Write an example. (i) Petiole: The part of the leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called petiole. Which of the following is the female part of a flower? Which part of the plant makes food for the plant? Ans:  The broad green flat part of leaf is called lamina. Petals are coloured so as to attract insects for pollination. Leaves need oxygen and carbon-dioxide (for photosynthesis). Answer- The basic parts of a flower are –Sepals, petals, stamens and pistils. Ans: The smaller roots that grow on the main tap root are called lateral roots. Here’s part 3, the top 30 Japanese questions, really common ones, that you should know. What are ovules? They are usually short and may have no or less branches. EduRev is like a wikipedia Parts of a Plant and their Functions (Overview), Worksheet Questions - Getting to Know Plants, Classification of Plants: Herbs, Shrubs, Trees,Creepers and Climbers, English (A Pact with the Sun) for Class 6. To Study MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes for Class 6 Question: 7. Ans: 7. Weeds are the plants which are not grown by the farmers. ANSWER KEY FOR GETTING TO KNOW PLANTS (1) b (2) ... Class 6 Getting To Know Plants NCERT Solution and other Questions. A good reference point to answer this question you should refer to my blog 10 Supply Chain Improvement Tools You Should Know About. Ans: There are two parts of a stamen: While the “discovery” of mammals and birds frequently catches the public eye, insects and the like tend to attract less attention. 14. Class 6 Science Chapter 7 SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Q10. What are herbs? Write the names of the parts of a flower in sequence, from outside to inside. 22. You can also find MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes ppt and other Class 6 slides as well. Livestream. Explain various types of leaf venation with example. It is a climber. Give two examples of trees. (i) Anther (ii) Filament. abi on October 05, 2017: interesting Roots absorb water and important minerals from the soil. (ii) Shrubs What are unisexual and bisexual flowers? Ans. The following are the functions of root: It also gives support to the plant. Explain the structure of a typical flower with the help of a diagram. It also gives anchor to the plant. Class 6 Science Chapter 7 SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Why do we see dew drops on leaves in the early morning? From greetings to asking for help, and their possible answers, you’ll never get lost in simple French conversations again! Ans: The plants having tap root have reticulate venation. Find out with our fun plant quiz for kids. You can identify the type of leaves by looking at its roots. Topics and Sub Topics in Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants: Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Textbook Questions Solved. 21. (a) Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil. Answer: Loss of water vapour in plants is called transpiration. 6th Class Science Getting to know Plants ... Getting to know Plants ... question_answer 16) Name two flowers, each with joined and separated sepals. TopperLearning’s Experts and Students has answered all of Getting To Know Plants of CBSE Class 6 Science questions in detail. (i) The stem and its branches hold leaves to get maximum sunlight. Take out the leaf and wash it with water. What do you mean by leaf venation? (c)Roots conduct water to the leaves. If a plant has leaves with reticulate venation, what kind of roots will it have? The Road not taken- CBSE class 9 English Poem detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words and literary devices used in the poem. Grass, maize, wheat, chilli, tomato, tulsi, pipal, shisham, banyan, mango, jamun, guava, pomegranate, papaya, banana, lemon, sugarcane, potato, groundnut Textbook Notes. Register online for Science tuition on Vedantu.com to score more marks in your examination. (d) The number of petals and sepals in a flower is usually equal. Here are some of the best trivia questions for kids, not just questions but it also contains answers to some of the basic questions kids often ask. (a) Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. Open questions have many options. Question: 5. Board exams examine the … What are shrubs? Around 1.8 million animal and plant species have been scientifically documented to date, and new ones are being discovered every day, with 12,000 to 25,000 new species being added to the list every year. This document is highly rated by Class 6 students and has been viewed 71722 times. What is transpiration? DIRECTIONS: Read the passage (s) given below and answer the questions that follow. Dbone on October 30, 2017: Nice questions. 23.Name the female part of a flower. For example, grapes, money plant, beans. Ans: List few plants found around your house. (iii) Stamens Ans: Tulsi, china rose. (ii) Parallel venation: If the veins are parallel to each other or to midrib then such type of venation is called parallel venation. Next Question > To make the plant look pretty. Different flowers have petals of different colours. This activity shows that stem conducts water. 14. Food chain and food web form an integral part of this ecosystem. NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants. Name two flowers, each with joined and separates sepals. 10. Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants with Answers Pdf free download. 9. 26 Multiple Choice Questions related to NCERT 6th Class Science: Getting to Know Plants – Quiz: We cannot exactly recognise the leaves without seeing them. (i) Transpiration: The extra water comes out of the leaves in the form of vapour. Ans: By keeping it in dark for 2-3 days. Question: 1. knowing how to ask questions and and give answers is important to speaking and understanding Japanese. Correct the following statements and rewrite them in your notebook. Add few drops of red ink to the water. 