter and cable) to the school administrator. The student may return to school after 24 hours of treatment. When enrolling students, district staff may not request information from students or their parents or guardians in order to deny access to public schools on the basis of race, color, or national origin. For the safety and health and best interests of all students, each student desiring use of a schoolowned locker shall hereafter, sign, along with parent(s) or guardian(s), Been deemed to have consented to an examination or search of the locker by the school district administration thirty (30) days after public approval of the first reading of this policy by the school board. Sending information related to the school and parent-programs, meetings, and other activities to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand by: 1. Users should not sign up for subscriptions of memberships for sites not directly related to RCSD business using RCSD email accounts. T.H., a Minor; Warren County Board of Education v. Wilkinson, 500 S. 2d 455 (Miss. Section 504 Procedures (Students) (IDDHB) Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home, Equal Educational Opportunities(JAA, 3/8/17), Education for Homeless Children and Youth (JQN), Limited English Proficiency Instruction (IK), Student Health Services Inoculations (JGCB), Student Schedules and Course Loads (JBCCC), Assignment of Students for Transfers (JBAB), Summer School/Extended Year Policy (IDCA), Textbook Pupil Use (ICFAAA, Selected Sections), Internet/Technology Acceptable Use Policy (IJBB), Technology and Instruction/Electronic Information Resources (IJ), Intramural/Interscholastic Athletics (IDFA), Student Conduct in School / Code of Conduct (JCB), Elementary and Secondary Level Rules and Consequences (JDC-E), Student Drug and Alcohol Testing (JCDABA), Drugs and Alcohol (Possession or Reasonable Suspicion) (JCDAC), Student Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities (JCDAB), Section 504 Procedures (Students) (IDDHB), Use of Tobacco and Smoking Devices (JCDAA). Suspension is the denial of the privilege of attending school in the regular pattern and is imposed after due process by the principal or his designee and will be counted as an unexcused absence. 4. The superintendent or designee will produce written guidelines for distribution to each school that explains the rights of homeless students and the responsibilities of the schools to meet their needs and eliminate barriers to school attendance. A student who is tardy cannot be considered for perfect attendance. Are School Dress Codes Fair? - Scholastic Phone:601.992.0924 Illegal Drugs includes, but is not limited to, all scheduled drugs as defined by Miss. 125 Overby Street 7. If, however, the Voluntary Student has tested positive for a second time so that the student will be transferred to the Alternative School, the student may appeal his/her transfer to Alternative School to the Superintendent or his/her designee(s) as outlined in policy JCAA. 6. Makeup opportunities for students with excessive absences and / or tardies will be arranged in a way deemed appropriate by the school administrator. No see-through clothing or halter tops shall be worn. Students meeting the following conditions will be eligible for exemption from final examinations: For all middle and high school students grades 7-12, exemption from the cumulative exam administered at the end of a course is an earned privilege. If the student desires to appeal the decision of the DDC, the student shall inform the superintendent of education of such desire to appeal, in writing, by registered mail, within seven (7) days following the decision of the DDC. Possession of illegal drugs, prescription drugs for which student does not have a prescription, alcohol containers or drug paraphernalia. Northwest Local Schools Taneytown. If either of these is not passed, the student is retained unless a good cause exemption is approved for the state reading assessment. 7. Even the best hygiene practices cant avoid the spread of all illnesses at school. All bus drivers shall promptly make a written report of any misconduct by a student to the principalor designee. Any lost, stolen and damaged devices must be reported to school authorities immediately. Abstinence-Only education includes any type of instruction (on a grade and age appropriate basis) that teaches some or all of the following: the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity, and the likely negative psychological and physical effects of not abstaining; the harmful consequences to the child, the childs parents and society that bearing children out of wedlock is likely to produce, including the health, educational, financial and other difficulties the child and his or her parents are likely to face, as well as the inappropriateness of the social and economic burden placed on others; that unwanted sexual advances are irresponsible and teaches how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increases vulnerability to sexual advances; that abstinence from sexual activity before marriage, and fidelity within marriage, is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases and related health problems; the current state law related to sexual conduct, including forcible rape, statutory rape, paternity establishment, child support and homosexual activity; and. Ringworm is caused by a fungus that grows on the skin, not by a worm. Consequently, teachers shall employ formative assessment strategies for the purpose of adjusting ongoing instructional procedures to improve the learning progress of students. 10. Career & Technical Programs Graduation Requirements (IHF), Graduation Exercises (IHFC) Principal:Shea Taylor The school locker shall remain the property of the RCSD, subject to full discretion of the administration to allow temporary and non-exclusive use thereof by the student(s). Alert parent/guardian if the person exposed is a student. Student conduct at the bus stop is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Automobile Use (JGFF) The district shall provide sufficient notice (before the close of the prior school day) to staff and students for any weather-related or other unforeseen virtual days. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve the quality of teaching and learning. All users are responsible for keeping backups of important data. When students miss regular classroom assignments due to participation in the gifted program, no grade is taken. 9th12th Sellwood Middle School. Tardies to school and class may be excused or unexcused at the discretion of the principal or his designee. Homeless students may enroll without school, medical, or similar records. Connect with PPS. The Board insures that the parent/guardian of a student shall have full and free access to review all official records directly related to the student. For example, if your school allows boys to wear tuxedos to prom, then it must also allow a girl . Any appeal therefrom shall be to the State Court of appropriate jurisdiction. Shirts/blouses must cover the stomach and top of the shoulders. The testing laboratory must use scientifically validated toxicological testing methods, have detailed, written specifications to assure chain of custody of the specimens and use proper laboratory control and scientific testing. In accordance with this goal, students utilizing school transportation services shall: 1. Completion of student information profile/emergency card. If counseling session(s) are refused at any time the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two (2) nine weeks. Students enrolled must provide written approval from the principal of their home schools. In any event, all findings of fact shall be based solely upon the testimony and evidence presented and shall be based upon proof of violation of a statute or policies, rules and regulations or directive of a teacher, principal, assistant principal, coach or person of authority of the school by the student, as charged by a preponderance of the evidence of the case as a whole. Rankin County School District is committed to cooperating with parents/guardians in an effort to help students avoid illegal drug use. Information in the permanent record and cumulative folder of individual students shall include: 1. The nature and extent and written opinion of professional counseling and/or treatment undertaken by the student with regard to a particular unacceptable behavior associated with the infraction; 11. Public Conduct Policy (EBA) LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-15-35; 1972 Educational Amendments, Title IX; 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503 & 504; 45 CFR Part 84 and Part 86; Brown vs. Board of Education, 347 U. S. 483 (1954); Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards. These written notes must be received on the day of return to school if the absence is to be excused. All parties must work together toward the common goal of insuring that students are transported safely and economically to and from school. 3. It is specifically directed that the ban on the use of tobacco products be in effect twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and will apply to anyone present on District property without exception. In matters of opinion, the judgment of the principal/designee shall prevail. The parents, guardian or custodian of a compulsory age child is expected to enroll said child in school unless the child is determined by school officials to be incapable of school attendance as based upon medical documentation, a handicapping condition, or documentation that the child is enrolled in a legitimate home instruction program as accepted by school attendance officer. 5. No formal rules of evidence and/or procedure shall be followed. The Rankin County Board of Education recognizes the use of corporal punishment by teachers and administrators as a means to correct misconduct of students, to preserve an effective educational environment which is free from disruption, and to further the educational mission of the Board. The tardy must be recorded by the principal or his designee prior to the admittance to class. The non-custodial adult in the home must prove residency through Group I and Group II (above) and provide a notarized affidavit. 2. H. The students permanent status at the school will not be altered pending final disciplinary action on the charges. Be . The decision of the hearing officer shall be final, subject to Board and judicial review; 7. Phone:601.845.2247 Dress Code Policies | Polk County Public Schools 5 Essential Parent Survey 2021 Encuestas de Mi Voz, Mi Escuela, Healthy Student Market / Mercado Saludables para nuestros estudiantes, February 24, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. / 24 de febrero de 2023 a las 1:00 P.M. NWMS Library / NWMS Biblioteca, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources. In cases of possession of prohibited items, whether such possession is willful on the part of the student; 7. Welcome to the online home of Northwest Area School District. The Board recognizes that regular attendance is important if students are to attain maximum benefit from the educational process and develop good work habits that carry over into their adult life. All such programs designed by the schools must be approved by the district office and adequately supervised. A hostile environment means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is inappropriate bullying or harassing behavior. The School Counselor will enroll the student with temporary grade and class assignments, andgive notice to the student and their parents/guardians of the date(s) of test administration(s). The District official conducting the investigation or the superintendents designee shall notify the victim and parents as appropriate when the investigation is