6. Ans:  The lines on the leaf are called veins. WH Questions are similar to YES/NO questions, but they have WH words at the start. (i) They help to absorb water from the soil. What is the main function of root? (iv) Pistil. trailer /Size 49 /Info 28 0 R /Root 31 0 R /Prev 89257 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 31 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 27 0 R /Metadata 29 0 R /PageLabels 26 0 R >> endobj 47 0 obj Ans: The roots in which one root is main root and other lateral roots grow on it are called tap roots. What is pistil? 29. Ask your question here and get physics answers that would help you do your assignment in the quickest way possible with maximum results. Which of the following plants have you seen? Which of the following has tap root? Ans: Pitcher plant. Answer: The parts of a … We may be able to have some idea by touching and smelling them. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Class–VI (CHAPTER-07) Getting to Know Plants Question 1.Correct the following statements and rewrite them in your notebook. The study material has been carefully compiled by the Be prepared with examples of your work 7. (i) Mango Enjoy the cool facts and fun trivia while learning more about plants. Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 7 NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants Herbs, shrubs and trees Question 1. Pluck the leaf, remove the black paper and test it for the starch. For example, mango leaf, gram leaf. Here students can get class & chapter wise Class 6 NCERT notes, which is very helpful to understand the subject and its chapter in a good manner. 27. Plan your interview attire the night before 8. (i) Tap roots: The roots which have one main root and other smaller lateral roots are called tap roots. (a) … You can get the class 6 NCERT History notes. The iodine solution will turn blue-black when dropped on the leaf, this confirms the presence of starch in the leaf. If you don’t want to read the whole page, be sure to download our PDF of printable trivia questions and answers to … Also after the chapter you can get links to Class 6 Science Notes, NCERT Solutions, Important Question, Practice Papers, etc. Feel free to ask your kids these questions to test their intelligence. Though stem of a shrub is hard but it is not very thick. 19. Ans: The part (stalk) of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called petiole. 2. What are shrubs? The document MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes is a part of the. (iii) Trees, 5. It has two parts: (i) Filament and (ii) Anther. Does the stem prepare food for any plant? Name the prominent parts of a flower. 16. Study the job description 4. (ii) Fibrous roots: The roots which have no main root but all the roots appear similar are called fibrous roots. How can one destarch the leaves of potted plant without plucking, them? Ans: Leaf venation: The design made by veins in a leaf is called leaf venation. Ans: The plants which have a hard but not a very thick stem are called shrubs. Place it in a dark room for a day or two so that all the starch present in leaves is used by the plant. Answer: Functions of roots are as follows: Question: 5. Ans: The male part of a flower is called stamen. What are herbs? Question: 4. Draw (a) a leaf, (b) a tap root and (c) a flower, you have studied for Table 7.3 of the textbook. Ans: No, all plants are of different sizes. Herbs are very small and non bushy plants: Shrubs are also small plants which are bushy but bigger than herbs: These are plants having thick,hard and brown stems: They have soft and weak stems: They have hard stems and bear many branches: Their stems branch in the upper part: Examples of herbs are - lady's finger, tomato, brinjal etc. 18. Various types of grasses are the examples of creepers. Recruit a friend to practice answering questions 6. Which of the following is the male part of a flower? CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH 7 - Getting To Know Plants (Worksheet) Getting To Know Plants (Worksheet) ... We often see in our homes or in neighbourhood some plants that have long but weak stems and crawl on ground. NCERT 6th Class Science: Getting to Know Plants – Quiz. (a)Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil. NCERT 6th Class Science: Getting to Know Plants – Quiz. 2. The question test gives the same answer no matter what :/ GUEST on November 28, 2017: cool answers. It also gives support to the plant. Class 6 MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes Summary and Exercise are very important for Here you can read Chapter 7 of Class 6 Science NCERT Book. Give two examples. 4. Which food are more nutritious sprouts or pulses? Sprouts contain high levels of fiber, vitamins and protein as compared to pulses. Give names of two plants which have tap root. (6) Though the stems of herbs are soft and delicate but they are strong enough to stand erect on their own. Name the part of the plant which produces its food. Our math question and answer board features hundreds of math experts waiting to provide answers to your questions. MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes notes for Class 6 is made by best teachers who have written some of the best books of Download CBSE Class 6 Science Getting to know plants MCQs Set B in pdf, Science chapter wise Multiple Choice Questions free, CBSE Class 6 Science Getting to know plants MCQs Set B.CBSE and NCERT guidelines. The plants having fibrous roots have parallel venation. (ii) Photosynthesis: The process by which leaves prepare their food from water and carbon dioxide, in the presence of sunlight and a green-coloured substance, is called photosynthesis. It also stores excess food. 13. • Questions and Short Answers, Getting-to-Know Each Other, Back to School, Mingling Activities This resource can be used when starting the new school term. 18. 0000001575 00000 n Question from very important topics are covered by NCERT Exemplar Class 6.You also get idea about the type of questions and method to answer in your Class 6th examination. of MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes for Class 6, the answers and examples explain the meaning of chapter in the best manner. Which of the following leaves have reticulate venation? Ans: Parallel venation. Ans: A typical flower contains the following parts: Name the opening through which a leaf breathes? 15. Ans: There are following two types of roots: Explain the main functions of leaf. Ans: The unwanted plants that grow in the fields with the main crops or in their surroundings are called weeds. (i) Reticulate venation: If the design of veins makes a net-like structure on both the sides of midrib then it is called reticulate venation. It is the female part of the flower. Question from very important topics are covered by NCERT Exemplar Class 6.You also get idea about the type of questions and method to answer in your Class 6th examination. Ans: On the basis of various characteristics most of the plants can be classified into three categories: (ii) Midrib: There is a thick vein in the middle of the leaf. Answer- The bunch of thin fibre-like roots; arising from the base of the stem is called fibrous root. You may be surprised at how many typically unspoken questions you ponder, ask, and answer as you read. (ii)  Water 12. Question 2. Explain that sunlight is essential for photosynthesis. Answer questions using the STAR method 5. Ans: Unisexual flower has either male (stamen) or female (pistil) parts. It protects flower when it is in stage of bud. Answer: Yes. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 – Getting to Know Plants Earth in the solar system is the only planet that has likely conditions for life to exist. If you want MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes Access Answers to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to know plants. Ans: (b) Leaves hold the plant … (iii) Carbon dioxide Question: 8. EduRev is a knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. Ans: There are following two main functions of leaf: 7.7. What do you mean by a complete and incomplete flower? Correct the following statements and rewrite them in your notebook. Name the types of roots shown in the Fig. 28. Revision worksheets, Sample papers, Question banks and easy to learn study notes for all classes and subjects based on CBSE and CCE guidelines. (iii) They are said to anchor the plant to the soil. CBSE Class 6 Science Getting to Know Plants Worksheets with Answers for Chapter 7 in PDF format to download prepared by expert Science teachers from latest edition of CBSE(NCERT) books. And unlike your professor’s office we don’t have limited hours, so you can get your questions answered 24/7. Of those that you have seen, which one have flowers? We have provided Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. Explain the important functions of root. Why? Classify plants and give an example of each. In English you will find two main types of questions: open and closed. (ii) Potato, 6. CBSE Class 6 Worksheet - Getting To Know Plants. What are tap roots? Get all questions and answers of Getting To Know Plants of CBSE Class 6 Science on TopperLearning. The stems have branches in upper part and much above the ground. Ans: Take a potted plant having green leaves. What are petals? Wheat, tulsi, maize, grass, coriander (dhania), china rose. The process in which plants make their food is called. Then check your answers with the Answer Explanations to the Biology E/M Practice Questions (.pdf/576 KB). What are creepers? Is it possible for you to recognise the leaves without seeing them? Cut the stem of a herb plant from its base. 5. Ans: This process is called photosynthesis. Mob: 09835 859669. We find ovary in pistil. (b) Roots hold the plant upright. Filed Under: Class 6, Science Tagged With: CBSE Class 6 NCERT Solutions, CBSE Class 6 Science Solutions, CBSE Solutions, Free Class 6 Science Solutions, Free NCERT Solutions, Getting to Know Plants, NCERT Books Solution, NCERT CBSE Class 6 Science Solutions, NCERT CBSE Solutions, NCERT Class 6 Science Solutions, NCERT Solutions, NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science Solutions, NCERT Solutios For Class 6 Science Chapter, RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Free PDF Download, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Computer Science (Python), NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Computer Science (C++), NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Micro Economics, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Macro Economics, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Entrepreneurship, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science, NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Computer Science (Python), NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Business Studies, NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Entrepreneurship, NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science, NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Indian Economic Development, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science, NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan, NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Hindi Sparsh, NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Hindi Kshitiz, NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Hindi Kritika, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Foundation of Information Technology, NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science, NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of IT, PS Verma and VK Agarwal Biology Class 9 