completed and a decision regarding disciplinary action, as warranted, is determined. Fax:601.893.0111, FLOWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1. In keeping with this vision, our schools offer academically rigorous classes based on the Utah Core curriculum, hold high expectations for all students, respond to . (EXAMPLE NOTICE: This sale is being conducted as a fund raising event. Student Health Services Inoculations (JGCB). If it is determined from the childs cumulative and full disciplinary record or application for admission that the child has been expelled, enrollment may be denied until the superintendent or his designee has reviewed the childs cumulative record and determined that the child has participated in successful rehabilitative efforts. The list is not all inclusive.). The disciplinary action shall not limit or restrict the student's immediate access to the medication. At this time, the student will automatically be referred to the Teacher Support Team. Conferences may also be scheduled whenever a parent or teacher deems a conference would be necessary or beneficial. Admission requirements for the District shall be as follows: 1. Cabello/Pelo: Los estudiantes de Northwest no pueden tener diseos en la cabeza. Violations of this policy may have disciplinary consequences, including: Suspension of network, technology, or computer privileges; Detention or suspension from school and school-related activities; Employment disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment; Employees, students, and parents/guardians shall be required to sign the Districts Acceptable Use Policy as part of the districts Technology Handbook before Internet or network access shall be allowed. A reasonable penalty for late work may be assessed. 2. The student need only confer with the designated discipline authority, whereby the charge will be explained and the possible punishment explained. & Scott Key, Ph.D. Thanksgiving is coming, which means Christmas sales loom on the horizon. In making such decision, the DDC shall consider all matters presented and shall consider all relevant factors as set forth in board POLICY JDE. The JPS Board of Trustees has approved a mandatory dress code policy for all elementary and middle schools. Develop or distribute material, or operate programs or courses of instruction directed at youth, that are designed to promote or encourage sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual, 2. This can be done effectively through service learning opportunities. Those programs, activities, and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children. 7. Students respect those students who participate in these activities and see them as examples. Final grades may be weighted for Grades 9-12 if a student is enrolled in the following courses: Advanced Placement courses = 1.10 x grade, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Courses = 1.10 x college grade (College grade must be a C or higher to qualify for the weight. Records of students who have served eighteen weeks will be reviewed relative to progress made toward meeting the specifications in his individual student contract. We are thrilled that you will be part of our Northwest Middle School family and will contribute to our excellent academic, athletic and fine arts programs. In order to maintain confidentiality, written records of drug testing will be stored in a secure location with restricted access. Richland, MS 39218 Utilizing survey results in the strategic planning process for each school and the district. The procedures established by the District for hearings to challenge content of records maintained by the District; 6. All field trips approved by the school principal must be forwarded to the assistant superintendent and district transportation director for final approval. Any damage must be reported to school authorities immediately. Such expulsion shall take place immediately, subject to the constitutional rights of due process and to a hearing with respect thereto within a reasonable period of time and upon request in writing by the student or his/her parent or guardian or representative. Click to view the grievance procedures, File a Non-Discrimination/Title IX/Bullying Complaint, The Salt Lake City School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. Brandon, MS 39042 Left untreated, it is usually somewhat itchy. A fee of $25 will be assessed to the parents/guardians of students in grades PreKindergarten-6. Leggings may be worn in grades 5-12 with such over-garments that are not shorter than six inches from the middle of the kneecap. The following will constitute a valid excuse for temporary nonattendance of a compulsory school age student enrolled in school, provided satisfactory evidence of the excuse is provided to the principal of the school: 4. Students bringing a firearm or other weapon to school shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year, except when the superintendent modifies such expulsion requirements for an individual student in accordance with disability laws or case law decisions. 