Solutions, Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings, Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances, NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science Solutions, NCERT Solutios For Class 6 Science Chapter, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 1, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2, Periodic Classification of Elements Class 10, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 7, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 8, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 10, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 11, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 12, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 14, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 16, CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12, CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10. Food web is a connection of multiple food chains. Ans: There are three parts of pistil: Name the male part of a flower. Let’s look at an example of a yes/no question: Click Here to get the Class 6 Notes. 31. Open and Closed Questions. Passage - 3 To see the inner parts of the flower clearly, you have to cut it open, if its petals are joined, e.g.. If the percent yield of ethane is 92.4%, how many grams of ethylene ( C 2 H 4 ) would need to be reacted? Order Official Study Guides. Pitcher plant has green leaves which can prepare food by photosynthesis then why does it eat insects? 4. You’ll need answers. Educational Link. Tests & Videos, you can search for the same too. That is why sprouts are more nutritious than pulses. (iii) It transports food from leaves to different parts of the plant. Ans: Yes, there are some plants whose stem prepares food, e.g. This process is called transpiration. This study material comprises of various types of questions such as fill in the blanks, true or false and descriptive answer questions. If asked this question, be honest and specific about your future goals, but consider this: A hiring manager wants to know a) if you've set realistic expectations for your career, b) if you have ambition (a.k.a., this interview isn't the first time you’re considering the question), and c) … (i) Stalk: The part by which a flower is attached to the branch is called stalk. MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. For example, maize, wheat. Flowers with separate sepals: Ans: The innermost part of a flower is called pistil. perfect preparation. What are weeds? What are fibrous roots? Scroll down for Getting to Know Plants from NCERT Book Class 6 Science Book & important study material. How do they get these gases? Browse the WebMD Questions and Answers A-Z library for insights and advice for better health. How to Answer It. Write names of its parts and draw a diagram. What are stamens? Ans: 11. NCERT Book Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants Dec 14, 2020 - Study Notes (I) - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes is made by best teachers of Class 6. Ans: The names of various parts of a flower from outside to inside are: Stem helps in carrying the water and minerals from the root to various parts of the plant and carry food from the leaves to other parts. The lamina contains following parts: Write names of its parts and draw a diagram. Ans. Stem helps in carrying the water and minerals from the root to various parts of the plant and carry food from the leaves to other parts. Question 2 : “Humanity still exists”, this is what get to know after reading ‘A Letter to God’ in which firm faith in God of a poor farmer and helpfulness of the post office employees are aptly depicted thought. – plants and animals show adaptation; other plant part modifications like … ... Download Peridic Test - II Question Papers 2017-18 class 9 and 10 Download 9t... CBSE ADDA Created by Jsunil. It is the lowermost part of the pistil. The new Official SAT Subject Test Study Guide in Biology includes two full practice tests. It also stores excess food. We see that only that part of the leaf becomes blue-black which was open to sun. Ans: The plants which are very tall and have hard and thick brown stem are called trees. Download CBSE Worksheets for CBSE Class 06 Science The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings: Habitat varies – aquatic, deserts, mountains etc. Ans: CBSE Class 6 - Getting to know Plants. Name this process. 3. Name a plant that has underground as well as aerial (above the ground) root system. Take the challenge and answer as many of the questions … 1. What are their functions? Ans:The female part of a flower is called pistil. Our extensive question and answer board features hundreds of experts waiting to provide answers to your questions, no matter what the subject. 11. Where does the photosynthesis take place in plants? (ii) Petals Baby plant or seedling depends upon the food stored in the seed. For example, grass. Ans: (i) Tap roots (ii) Fibrous roots. Good! This is Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots while plants having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots. Name the process by which leaves can prepare their food. Explain an activity to test the presence of starch in a leaf. Ans: Take some water in a glass. Plant Quiz. The covered part does not become blue-black. Chapter 7 Exercise Questions. Name various parts of stamen. It has two parts: (a) Filament and (b) Anther. What is lamina? Grab the opportunity to find free assignment answers related to all subjects in your Academic. The Swiss Family Robinson Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes.com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on … Ans: Class 6 Science Chapter 7 LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with magnets will help students in the CBSE board class 6 Science examination. Ans: 20. Get Getting to Know Plants, Science Chapter Notes, Questions & Answers, Video Lessons, Practice Test and more for CBSE Class 10 at TopperLearning. 