2. be placed in a sound language instructional educational program in addition to mainstream classes. Upon written request, a students transcript will be sent to any designated agency, college, or school. It is the responsibility of the employee and student to maintain this email account appropriately. Elementary and Secondary Level Rules and Consequences (JDC-E) The parent/guardian consent for medication(s) at school and the physician order for the medication must be kept on file for a period of one full year. Users should not attempt to remove the virus themselves or download any programs to help remove the virus. All of the staff have been working very hard to prepare for the return of our Kind, Motivated and Successful (KMS) students and we look forward to meeting our new sixth grade students! There is no fee for this service when offered during the regular school day. Students will be expected to leave cell phones, and other electronic devices in their assigned locker before 8:00 am and will not be allowed back to their locker until 2:30 pm. principals may approve charging a reasonable fee for participation in an extracurricular activity for academic or non-academic credit for necessary and required equipment such as safety equipment, band instruments, and uniforms; 4. the principal may approve, at his discretion, the conduct or participation in fund-raising activities on behalf of or in connection with a tax-exempt charitable organization, remitting all monies collected to said charitable organization; 5. the principal must approve any sale or rental of items to students even if such is not conducted for fund raising purposes for the school, taking into consideration the benefit to students, the cost to parents, and the method of payment to the vendor; 6. the principal may authorize collection of funds for organizations outside the school (PTO, boosters, etc.) Step inside and learn more about our school . 1. Students will have a locker assigned to them. No later than eight (8) weeks after implementation of the intervention(s) the TST must conduct a documented review of the interventions to determine success of the intervention(s). The PLC's dress code specifically addresses the following: 1. All items (monies and personal property) obtained through crowdfunding projects using the school or district name are to become the property of Rankin County School District. The complaint shall be investigated promptly. No student shall be assigned to a grade level more than three (3) grades above or below the grade level that the student would have been assigned by the school from which transfer is made. *Alternative School personnel will be responsible for providing assignments and grades to all long-term placement students. Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade will issue a standards based report card marked as follows: E = Excellent; can work independently with 90-100% accuracy; exceeding the standard, S = Satisfactory; can work independently with 70-89% accuracy; learning is at appropriate pace; meeting the standard, N = Needs Improvement; can work independently with 60-69% accuracy; learning but not making adequate progress, U = progress not adequate for age level; performance level in failing range. Pupils eligible to have any such fee waived as a result of an inability to pay for said fees, shall not be discriminated against nor shall there be any overt identification of any pupil who has received a financial hardship waiver by use of special tokens or tickets, announcements, posting or publication of names, physical separation, choice of materials or by any other means. Promotion and Retention (IHE) Personal hygiene is important in preventing the spread of ringworm. The administration invokes its discretionary rights to determine such suitability. After a referral is made, the TST must develop and begin implementation of an intervention(s) within two (2) weeks. The permission for self-administration of epinephrine medications shall be in effect for the school year in which it is granted, necessitating renewal each school year. If the message of a piece of clothing or mask is at issue, the principal shall not discipline the student based on the viewpoint expressed absent actual evidence of disruption, or evidence-based anticipation of disruption to the educational environment. The following shall be included in the decision-making process: 3. Wear weather appropriate clothes. Utmost confidentiality shall be observed throughout this process by every employee. 2. Principals shall retain for future reference all reports of student misconduct and records of action taken to resolve the problem. Phone:601.825.4706 The Superintendent or designee(s) shall make a determination, which the student may appeal to the Board of Education of the District. November 11, 2007, 12:00 am Larry Wilder, Ed.D. The school board authorizes the school nurse or trained school employee to administer auto-injectable epinephrine to a student who the school nurse or trained school employee, in good faith, believes is having an anaphylactic reaction, whether or not the student has a prescription for epinephrine. * POLICIES CONTAINED WITHIN THIS HANDBOOK ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION BY THE RCSD BOARD OF EDUCATION AS DEEMED NECESSARY. Pants and shorts must fit and not be baggy, sagging, or worn skin tight. Any test data reported from the previous school(s); c. Record of special education services or rulings from previous school(s); d. Comments and/or report cards from previous school(s); 4. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Public School Accountability Standards; Mississippi High School Activities Association Handbook. The School Counselor will administer necessary Carnegie Unit test(s) and submit summary sheetand test score reports to the District Grade Placement Committee. Questions or Feedback? I can be reached at (517) 817-4703 or by email at The likelihood of a repeat violation by the student involved; 10. Abnormal or erratic behavior indicating intoxication; 3. The Board reserves the right to reject any contribution to the district which does not serve to enhance or extend the work of the schools. Pelahatchie, MS 39145 13. Phone:601.854.8060 Arbutus Middle School; B; Baltimore Highlands Elementary School; . The principal shall provide a form for this purpose. Students interested in career and technical education programs of study should plan their schedule of classes around the career cluster beginning in the 9th grade. If a device has to be repaired there may be a need to reset it to the original settings. School purposes include attendance at school or other school activities which occur before or after the regular school day.

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