20. You can use the answers to correct them when they get it wrong. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. For example, grass. Class 6 Science Solved Q&A Food: Where does it come from ? Ans: (i) Wheat plant         (ii) Maize plant. We may be able to have some idea by touching and smelling them. How much do you know about plants? The plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers. (ii) Orange, 7. Ans:Tap root. The interviewer wants to know that you’re engaged in the interview process, and asking thoughtful, provoking questions is a great way to show this. Which of the following has fibrous root? Q9) “Have you an experience of both downstream (customer/client) and upstream (supplier), and what you did when visited” The answer to this question can be found here. If a plant has fibrous root, what type of venation are its leaves likely to have? 10. Ans:. Also See: 100+ Good Trivia Questions and Answers Differentiate between tap root and fibrous root. Ans: The coloured big leaf-life structures present in flower are called petals. 10. Ans: The design made by veins in a leaf is called leaf venation. Get the detailed answer: Here is the full question, I am not getting the right answer,andwant to know why!Q: A circular tube of polyyethylene plastic (Ï =9 ... Find class notes for your course. 2. tomato 9. Question: 6. This study material comprises of various types of questions such as fill in the blanks, true or false and descriptive answer questions. Ans. And contain the questions and answers you need to have a fun trivia night. It has three parts: (i) Stigma, (ii) Style, and (iii) Ovary. Name the various parts of pistil. Prepare smart questions for your interviews 9. Name two plants which have fibrous root. Revision worksheets, Sample papers, Question banks and easy to learn study notes for all classes and subjects based on CBSE and CCE guidelines. Important Questions for Getting to know plants In this page we have Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to know plants -2 . Click Here to check Important Questions of Class 6 History. To answer this question we have to understand what the story "Araby" by James Joyce is about and what part the titular bazaar plays in the story's theme. (ii) Mustard, EXTRA QUESTIONS for Class 6 Science Chapter 7, Class 6 Science Chapter 7 VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS. In which part of a flower you are likely to find the ovary? Bisexual flowers have both male and female whorl in the flowers, i.e., they have both stamen and pistil. 1. Ans: Banyan tree. Our service is the solution provider for your physics questions. Ans: The small green coloured leaf-life structures are called sepals. Answer- When as single main root comes out of the base of the stem, it is called tap root. Ans: The process by which water comes out from the leaves in the form of vapour is called transpiration. Ans: There are three kinds of plants: Question: 2. It is the lowermost part of the pistil. Ans: Gram and mustard. This solution contains questions, answers, images, explanations of the complete chapter 7 titled Getting to Know Plants of Science taught in class 6. Find questions and answers related to a range of topics including flowers, trees, forests and more. Ans: The prominent parts of a flower are petals, sepals, stamens and pistil. 12. These are the male part of the flowers. This vein is called midrib. 13. Answer: Herbs are small plants having a soft and delicate stem. Do check out the sample questions Put it on a plate and pour some iodine solution over it. Name a plant that eats insect. Ans: The colourful petals attract insects for pollination. Need a quick cheat sheet to ask or answer questions in French? Write each question on a post-it note and stick it on the text you have the question about. What are veins? just for education and the MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes images and diagram are even better than Byjus! Now put the test tube in a beaker having water. By Ruchika Gupta . Ans: This process is called photosynthesis. (i)    Sunlight this is your one stop solution. (iii) Petals: The big coloured leaf-like structures are called petals. Why are they generally coloured? (iii) Trees, e.g. For example, lemon, rose plants. How many types of leaf venation are there? Ans: Roots. Food chain follows a single path whereas food web follows multiple paths. (f) If the petals of a flower are joined together, then the pistil is joined to the petal. Ans: There are two types of leaf venation: Define petiole. It is the lowermost part of the pistil. How? It has gotten 71740 views and also has 4.8 rating. Ans: Yes, we find a money plant in our house. We may be able to have some idea by touching and smelling them. Browse and find MILLIONS OF ANSWERS from Every Subject to Improve Your Grade. Their stems […] 17. They have weak stem. The Road Not Taken Summary | Class 9 English Poem Explanation and The Road Not Taken Question Answer. (a) Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil. Answer: Shrubs are medium-sized plants with a hard and woody stem branching out near the base. (i) Veins: There are various types of lines on the leaf. Flowers with joined sepals: Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type. Fully solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand. 5. Students and parents can download free a collection of all study material issued by various best schools in India. These lines are called veins 1. Nov 28, 2020 - MCQ & Extra Questions Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric, Science, Class 6 | EduRev Notes is made by best teachers of Class 6. Gets no sunlight the coloured big leaf-life structures are called fibrous root, what of. 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